Pretend chat 2

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Nov 18, 2011
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I was thinking more of her back joints.

But I thought it was a great picture. I find it funny, her feet don't even touch the ground.


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Prince wouldn't stop panting in my boyfriend's face so he used the frog toy to stifle it some. As you can tell he was not amused, lol.

And Ellie snoozing with her legs all crossed funny. She was having puppy dreams while we were watching movies, lol.
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Nov 18, 2011
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WTH? We had an EF1 tornado local here. Come on man, we're # 38 of 50 states popular for tornados for crying out loud. No injuries, but some structural damage.


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Cowboy_Ken said:
That's funny and sad, Mrs. C. Did Rob put her on her back?

No, Rob wasn't home and her defense was that I never said she couldn't ride the dog. I said that I didn't think I had to!! Dagny is do sweet she just patiently stood there while she climbed up. Poor puppy:(

I woke up to a foot of water in my whole basement waaa!!

RosieRedfoot said:
Prince wouldn't stop panting in my boyfriend's face so he used the frog toy to stifle it some. As you can tell he was not amused, lol.

And Ellie snoozing with her legs all crossed funny. She was having puppy dreams while we were watching movies, lol.

Aww, Prince has such a sweet face and I like the crate in the fireplace too!

Cowboy_Ken said:
WTH? We had an EF1 tornado local here. Come on man, we're # 38 of 50 states popular for tornados for crying out loud. No injuries, but some structural damage.

Yikes, weather is crazy everywhere lately!


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Cowboy_Ken said:
What's the deal with the basement?

I don't know yet. I was looking forward to a relaxing day of cleaning and laundry and now my contractor is here and an excavator and plumber are in route.
My contractor thinks with the over 10 inches of rain we got in the last week & a half that it is seeping in through the foundation and in addition to that it is pouring in one of the windows and still rising so the excavator is coming to lay perforated pipe that leads to a dry well and the plumber is coming to put in two sump pumps. Ugh, :,(.
The rain is not ending until late tonight so everyone is rushing here to help me stop the water from rising.


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Good luck and I hope the flooding issue is resolved!

Finally got all three dogs to tolerate each other off leash. Prince would bark at her grumpy like, but she would leave him be. Dante kept going to hump her but she thought he was playing with how bad he failed at it so she got tired out. ImageUploadedByTortForum1371238714.625505.jpg


Not the best pictures but I was making them sit and stay before opening the door.

Ugh, work tonight. It's always craziest on Fridays.. The thing that annoys me the most is the people trying to return stolen items that we don't even carry. It's like, how dumb ARE you? Sadly we just give them the stolen goods back since we don't have evidence of them stealing it on camera and can't call in the cops. Really wish we could. It's not like they're stealing necessary food items, it's always jewelry and electronics to return for drug money.
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Nov 18, 2011
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Here's the latest from my punk a$$ nephew;

We survived the island of man eating lizards! They are huge and you get an eire feeling when they pick up there head and look at you. We also got to snorkel and swim with wild manta rays! I think thats the most amazing thing I've ever done. For ****, I think he was super excited when we found a russels viper and a cobra! Yikes!!!!! We are not the top of the food chain out here.

Today we are relaxing in our fabulous hotel and will adventure around tomorrow. I needed a show and a bed!


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Dec 31, 2011
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Ken I hope you didn't have too much damage :(

Rosie your dog pics make me so happy. I love puppies ;)

Erin.. eek wet basement is the worst. Is it finished? :(

Where are Jacqui, Yvonne and Sibi?

My day was chaos. I didn't even eat. In good news i was down another 3lbs this morning on the scale. Huzzah.. I is finally getting the skinnies :D
So this morning I woke to a work issue that i had to deal with. We were launching something and I was trying to help the pm get people to fix an issue a half hour before launch. I wanted to die a bit. Then I rushed to shower and had a hot project to price. I finally got on the road and was in a meeting on my drive to my first in person meeting. Also yay for having sync in my new truck. So I get to my meeting and it was very stressful. The audit didn't go well for my client. I had warned them but still it stinks when they sink right in front of me. :( Then in the middle of that audit.. which by the way was my problem site that keeps me up at night, the site went down. eek... I was trapped like a rat in a room in an audit and my site was down. I thought a shoe was gonna be lodged up in my booty. So we stabilize the site and I explain what happened.
Then I am late to my next meeting and only show up there with about 15 minutes until i have to leave for my next meeting. I hold that meeting quick and then run off to my next meeting which was 3 hours. Then I had to go back and rehold the meeting I missed between the other two.
Then I had to come home and look into the root cause of the issue that caused the site to go down.
I am just now getting done with work enough that I can actually talk to you all :D

Tomorrow I kayak... :):):):):):) give me kayak or give me death.. I need some relaxation!!!


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Nov 18, 2011
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We had hurricane force winds up here once and 1/4 of our roof was blown off. That was a fun night. Lost a big fir in our pasture and one fell across the goat road we live up. I got a long weekend from that storm, and the tree blocking us in was cut up as firewood less than two hours after sunup.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Cowboy_Ken said:
We had hurricane force winds up here once and 1/4 of our roof was blown off. That was a fun night. Lost a big fir in our pasture and one fell across the goat road we live up. I got a long weekend from that storm, and the tree blocking us in was cut up as firewood less than two hours after sunup.

We had that earlier this year... Maybe not hurricane, but we lost a huge pine tree and some shingles got tore up.
Guess who got to sleep through the whole night with no alerts or client calls?
I am mulching all my beds today.

Oh I made honey sauce this morning. I wanted an all natural replacement for pancake syrup. It was so easy.
1 cup honey
1/2 cup water
1 tsp vanilla
Boil for 5 minutes
Served heated it will be runny but as it cools it gets syrupy.
When you pour it warm you don't need as much because it spreads nice.
I put it on today this morning with a tiny bit of butter and some cinnamon sprinkled on. Mikey thought he won husband of the year or something :)


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Jul 15, 2012
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Have fun kayaking! Sounds like you need the vacation!

Going to get my hair cut in a little bit since it's going all lion-mane from the humidity and split ends. Then I have work again (really don't like Friday/Saturday working customer service). People are just so rude. Like who continues shopping 20 minutes after the store is closed?


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I leave for just a little bit and all kinds of things change!!! the pretend chat has a new thread! how is everyone doing? I missed you all! My business has started to pick up so I haven't been able to play around on the internet as much... that and something happened to duma... and well I wanted to see what the outcome would be before I posted anything. I have been on pins and needles hoping she would be ok. I just couldn't post about it until I was so broken up about it and I felt so bad.

we were replacing our back fence and had to move Duma and Shorty into a temporary enclosure. Three days into the rebuild Duma went missing. we had no back fence and our back yard was wide open to the city easement and mountain our house is butted up against. I searched our backyard, mountain side and the easement every day until it was sun down for 3 days and had just about given up hope. on the 5th morning i was watching the dogs while they did their business when I heard something rustling a little ways up the side of the mountain, I walked closer trying not to get my hopes up when I saw little Duma come tromping out of a patch of dried up aloe clusters. I was so happy I found her i was squealing and started to run to tell my husband when I noticed the chunk of missing shell over her back leg and I came to an abrupt halt... she had been chewed on by something. she had 2 spots where her shell was injured, and one part where her shell was missing and created a hole into her shell cavity. the vet cleaned her up and gave her a shot, and gave me cleaning instructions... it has been a month and she is still acting like her normal self. Ill be posting pictures in a new thread later tonight.
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