Pretend chat 2

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Jul 15, 2012
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Aw, cute puppy. My boyfriend wants an English mastiff but I said not until we 1) own a house and 2) he agrees to clean up horse piles in the yard. I've always been partial to black labs but part of me wants a smaller-ish dog for the next one just because it's so hard to ever leave or travel with 3 large dogs. I have a rodent and tortoise-sitter, but no one wants to come over and deal with my dogs so we have to pay to board them and that adds up very quickly. Most of our trips are road-trips so a smaller-ish dog could easily join in. Part of me wants to get a french bulldog and name it Stitch since they kind of look alike, haha. I just don't like their price tags for the well bred ones.

But adding another dog won't be for a few years' since we have two that are only middle aged and one senior. :)


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That is an awesome pic! It's funny that I was drawn to Danes for their almost aloof & regal qualities but I love my Dane for being a clumsy emotional mess! She just wants to be near us all day and is really the sweetest dog I ever met! She is always trying to lay on the kids though and then they scream because they are being smashed and then she goes and pouts at the brutal rejection. Here is an example of her laying on my son 2 nights ago you can tell he is used to her being so close...


Melly-n-shorty said:
Too bad you don't live in AZ... I pet sit for the big dogs all the time :)

hahaha they do look alike!

I wish I had a pet sitter!! I have been looking into traveling with her this summer and even some hotels that allow dogs say no dog over 100 pounds or no dogs on the bed. Well, she only sleeps on beds!!
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My dogs are even ok with being left for 6-8 hour stretches and sleep in their crates when we're gone. So it's not like it's high maintenance to pet sit them. I wish you were closer too! Sure they want affection but they suck it up if they don't get any for a day or two and getting fed makes up for it. Tough love, lol. I do the nothing in life is free method so they sit before doors, cars, putting on leash, etc. and before food they have to sit and wait with the bowl in front of them and when I say "ok" the eating competition is on! They have comfy beds in their crates and are banned from the bedroom and kitchen unless given permission.


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OMG that is a lot of dog in your sons lap lol! so cute though.

RosieRedfoot said:
My dogs are even ok with being left for 6-8 hour stretches and sleep in their crates when we're gone. So it's not like it's high maintenance to pet sit them. I wish you were closer too! Sure they want affection but they suck it up if they don't get any for a day or two and getting fed makes up for it. Tough love, lol. I do the nothing in life is free method so they sit before doors, cars, putting on leash, etc. and before food they have to sit and wait with the bowl in front of them and when I say "ok" the eating competition is on! They have comfy beds in their crates and are banned from the bedroom and kitchen unless given permission.

Mine have to sit and wait till I say "freedom" before they start eating.


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Today at the pet store I took just Dante along and he found every enployee with treats and sat, stared at them, and did his wave/high five for treats. He's such a ham...

He also made a friend of someone's little dog that came in. He loooved this little dog and was doing full body tail wags and yipping. Then he comes home and sees Prince and Ellie and is like, whatever *nap*.

I have three dogs that don't know how to or want to play with one another >.> but every new dog they meet is their best friend.


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Made homemade orange chicken and chow mein (really lo mein). Was pretty good but as for panda knock offs it wasn't as close as hoped.

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RosieRedfoot said:
Made homemade orange chicken and chow mein (really lo mein). Was pretty good but as for panda knock offs it wasn't as close as hoped.

MMM...Now I'm in the mood for some Panda...


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I am eating my air popped popcorn dinner. :(
I had one bright spot of happiness :D.. my unhappy client that ate my soul for so long both sent me a note about how much he appreciates me and is thankful for my help. And even better they signed another year of service.
Now I have a new project eating my soul. I architected the solution so um... now it's my new baby. Thankfully it's in development so there are no midnight calls.. yet :p
I had meetings today straight from 8 to 8:30. I was leaving my office already late, hungry, stressed, and this woman in front of me couldn't apparently understand that in a parking garage you have to pay for your parking. She took another 15 minutes of my night fighting about the charges. It doesn't seem like much but I had another hour drive home still.
I love you doggie pics Erin. SHe's so cute.
I want some of the cookie too :D I only ate 300 calories today so I have plenty of left over calories.
I never used to be one of those people who was like "I forgot to eat" or "I am too stressed out to eat". I have crossed into those categories. :rolleyes:


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Kerryann said:
I am eating my air popped popcorn dinner. :(

That's not food. That's feed.

I had half a hope that I'd come home and mikey would have made me some dinner but I came home and he asked what I was making for a snack and reminded me he needed a shop lunch made. :p I did all of that and just had popcorn too.
Oh so last week I went to a symposium and a C level person from a fortune 50 company is now sniffing around my skillsets :D


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I also went to the petstore today, except I brought Carol along... then I locked my keys in the car and had to wait for my dad to come help me... I am so lucky that his best friend is certified to have one of those things that just opens a lock... I waited an hour for him to show up but it took him literally 2 seconds to pop the door open after he got there... and a locksmith would have charged at least $50 for that... geez.

Oh, by the way, Carl goes by Carol now... we are having identity crisis issues right now.... and I actually got pretty emotional about the fact that my little boy is actually a female...


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

CourtneyAndCarl said:
I also went to the petstore today, except I brought Carol along... then I locked my keys in the car and had to wait for my dad to come help me... I am so lucky that his best friend is certified to have one of those things that just opens a lock... I waited an hour for him to show up but it took him literally 2 seconds to pop the door open after he got there... and a locksmith would have charged at least $50 for that... geez.

Oh, by the way, Carl goes by Carol now... we are having identity crisis issues right now.... and I actually got pretty emotional about the fact that my little boy is actually a female...

I saw that carol had an identity crisis. :) she will be just as loveable


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Hi all, Ken & Kerryann glad to see you back this evening. James Gandolfini died of a massive heart attack!! He was only 51 :(

I was at the beach with the kids today, it was so much fun. I love the sun and warmth and had such a long winter that I am not taking one second of it gor granted!!


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CourtneyAndCarl said:
I almost cried, actually... it's been a very emotional day, haha! I will get over it.
Are you going to change your username? :)
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