Pretend chat 2

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Jan 17, 2011
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Good Morning TFO!! My summer officially starts at 1pm and I am sooo excited!! I already have a flip flop tan on my feet, so I am all set to be a beach bum. I hope you all have a great day!


5 Year Member
Mar 30, 2013
Thank you everyone for the welcome! I am sorry to hear about the little ones and their mishaps leading to injuries and urgent care and ER visits, I hope they, and Ellie the boxer are on the mend and make quick recoveries! I also stress over our one Greek tort, Tech, Since it is up to me to provide what he needs to live well. My oldest son says Tech is lucky to have me :) which leads to Cowboy's point, that we must stay healthy for all who rely on us, both human, and critters alike! So I am working on stress reduction.

Hi, Sibi, my husband wanted me to put Him on a diet but I knew that wouldn't work, so I found an app that is free called "lose it" and told him about it. He started using it and likes it. It makes him conscious of his food choices and where he stands during the day calorie- wise. You make a target weight goal, and work toward it. Maybe that will help, but it's great that you are exercising, muscle burns calories faster and your metabolism will increase. Exercise is good for your brain too.


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Jul 15, 2012
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Columbia, SC
Ellie's eye is looking worse so they're spinning down blood for serum and in addition to pain meds we'll be putting serum into her eye to try to prevent losing it. Although I don't know how much more of three times a week vet appointments I can do working on a retail job budget. >.>


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Jul 15, 2012
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They said the next step would be surgery, which would need to be done by a veterinary ophthalmologist to either score the cornea to promote new growth or to remove the eye and either option is very pricey... So here's to hoping the serum and ointment works.

To be honest, I can't afford the eye surgery, and the vet said not many people can since it's upwards of 5 grand due upfront and many months of recovery and pain meds and rechecks. So for a 9+ year old boxer it's kind of a mix of is the surgery worth the risk/months to year(s) left of life? The vet didn't even really want to do surgery to remove her dead tooth unless it's causing pain because of her age and the stress that anesthesia puts a lot of boxers under. I've had two vets look at her eye and they've both agreed it's a fairly bad ulcer. When they did the fluorescent stain that shows where the ulcer is, her whole cornea lit up green.


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May 29, 2011
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awww poor baby! its tough when our critters become senior citizens. My chihuahua is 13.

I hope the serum and ointment works too!


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Jul 15, 2012
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Thanks, me too. I may call the nearest teaching vet hospital after trying this and see if they have any way of doing a surgery for less. It is a 2 hour drive but if they can do it for reduced price to use as a teaching experience I'm all for it.


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May 29, 2011
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go you for finding other options! I wouldnt of thought of that!

I ended up watching my nephew today, he has so much energy! to wear them out I turned the sprinklers on low and armed them with squirt guns. Rowan is keeping up even with one arm in a sling!


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Jan 17, 2011
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RosieRedfoot said:
Thanks, me too. I may call the nearest teaching vet hospital after trying this and see if they have any way of doing a surgery for less. It is a 2 hour drive but if they can do it for reduced price to use as a teaching experience I'm all for it.

That's a really good idea! It never hurts to ask!
My Dane was diagnosed with entropian in both eyes when she was 12 weeks old so we had to see a veterinary opthomologist and holy cow was is expensive. I remember the ointment be $50 for a tiny tube and we had to buy them frequently because she needed it three times a day for about 7 months. We also had to take her once a month to see if she had scratches on her cornea and each of those visits were never under $100. Thankfully, she ended up growing out of it and not needing surgery.

The Beach was great we were there for 4 hours. It's official... In the fall I will have a preschooler, 2nd grader & 9th grader.


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Nov 18, 2011
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So did everyone see on the news that a Portland shopping center is responsible for the largest bee die off in recorded history? Yay us!!


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May 29, 2011
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Awww! they grow up so fast! I miss the beach, I grew up in California... and miss it like crazy every summer! I bet the kids had a blast! hope you guys came home with some new tan lines!!


5 Year Member
Mar 30, 2013
Melly-n-shorty said:
I find that nerf bats are great for stress relief!

I've never heard of that species of bats, no seriously, what a great idea! ...all the fun without the damage (grin)


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Cowboy_Ken said:
So did everyone see on the news that a Portland shopping center is responsible for the largest bee die off in recorded history? Yay us!!

No but I heard about this cowboy riding his bike down the road naked in just his hat and boots.. :p

Yay it's Friday. I am trying to get an intern. I had this student from our externship program who said he wanted to do it but he hasn't sent me his resume. :p


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May 29, 2011
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Cowboy_Ken said:
So did everyone see on the news that a Portland shopping center is responsible for the largest bee die off in recorded history? Yay us!!

I never watch the news... or broadcasted TV for that matter... so I havn't heard... how does a shopping center kill bees?


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Jul 15, 2012
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Kerryann does it pay well? Haha

Yeah, customer service is so tiring. And people are soo rude and impatient on Friday/Saturday. More emotionally or mentally than physically, but being on my feet for 6+ hours makes it tiring in every way.

Think I need to buy Ellie a cone of shame to keep her from pawing out the ointment. I'm sure that'll make her happy...

My vet didn't charge anything but $2 for spinning down the blood into plasma thankfully. The pain pills were $29 for 10 days and the eye ointment was about $30. The most expensive part is the $18 recheck every 3 days with $18 corneal stain to check for signs of improvement. It still adds up quickly though considering I still need to get her heartworm and flea/tick meds too.


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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
Melly-n-shorty said:
They had huge trees in the parking lot that had aphids, they sprayed the trees with insecticide to kill the aphids, then the trees bloomed, drawing in bumble bees. It's all a big shame. They have since put netting over/around all the trees. That'll keep most out, and there won't be 10,000 bees falling from the trees.
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