Pretend chat 2

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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Melly-n-shorty said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
So did everyone see on the news that a Portland shopping center is responsible for the largest bee die off in recorded history? Yay us!!

I never watch the news... or broadcasted TV for that matter... so I havn't heard... how does a shopping center kill bees?

Killer bees

RosieRedfoot said:
Kerryann does it pay well? Haha

Yeah, customer service is so tiring. And people are soo rude and impatient on Friday/Saturday. More emotionally or mentally than physically, but being on my feet for 6+ hours makes it tiring in every way.

Think I need to buy Ellie a cone of shame to keep her from pawing out the ointment. I'm sure that'll make her happy...

My vet didn't charge anything but $2 for spinning down the blood into plasma thankfully. The pain pills were $29 for 10 days and the eye ointment was about $30. The most expensive part is the $18 recheck every 3 days with $18 corneal stain to check for signs of improvement. It still adds up quickly though considering I still need to get her heartworm and flea/tick meds too.

No :( its an internship. It pays more than his externship which is nothing. He has hadoop programming book learning

Melly-n-shorty said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
I eat dead cow. Not their food.

LMAO!!! you crack me up!

He is funny


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Here's the bumble bee story link;

Did everyone see this months photo contest entries? More specifically, did you all see my entry? And I'm sure you know who it's a picture of!

Our local zoo is having, “Bear Awareness Day" at various times during the day, zoo keepers will be setting up a campsite in the bear enclosure for the bears to ransack, showing people how easy it is for the bears. I would love to see that.


5 Year Member
Sep 7, 2012
Ken, your posts are always so interesting! Well, when they re not disturbing . Feel bad for the bees but the bears are going to have a great day.
The 'Bears & the Bees! '
Think I ll leave it at that :).


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all the leg pictures are great! not sure which one is yours cowboy, but it looks like it will be a stiff competition! can't wait to vote!


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Melly-n-shorty said:
all the leg pictures are great! not sure which one is yours cowboy, but it looks like it will be a stiff competition! can't wait to vote!

They are some great pictures aren't they? Just don't tell which picture belongs to whom until AFTER the voting is done. ;)


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So I was at Walmart to attempt to buy The Incredibles that they said was in stock and in walking down the pet eisle I found that someone (hoodlum) had dumped a bunch of betta fish together in a bowl. I separated them out from one another because I couldn't bear to just leave them all to fight gladiator style. I can't bring myself to buy them either because I have no proper setup and it only encourages them to stock more. Think I'll be sending a letter to corporate. They took out their fish wall but now just have betta cups that anyone can dump/mess with :(


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Dang it. Normally a story that begins with, “so I was at Walmart today" is really funny.
That one, not so much. Thanks for fixing it and making them right!


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Dang it. Normally a story that begins with, “so I was at Walmart today" is really funny.
That one, not so much. Thanks for fixing it and making them right!

People are sick :( but yay she saved them.
It was so nice here today. I got a new planter for my front door and mikey and I filled it with plants so when the tree frogs are ready to come for the summer they will have more feeding places and a hiding spot.


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Yeah. School just got out so I bet it was some bored teenagers... Just sad when they resort to harming animals for their entertainment.

The fish may not survive but I couldn't walk away and leave them all stressed at risk of fighting.

Tomorrow we're going price shopping for dryers since ours is basically dead. It's a 10+ year old dryer, past refurbished at least once, takes three 80 minute cycles to dry just shirts, annnd squeaks/rumbles/stops randomly. Pretty sure it costs more to repair than replace at this point >.>


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

RosieRedfoot said:
Yeah. School just got out so I bet it was some bored teenagers... Just sad when they resort to harming animals for their entertainment.

The fish may not survive but I couldn't walk away and leave them all stressed at risk of fighting.

Tomorrow we're going price shopping for dryers since ours is basically dead. It's a 10+ year old dryer, past refurbished at least once, takes three 80 minute cycles to dry just shirts, annnd squeaks/rumbles/stops randomly. Pretty sure it costs more to repair than replace at this point >.>

Appliances are no fun to shop for :(


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Shopping is fine, paying and hauling are another story...

So Ellie drank about 1 c of water at 9pm and we took her out twice. She peed both times. I was taking away food dishes/toys for night time and noticed she peed herself while sleeping. Her foster home had 4-5 dogs drinking from a community bowl and a doggie door 24/7 to the yard. I'm beginning to suspect kidney issues/diabetes as well. Peeing that amount in such a short period with it being so diluted and clear makes me wonder if her kidneys aren't concentrating her pee. Build up of ammonia in her blood could explain her bad breath, ulcers, and general sleepiness. Also the vomiting she does if she eats more than a few bites of food and possibly even her vision issues.

Guess before I go through any expensive eye stuff I'll have them run bloodwork and urinalysis to check her internally, but I just don't feel it's normal for an adult dog to need to pee every hour after a few sips of water and then still wet herself...

Her crate pad:

Seems like a lot of urine for a 60 pound dog (crate pad is 3 ft by 2+ ft).

She's going to the vet Monday again.

Oh and she's always thirsty. Like, drink till vomiting up water and it comes dribbling out (both ends). Then drink some more.
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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

RosieRedfoot said:
Shopping is fine, paying and hauling are another story...

So Ellie drank about 1 c of water at 9pm and we took her out twice. She peed both times. I was taking away food dishes/toys for night time and noticed she peed herself while sleeping. Her foster home had 4-5 dogs drinking from a community bowl and a doggie door 24/7 to the yard. I'm beginning to suspect kidney issues/diabetes as well. Peeing that amount in such a short period with it being so diluted and clear makes me wonder if her kidneys aren't concentrating her pee. Build up of ammonia in her blood could explain her bad breath, ulcers, and general sleepiness. Also the vomiting she does if she eats more than a few bites of food and possibly even her vision issues.

Guess before I go through any expensive eye stuff I'll have them run bloodwork and urinalysis to check her internally, but I just don't feel it's normal for an adult dog to need to pee every hour after a few sips of water and then still wet herself...

Her crate pad:

Seems like a lot of urine for a 60 pound dog (crate pad is 3 ft by 2+ ft).

She's going to the vet Monday again.

Oh and she's always thirsty. Like, drink till vomiting up water and it comes dribbling out (both ends). Then drink some more.

Aww poor girl :( that could be a sign of diabetes or kidney failure. Hopefully she just isn't conditioned to holding it or maybe has a bladder infection.
Today I took hens and bets out for a romp in their garden. Betty demolished a whole pansy plant and then escaped out into the grass and took a dump. So I didn't realize she was pooping and when she gets out I always put her back in. The grass is a naughty no no since I have it treated even though my torts don't eat grass. So I was like Betty!!!!, Betty!!!! And she ran off and scurried back into her garden. The way she looked at me when I called her and how she hurried and climbed back into the perimeter of her garden, she acted like a bad child who didn't want a time out. She isn't afraid of me either because she never cares when I chase hens around.


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IT'S BACON SUNDAY, (running around the house)!!!!!!!

( Bacon Sunday sucks if you don't have eggs…)
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