Pretend chat 2

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5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
emysemys said:
I must confess I'd never heard of this before, but this is what I found:

Moss Making Recipe:

2 cups buttermilk or plain yogurt
1 - 1 1/2 cups of chopped-up moss (Fresh or Dried)
Mix until creamy and spreadable. If the mixture is too thick, add a small amount of water. If it’s too thin, add more moss.

Paint the mixture onto the new surface. You can allow the mixture to sit for a day or two, to start the process. You may get mold first, but by about week 6 you should see signs of moss.

I'm going to give it a try.

This seems wierd...I would just buy live moss and plant it different places...but then I kill fake plants.

Zamric said:
My Surge had this problem, he was a Rat Terrier and a small dog like the toy poodles and Chihuahuas (@6-9lbs).

one day his knee siezed up and they had to replace it (it poped right back in but once it happened, it happened more often till the surgery). His surgery worked well for a few years, but his last couple of years, he was on a low dosage asprin regiment for the pain. After 17 years, I'm sure everything on the little guy was acheing, all the time! (Like me and aging....)

Yeah surgery didn't work and my dog is at 50lbs though the doctor wants her down at 25-30lbs says that will help out the most.


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emysemys said:
Zamric said:
Yvonne, do you have a recipe for growing moss in and enclosure that contains buttermilk?

I must confess I'd never heard of this before, but this is what I found:

Moss Making Recipe:

2 cups buttermilk or plain yogurt
1 - 1 1/2 cups of chopped-up moss (Fresh or Dried)
Mix until creamy and spreadable. If the mixture is too thick, add a small amount of water. If it’s too thin, add more moss.

Paint the mixture onto the new surface. You can allow the mixture to sit for a day or two, to start the process. You may get mold first, but by about week 6 you should see signs of moss.

I'm going to give it a try.

Me too! I want to get rid of the dry, dead moss in my enclosure and was thinking of this as an alternative... you think is will work in a Leopard enclosure set for High Heat/High Humidity with lots of fake UVs?

Yvonne G

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I'm making meat loaf today and the house smells SO good!

It's raining and ugly outside, so after I feed all the tortoises and pick up their poop I'm going to try my hand at house cleaning. Uck! I hate house cleaning. (This is another perk to living alone, I only have to please myself in the clean house department) I've got a nice fire going in the wood stove, the dog is sleeping peacefully at my feet, the house smells wonderful, and all is right by the world. Guess I better leave this good smelling, warm place and get my butt outside.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
emysemys said:
I'm making meat loaf today and the house smells SO good!

It's raining and ugly outside, so after I feed all the tortoises and pick up their poop I'm going to try my hand at house cleaning. Uck! I hate house cleaning. (This is another perk to living alone, I only have to please myself in the clean house department) I've got a nice fire going in the wood stove, the dog is sleeping peacefully at my feet, the house smells wonderful, and all is right by the world. Guess I better leave this good smelling, warm place and get my butt outside.

That sounds like heaven! Well except the going outside part!

Yvonne G

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Zamric said:
Me too! I want to get rid of the dry, dead moss in my enclosure and was thinking of this as an alternative... you think is will work in a Leopard enclosure set for High Heat/High Humidity with lots of fake UVs?

You'll probably have to keep it pretty wet. I'd like to try painting the mixture on a rock/boulder. I would assume it should be on the "other" side from the fake UV light.


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In the Bonsai Club, we laugh about people wanting to grow moss up here. I can find shovel full after shovel full. It's more, “How do I keep moss from growing?" in these parts.


5 Year Member
Oct 13, 2011
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N. Utah
Holy heck, you chatters are already up to page 42!

We have clear blue skies here and the snow is melting. Unfortunately the melt has seeped down thru the garage roof and down part of a wall. Sux, means serious maintence. Still too much snow on the ground to do any gardening.

Charlie is suffering thru an abscessed tooth which will need to undergo a root canal and cap. He is pretty bummed about it all. Which brings me to Jacqui, how is all going with you and yours? Hope all is well. I'll go back and read previous pages to try to get caught up.

Went to bed at 9 and slept till 9 this morning. Charlie has already left for work, I'll just creak around the house till it is time to go have sushi with the kids. That means I will end doing house chores. Yuk!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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I maybe wrong, but I don't think that is the kind of moss your wanting. The buttermilk recipe is to get moss to grow on things like rocks, walls, and stumps. Most of the time in a tortoise enclosure folks want the kind with roots into the ground such as Irish or Scottish Moss.

Yvonne that flower is the Torenia or Wishbone flower. I love them and they come in other pastel colors like pink. They do best in the cool spring, pretty much like a pansy or viola. That was in a small hanging basket last year.

Erin so she had an infection and then either Dagney or she herself stepped wrong and hurt the leg too. Guess she wanted to spare you an extra office visit cost and did two for the price of one.

Len said:
I could be wrong but I believe Kristina (wonder how shes doing) posted a moss using buttermilk recipe a while back.

Yes, she did have one.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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So nice to see green grass and blue skies! We are cloudy with scattered rain here. Lucky us, tonight the rain will turn to snow. I have found a few of the spring bulbs are starting to poke up, but that's all here.


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Jacqui said:
I maybe wrong, but I don't think that is the kind of moss your wanting. The buttermilk recipe is to get moss to grow on things like rocks, walls, and stumps. Most of the time in a tortoise enclosure folks want the kind with roots into the ground such as Irish or Scottish Moss.

Yvonne that flower is the Torenia or Wishbone flower. I love them and they come in other pastel colors like pink. They do best in the cool spring, pretty much like a pansy or viola. That was in a small hanging basket last year.

Erin so she had an infection and then either Dagney or she herself stepped wrong and hurt the leg too. Guess she wanted to spare you an extra office visit cost and did two for the price of one.

Yes, she did have one.

W don't have flowers here yet but two herds of honkers flew over the house this morning. :).. I know they are a flock but herd is cuter.
It's 50 and sunny today.
I bought jeans that fit too.. Yay


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mctlong said:
CtTortoiseMom said:
Oh my Jacqui, those flowers are beautiful!!
Reagan had a high fever 105!! Also a dislocated knee cap. Holy cow! I am famous for taking the dogs in and they find nothing and now I just feel terrible!! She has an antibiotic for this random infection that is causing her fever and she got a big dose of NSAIDs for her poor knee!!

Poor guy! :(
How does a dog dislocate a kneecap? Is that a congenital thing?
They said it often happens to bow legged dogs when they get a little older and have a little extra weight on them they showed me how to identify if the knee cap slid out of place and put it back. I can tell she already feels a million times better!
Here I was blaming Dagny and they were too when we walked in they were all petting and talking to her asking if her sister stepped on her. Bassets are cute but a limping basset will break your heart!!

Jacqui said:
I maybe wrong, but I don't think that is the kind of moss your wanting. The buttermilk recipe is to get moss to grow on things like rocks, walls, and stumps. Most of the time in a tortoise enclosure folks want the kind with roots into the ground such as Irish or Scottish Moss.

Yvonne that flower is the Torenia or Wishbone flower. I love them and they come in other pastel colors like pink. They do best in the cool spring, pretty much like a pansy or viola. That was in a small hanging basket last year.

Erin so she had an infection and then either Dagney or she herself stepped wrong and hurt the leg too. Guess she wanted to spare you an extra office visit cost and did two for the price of one.

I don't know which came first but I told them she has been extra irratible lately and they said it was probably more from whatever infections he has than her leg. Poor baby!!!

My last post posted without the text, so strange.

Ken- your pic is beautiful but to me your grass is the most beautiful!! It is so bright and healthy looking, I want to lay in it. Guess what?!! It's 50 degrees here!! I am outside right now and I can't believe it!! I went on a Daisy troop nature hike with my 6yo this afternoon and I dressed us for a normal cold day and we were down to t-shirts on the way back! I love it!!



Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
CtTortoiseMom said:
They said it often happens to bow legged dogs when they get a little older and have a little extra weight on them they showed me how to identify if the knee cap slid out of place and put it back. I can tell she already feels a million times better!
Here I was blaming Dagny and they were too when we walked in they were all petting and talking to her asking if her sister stepped on her. Bassets are cute but a limping basset will break your heart!!

We are about to go get our pups and do a nature walk. ;) I'm so excited.

Len B

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harris said:
Len, Great find! Love to see a shot of the drop leaf table all extended out. And Kerry, Cowboy, and Sibi, don't touch the 3rd photo. Next thing you know you won't stop scratching n itching.

Here it is, didn't get it to use here bought it for my youngest son.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
So I am starting to draw up plans for doing custom cages for my entire reptile room. There is barely any room as is so I really want to condense everything and maybe declutter the house while I am at it as I can't find room for my old organ or the treadmill or my sewing tables...
You never realize how much stuff you have until you try to add more reptile cages...

Yvonne G

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Yes! Never seen anything like that.

Len B

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As much stuff that I have seen over the years I didn't know what it was until Betty told me, It's Saturday and that means Game Time, a few of us old people get together and play different games, and have dinner. Tonight I think it will be Sequence,
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