Pretend chat 2

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5 Year Member
Dec 12, 2012
Today, I had helped a customer who owned a year old red eared slider and it had a soft shell. Turns out she didn't have UVB lighting, which I figured the minute she started talking about the shell. Then she also explained that she doesn't have any heat lights, only LED lights to light up the tank. Poor turtle. Then she asked me if she needed to buy him a new shell. My jaw dropped. I cannot believe how stupid some people are. Then I explained how important it was for her to get her turtle heat and UVB lighting and of course, she buys nothing.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
sibi said:
Advance directives have become standard procedure in the medical care. I would never have a doctor be my medical surrogate because most of them don't want patients who are either terminal or very old to live at tax payers expense. It's not in their interest to keep a patient alive who will cost the system too much to keep them alive. I don't agree with that philosophy for various reasons. The ones who always get the short end of the stick on this are the poor and the disadvantaged. Now a days, it's everyone who doesn't have insurance or not adequate insurance.

Let's say you were in a bad car accident and you are unconscious with a head injury. You have a 50/50 chance of recovering from this. Do you want your doctor to have the right to take you off life support or not resuscitate you if your heart stops beating? Or, do you want someone who will do all that is possible to keep you alive unless or until there's no chance you'll ever recover?

Actually I would rather have the doctor in control.
Doctors have stats that they must live by as well in order to get insurance. If they have a higher fatality rate then their malpractice insurance skyrockets. So knowing that they don't want an over abundance of dead people on their pocket books I feel that the doctor would know what's best.
But then again my person that controls everything has been my friend for 11years and is extremely OCD and honest which helps as she is oath bound to do exactly what I want how I want.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Oh oh! Too late...i was wondering where all this itching was coming from.
harris said:
Len, Great find! Love to see a shot of the drop leaf table all extended out. And Kerry, Cowboy, and Sibi, don't touch the 3rd photo. Next thing you know you won't stop scratching n itching.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Good point! I never trusted any man who wore a bennie on his head:p
Cowboy_Ken said:
I just saw that cell phone jamming equipment is being installed where the cardinals are voting for a new pope to prevent leaks of information or maybe just last minute influencing. I'm just thinking this should really be unneeded in that these guys are trustworthy, right? I mean if temptation is so strong, shouldn't they just resign themselves?


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
theelectraco said:
Today, I had helped a customer who owned a year old red eared slider and it had a soft shell. Turns out she didn't have UVB lighting, which I figured the minute she started talking about the shell. Then she also explained that she doesn't have any heat lights, only LED lights to light up the tank. Poor turtle. Then she asked me if she needed to buy him a new shell. My jaw dropped. I cannot believe how stupid some people are. Then I explained how important it was for her to get her turtle heat and UVB lighting and of course, she buys nothing.

You know I was looking into buying a new shell for some of mine... Maybe something bedazzled? It would be so pretty and sparkly!

Cowboy_Ken said:
Sibi, your last sentence killed me. What was the first part?

Her last sentence was supposed to be: and you are your people, may I ask?
But really it reads better: and may I ask who your people are?



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5 Year Member
Dec 12, 2012
Thalatte said:
You know I was looking into buying a new shell for some of mine... Maybe something bedazzled? It would be so pretty and sparkly!

I said to myself "this isn't happening". The guy she was with, her brother I think, looked at her in awe and started laughing. I had to explain how they grow with their shell and that she can help it improve if she buys the proper supplies and then she doesn't even take my advice. I told her it was going to die if she didn't do something soon, so hopefully she does something soon.


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Nov 18, 2011
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We could do northernish California. Think how few pyramided tortoises would be in the world if we could just get new shells for them.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Oh by the way everyone after a six hour (was only supposed to be 4 hours but there was heavy rains, no visibility,flooded roads and hydro planning) I am now home.
I was immediately attacked by 3 of my dogs while 1 dog ran away and the other one was his usual d***ish self and growled at me just for looking at him.


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5 Year Member
Dec 12, 2012
And I also met a customer who was over run with chinchillas, so.....I scored myself a free 5 week old chinchilla and all its supplies for free. She's bringing it by tomoro... I'm so excited. I can't wait to train it


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
I know...that's funny. My fingers at too fat for my cell keyboard. I said, and who are your people, may I ask?
Cowboy_Ken said:
Sibi, your last sentence killed me. What was the first part?


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Cowboy_Ken said:
We could do northernish California. Think how few pyramided tortoises would be in the world if we could just get new shells for them.

We should do Disney land!

We could be like those tourists that all wear matching shirts so everyone knows which group they belong to!
Our shirts would be tortoises!


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Let's just hope the rest of your animals don't turn on you too. Otherwise, you'd have to head back to Kimberly's house. That's what happens when you're away from home that long:D

Thalatte said:
Oh by the way everyone after a six hour (was only supposed to be 4 hours but there was heavy rains, no visibility,flooded roads and hydro planning) I am now home.
I was immediately attacked by 3 of my dogs while 1 dog ran away and the other one was his usual d***ish self and growled at me just for looking at him.


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10 Year Member!
Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Thalatte, I like that idea very much. What say you Cowboy?
Thalatte said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
We could do northernish California. Think how few pyramided tortoises would be in the world if we could just get new shells for them.

We should do Disney land!

We could be like those tourists that all wear matching shirts so everyone knows which group they belong to!
Our shirts would be tortoises!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
I need to be going. I'm helping the in laws in the morning and its getting late enough ill be groggy, I can tell already.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
sibi said:
Let's just hope the rest of your animals don't turn on you too. Otherwise, you'd have to head back to Kimberly's house. That's what happens when you're away from home that long:D

My turtles and tortoises don't care one way or the other about people. I have one beardie joker that is fine hanging out with you as long as you don't pick him up. He has to crawl up you arm or else he gets all hissy.
Harley my other beardie hates people and attacks on sight.
My CWD riddler/Tai tolerates people to an extent. You can pet him, and move him around his cage but try holding outside of his cage and he wiggs out.

Cowboy_Ken said:
Did the one that ran off return?

Yeah it was my labradoodle who is an idiot. She will run out the door and just circle any car she sees until someone opens a door and then she jumps in. Unfortunately the neighbor 3 doors down didn't appreciate an obese dog jumping in her lap when she tried to get out of her car...


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Ok Cowboy, but don't forget you have to tell me who your people are tomorrow.
Cowboy_Ken said:
I need to be going. I'm helping the in laws in the morning and its getting late enough ill be groggy, I can tell already.
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