Pretend chat 2

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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Sibi so great to hear about Runts weight!

Courtney congrats on the new cat.


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Dec 31, 2011
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I am sore now too. I flipped over our mattress today!! I wanted to do that and did not realize how heavy it is until I had it half listed. :)

Yvonne G

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I'm so glad to hear you say that. I've always thought I was some sort of weakling when it comes to picking up a mattress. Then you see these commercials where the guy just picks it up like it weighs nothing. Its all I can do to slide it off the bed onto the floor. Forget about manhandling it over and around. Sorry you strained your muscles, but happy to know I'm not alone in my weakness!


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Jul 15, 2012
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I can flip a Queen size regular spring mattress but now we have a foam king bed that takes 2-3 people to move...

Did you know you're supposed to vacuum a mattress frequently? When you think about the amount of dead skin cells on one it makes you really never want to stay in a hotel, lol.


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emysemys said:
I'm so glad to hear you say that. I've always thought I was some sort of weakling when it comes to picking up a mattress. Then you see these commercials where the guy just picks it up like it weighs nothing. Its all I can do to slide it off the bed onto the floor. Forget about manhandling it over and around. Sorry you strained your muscles, but happy to know I'm not alone in my weakness!

I told my hubs it counted as a work out. I panicked a bit when it fell on me so they aren't light. My husband was impressed because he walked in when I was sliding it back on.
I can't believe you'd try it on your own!!
Ok I'm off to bed.

RosieRedfoot said:
I can flip a Queen size regular spring mattress but now we have a foam king bed that takes 2-3 people to move...

Did you know you're supposed to vacuum a mattress frequently? When you think about the amount of dead skin cells on one it makes you really never want to stay in a hotel, lol.

I vacuumed mine because it was like an episode of animal hoarders on the mattress, box springs and under the bed.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Well, that only proves you aren't a hoarder. A true hoarder would never vacuum their bed:p I didn't even know about dead cells until the guy from Kirby came to do a demonstration and when they did my bed, I was totally grossed out.

Kerryann said:
emysemys said:
I'm so glad to hear you say that. I've always thought I was some sort of weakling when it comes to picking up a mattress. Then you see these commercials where the guy just picks it up like it weighs nothing. Its all I can do to slide it off the bed onto the floor. Forget about manhandling it over and around. Sorry you strained your muscles, but happy to know I'm not alone in my weakness!

I told my hubs it counted as a work out. I panicked a bit when it fell on me so they aren't light. My husband was impressed because he walked in when I was sliding it back on.
I can't believe you'd try it on your own!!
Ok I'm off to bed.

RosieRedfoot said:
I can flip a Queen size regular spring mattress but now we have a foam king bed that takes 2-3 people to move...

Did you know you're supposed to vacuum a mattress frequently? When you think about the amount of dead skin cells on one it makes you really never want to stay in a hotel, lol.

I vacuumed mine because it was like an episode of animal hoarders on the mattress, box springs and under the bed.



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Okay so I've never had a cat before... but I have also never met a cat that is completely unimpressed with laser pointers... makes me sad, I was really hoping we could have some fun with that :( Just looks at it and walks away. He does, however, LOVE treats and will do anything for them... including claw up my arm, haha. Maybe I will teach him tricks, I've heard people say you can do that with bengals :)


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Should see my dogs with laser pointers... Come on over and tire them out, please! They also love bubbles... Lol


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Dec 12, 2012
RosieRedfoot said:
Should see my dogs with laser pointers... Come on over and tire them out, please! They also love bubbles... Lol

I used to use a laser toy with my dog until she went completely crazy from it. She would stare at the walls for hours looking for it. Now she stares at any sunlight or reflections on the walls. She's scarred lol.


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Dec 12, 2012
CourtneyAndCarl said:
Poo.. I was planning on just feeding Spock dry food but apparently cats, unlike dogs, actually need wet food to be healthy.

I would say the only way they actually 'need' wet food to be healthy is for the moisture, since cats dont usually drink a lot of water.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Jeff loves to play with the cats (and dogs) with laser when he is home. :D

Won't be on much today, so try to have fun but not get arrested. :p :D


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It's done. The sale is over! I was mainly polite to complete strangers and occasional idiots, but it over now. Last night at like 8:30-9:00 I turned to Karen and told her I was beat. She looked at me and said, “cowboy up Ken, you can sleep all day tomorrow!" So, me not being one to let my wife down, that is what I intend to do b


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Cats do not need wet food they just like it. I have never fed any of my cats wet food as it can make their poop reek.
Also cats prefer drinking moving water not water from a bowl. Right now I turn the faucet on a low drip and the cat drinks from there 3times a day. I wait for the cat to finish then turn the water off. If I don't do this she sticks her paws in my water cups and drinks out of them.
Or you can get one of those pet fountain things that filter and move the water those are very convenient. And most cats are lactose intolerant so try not to offer milk.
Things I have found cats like to play with: crumpled paper balls, ribbons, pony tail holders, those plastic rings from milk jugs and water bottle, shoe laces, and the strings on blinds.


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Cats like free toys often better... Bread clips, a clothespin on a hard floor, milk rings, bottle lids... Every time my past roommate would buy toys her cat would ignore them for the garbage ones. And of course boxes are a favorite.

My one dog doesn't "get" sky lights and stares at them and sometimes growls. But, he's never been known to understand much of anything. Think I should send my dog to Tom to train, haha.


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Seems my tortoise peeps on the east coast are gonna get slammed again with a storm. While the sun will be shinning here today. 100% rain for us the rest of the week.


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My house went live today!! all the hard work paid off! The pictures look great and now I just have to sit and wait for people to want to come look at it. :) the realtor will be here soon to take backyard shots and I am going to give him a nice bottle of wine for putting up with my demanding self!! [/i]


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Just give him the wine after he takes the yard pictures.

Congratulations I do hope for your hard work paying off.


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RosieRedfoot said:
I can flip a Queen size regular spring mattress but now we have a foam king bed that takes 2-3 people to move...

Did you know you're supposed to vacuum a mattress frequently? When you think about the amount of dead skin cells on one it makes you really never want to stay in a hotel, lol.

Not if you have a water proof anti microbial mattress cover. Then when you change the sheets just Lysol the matress cover and wipe it down with a baby wipe and you are all set for new sheets. Otherwise, the fabric is just a trap for all kinds of bacteria and same with pillows! It also extends the life of your mattress because it is the moisture from the bodies on the bed that break down and weaken the mattress after awhile. yeuch!
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