Pretend chat 2

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5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Hmm...It is a wonderful show. They guy that plays sherlock, Benedict Cumberdatch, is very handsome. He plays the Necromancer in The Hobbit and he was in war horse.

and he will be in the new Star Trek movie as the bad guy.


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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Thalatte said:
Hmm...It is a wonderful show. They guy that plays sherlock, Benedict Cumberdatch, is very handsome. He plays the Necromancer in The Hobbit and he was in war horse.

and he will be in the new Star Trek movie as the bad guy.

No that's a show I haven't been watching. I had a rough night. My allergies kept wake me up. It was the itchy and scratchy show on my legs. :p
Erin never came back on? That can't bee good.
It is kinda fun to read what everyone says when I get up or after a grueling day.


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Jan 17, 2011
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Good Morning, thank's for missing me! I had a pretty good meeting and just got off with a 'she needs to work on less tattling, handwriting and sight words'. We didn't have to read a single apology letter and her conflict resolution skills have changed from immediate retaliation to tattling. I will take a tattle taler over a bully any day!!
Rob and I walked out of there with our heads held high!!

I hope everyone has a great day, I accidentally over obligated myself for the father/daughter dance that is coming up this Friday so I will be gone doing all that stuff today.

Oh and I am waiting for a call back from the high school where Sid is, they said I could come see him in the green house, i am just waiting to find out a good time. I cannot wait to see it,i will take pics.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Good morning all:) I'm staying home today. It's cold this morning (46 degrees)/. Awww. Erin, can't wait to see pics. Have a great day.


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Dec 31, 2011
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sibi said:
Good morning all:) I'm staying home today. It's cold this morning (46 degrees)/. Awww. Erin, can't wait to see pics. Have a great day.

It was so cold here today. My feet about froze off. :p

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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We've had our token "rain" (read sprinkles), and the rest of the week is supposed to be sunny.

Is anyone experiencing the "in like a lion" effect we're supposed to have at the beginning of March? Today is a bit breezy, but not really windy.

I'm fencing off a section of the pond so I can put my gulf coast box turtles out there and not have them fall in the water. I tried to take a picture of the area, but its in such a place that its hard to get a good perspective. Anyway, that's what I'm going to be working on today.

I guess Jacqui has been pretty busy lately. I don't like it when she's not here. Well you folks are ok...but Jacqui is da bomb!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
How cold was it? What do you set your house thermostat on? I can't take it if it's winter, and less than 50 degrees out, and my house temp isn't set at 75 degrees. I know it's a bit warm, but I'm always cold, and my torts don't do well either when I put them to roam around the house.

Wow, Yvonne, what do we have to do to get to Jacqui's status with you? :p

Kerryann said:
sibi said:
Good morning all:) I'm staying home today. It's cold this morning (46 degrees)/. Awww. Erin, can't wait to see pics. Have a great day.

It was so cold here today. My feet about froze off. :p


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
emysemys said:
We've had our token "rain" (read sprinkles), and the rest of the week is supposed to be sunny.

Is anyone experiencing the "in like a lion" effect we're supposed to have at the beginning of March? Today is a bit breezy, but not really windy.

I'm fencing off a section of the pond so I can put my gulf coast box turtles out there and not have them fall in the water. I tried to take a picture of the area, but its in such a place that its hard to get a good perspective. Anyway, that's what I'm going to be working on today.

I guess Jacqui has been pretty busy lately. I don't like it when she's not here. Well you folks are ok...but Jacqui is da bomb!

I have been around as much as normal pretty much. Just often I am not signing on and leaving a post or two in my wake. Just haven't been talking much... plus the last couple of days I have been spending a couple of hours with the neighbor's three dogs. Between when I was there the night before and arrived there yesterday morning, they had dragged out three big chocolate candy wrappers. One still had some chocolate chips in it hte other two were empty. So no idea how much they might have eaten. I know I found three vomit spots. :(:(

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Poor doggies. They sure hate it when their person isn't home.


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I got home and had a leftover enchilada... Then some of that slow churned ice cream.

I found my rescued dog's previous owner on fb and out of all his thousands of pictures (hey dude, set your privacy settings!) there's one of Prince locked in a kennel in the back yard eating kibbles n bits. So basically that'd be like us locked in a jail cell eating McD's everyday. No wonder Prince only knows how to behave when in a kennel.

Some people shouldn't own pets...

On a happier note, I have today off. Shame I work Fri-Sun till 10pm two of those days >.>

And if a dog eats too much chocolate you can force hydrogen peroxide down their throat to induce vomiting. Just a useful tip for those oh crap moments when it'd be digested by the time you got to the vet.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
sibi said:
How cold was it? What do you set your house thermostat on? I can't take it if it's winter, and less than 50 degrees out, and my house temp isn't set at 75 degrees. I know it's a bit warm, but I'm always cold, and my torts don't do well either when I put them to roam around the house.

Wow, Yvonne, what do we have to do to get to Jacqui's status with you? :p

Kerryann said:
sibi said:
Good morning all:) I'm staying home today. It's cold this morning (46 degrees)/. Awww. Erin, can't wait to see pics. Have a great day.

It was so cold here today. My feet about froze off. :p

Jacqui said:
emysemys said:
We've had our token "rain" (read sprinkles), and the rest of the week is supposed to be sunny.

Is anyone experiencing the "in like a lion" effect we're supposed to have at the beginning of March? Today is a bit breezy, but not really windy.

I'm fencing off a section of the pond so I can put my gulf coast box turtles out there and not have them fall in the water. I tried to take a picture of the area, but its in such a place that its hard to get a good perspective. Anyway, that's what I'm going to be working on today.

I guess Jacqui has been pretty busy lately. I don't like it when she's not here. Well you folks are ok...but Jacqui is da bomb!

It was about 25 degrees when I left this morning. We keep it around 67 to 69 in the house. I am not allowed to touch the thermostat because it's programmed for cost efficiency. :p I keep it warm in my office. Men don't like coming into my office because it's above 73 usually. :D
I have been around as much as normal pretty much. Just often I am not signing on and leaving a post or two in my wake. Just haven't been talking much... plus the last couple of days I have been spending a couple of hours with the neighbor's three dogs. Between when I was there the night before and arrived there yesterday morning, they had dragged out three big chocolate candy wrappers. One still had some chocolate chips in it hte other two were empty. So no idea how much they might have eaten. I know I found three vomit spots. :(:(
Poor pups :( My dogs did that once. I about flipped my wig. They turned out to be okay after some vomiting and loose stool.

We had rented a room to this guy who was dumber than a sack of hair when Mike was in college still. I ended up having to evict him and could go on and on with horror stories about him (he only lived with us for 3 months and it made home like hell on earth). He was always the victim of something or someone in his own mind. Anyway, after he moved in this church he was attending gave him bedroom furniture, clothes and donated him some food (It should have been a warning sign honestly but I was okay with helping someone down on their luck since he had a job and seemed to be headed in the right direction). He brought the box of food home from the church and instead of packing it away he put it on the floor of my pantry and then left leaving the pantry door open. My dogs ate everything they could get their lips on. We did offer to replace his food but he was astonished.. like I can't believe your dogs are so rude that they would eat the food my church gave me... I was like THEY ARE DOGS... THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT WHO'S FOOD IT IS AND WHO GAVE IT TO WHOM.. and then I had to deal with his whining and my dogs being so sick. He had a pound of baking chocolate in the box and I had to rush my dogs to the vet.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Way back in the dark ages, before anyone knew that you should take dogs to the vet for the least little thing, my dobie ate a whole crate of Jr. Mints that was in my son's closet. He was selling them for school. She was mighty bloated and miserable for the rest of the day, but that was because she ate so much of the product, not because of the chocolate. She never had any vomiting or runny poop. Maybe the mint portion of the chocolate counteracted the chocolate.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Oh I love Jr Mints!! Well they found another bag of chocolate chips, but didn't seem like much was missing. I want to pick up what they have gotten into and trash most of it, but at the same time one never knows what's important for another person to keep. So I end up leaving most of the mess for her to deal with. I have no idea where they are getting like the chips, but also don't want to invade ht lady's privacy and look for the source. She is not a neat and tidy type person, so it could be from any where. Good things the dogs are feeling good, one even bit my pant leg. :D


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Thalatte said:
Hmm...It is a wonderful show. They guy that plays sherlock, Benedict Cumberdatch, is very handsome. He plays the Necromancer in The Hobbit and he was in war horse.

and he will be in the new Star Trek movie as the bad guy.

I missed the handsome part. I will have to google him and weigh in. hmm he's not bad but not my scene either but like I said I am a one trick pony.

emysemys said:
Way back in the dark ages, before anyone knew that you should take dogs to the vet for the least little thing, my dobie ate a whole crate of Jr. Mints that was in my son's closet. He was selling them for school. She was mighty bloated and miserable for the rest of the day, but that was because she ate so much of the product, not because of the chocolate. She never had any vomiting or runny poop. Maybe the mint portion of the chocolate counteracted the chocolate.

Did she have minty breath and farts ;)

Jacqui said:
Oh I love Jr Mints!! Well they found another bag of chocolate chips, but didn't seem like much was missing. I want to pick up what they have gotten into and trash most of it, but at the same time one never knows what's important for another person to keep. So I end up leaving most of the mess for her to deal with. I have no idea where they are getting like the chips, but also don't want to invade ht lady's privacy and look for the source. She is not a neat and tidy type person, so it could be from any where. Good things the dogs are feeling good, one even bit my pant leg. :D

I love jr mints too. :D


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
emysemys said:
How long do you expect her to be away?

I just got back from checking my phone for messages and there are none. She had her Dr appt today. They are suppose to set up a date for her surgery, depending on when that is she may be home today or not til the surgery is done.


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Jan 17, 2011
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I looked that Benedict guy up too and he is ok but not really my type either. I guess he is a little too clean cut or something.

Hi all, I am taking a break from assembling gift boxes. I had friends here helping but the kids had an early disnissal today because of parent/ teacher conferences. I never got my call about Sid:(. I hope they call and say I can come see him this week!


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Nov 18, 2011
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CtTortoiseMom said:
Good Morning, thank's for missing me! I had a pretty good meeting and just got off with a 'she needs to work on less tattling, handwriting and sight words'. We didn't have to read a single apology letter and her conflict resolution skills have changed from immediate retaliation to tattling. I will take a tattle taler over a bully any day!!
Rob and I walked out of there with our heads held high!!

I hope everyone has a great day, I accidentally over obligated myself for the father/daughter dance that is coming up this Friday so I will be gone doing all that stuff today.

Oh and I am waiting for a call back from the high school where Sid is, they said I could come see him in the green house, i am just waiting to find out a good time. I cannot wait to see it,i will take pics.

Wait! When the problem was face sling shot, (something real) weren't those other kids tattling?
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