Questions about lighting


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Jun 24, 2023
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I have a few questions regarding lighting required and I'm finding it really difficult to find some information that makes sense to me on this topic.

For context, I'm currently looking into getting a russian tortoise (haven't bought anything yet). I live in the UK and would be housing indoors, and letting the tort make use of an outdoor enclosure during the warmer months during the day.

As far as I understand, I need uva + uvb, and a heat source lamp for the basking area (please correct if i'm wrong). I'm having a hard time choosing what would be best since there are so many styles and types of bulbs and they don't all do the same thing. ideally, i'd have one bulb that does all 3 of these things. would that come with any drawbacks? ive seen set ups with the long bar light as well as a basking lamp, would that be better? does the long light need to run the whole length of the enclosure? how far away does the uv light need to be? im assuming the basking lamp height is dependant on the temperature of the flat rock i plan to put underneath (will be getting a heat gun to check this) so i can move it further away if its too hot there. does watts matter? or what does it mean? does the longer style light need to be above because ive read that on the side can hurt their eyes?

i would really really really appreciate someone explaining this to me as if im 5 years old because its the only thing im struggling with right now. im very anxious to get things set up perfectly as i care very much about pet care. this is my first time getting a reptile so please be kind, im doing my best to learn. and of course any links or reccs would be amazing!


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Oct 2, 2022
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Welcome to the forum! Don't worry, we've all been where you are. You'll be so pleased you found this forum prior to acquiring your tortoise and set up.

This intro thread was written by a very experienced keeper/forum member - I think you will find this really helpful, and may answer some of your initial questions. It is detailed, so I recommend bookmarking/saving it for reference. Towards the bottom of that thread is a link to a care guide for temperate species, which includes Russian (also known as Horsfield) tortoises.

In terms of lighting, in short you will need a floodlight basking bulb (heat and uva), and a linear T5 UVB bulb and reflector fixture (uvb). I'd recommend the following:

- Floodlight basking bulb: (wattage is essentially the power output of the bulb, so the wattage needed will depend on the size of the enclosure).

- Pro T5 12% UVB kit (for temperate species):

You'll also need to increase visible light - LED light strips are useful for this purpose:

I haven't addressed all of your points, but have a read of the info I've linked you to and come back to us - further questions always welcome.


New Member
Jun 24, 2023
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Welcome to the forum! Don't worry, we've all been where you are. You'll be so pleased you found this forum prior to acquiring your tortoise and set up.

This intro thread was written by a very experienced keeper/forum member - I think you will find this really helpful, and may answer some of your initial questions. It is detailed, so I recommend bookmarking/saving it for reference. Towards the bottom of that thread is a link to a care guide for temperate species, which includes Russian (also known as Horsfield) tortoises.

In terms of lighting, in short you will need a floodlight basking bulb (heat and uva), and a linear T5 UVB bulb and reflector fixture (uvb). I'd recommend the following:

- Floodlight basking bulb: (wattage is essentially the power output of the bulb, so the wattage needed will depend on the size of the enclosure).

- Pro T5 12% UVB kit (for temperate species):

You'll also need to increase visible light - LED light strips are useful for this purpose:

I haven't addressed all of your points, but have a read of the info I've linked you to and come back to us - further questions always welcome.
Thank you so much!

So based on the things I read on the link you provided, I would need the floodlight you recommended on for 12 hours a day. If the temperature is too low even with the bulb close, then I need more wattage? I don't know how dumb of a thing that is to say but is that basically what the wattage means, like it's strength? The enclosure Ive planned out will be about 3ft wide at the basking end, do you recommend any wattage to try out first? How would i actually use this bulb? What do I use to screw it into? and do I then need a stand of some kind to hang it over the basking area?

For the uvb kit, I keep this on for a few hours per day. So from 11am to 3pm would be ok? I'm also not really sure how I would attach this to the enclosure either. I'm planning on having a "pen" with a pond liner under the substrate (I think this is ok for a adult russian of 4"+ if I'm not mistaken?) So no mesh lid to put it over. Is it ok to screw it into the wood of the pen on one side? Or is there something I could use to suspend the light over the middle going the length of the pen? Is the wattage similar for this where I'll need a UV monitor to test out what strength I need? What should a UV monitor read? I'm not sure what a reflector fixture is, does this light come with that?

The use of led light strips is new to me. Is this just for visibility? The enclose will be in a room that has a huge window so lots of natural light during daylight hours. I'm sorry but I'm not really understanding spending that much money on a light for just visibility, unless it has another purpose? Couldn't I just use any general room lighting to brighten up the area?

Thank you again so much, all of this information is quite overwhelming so I really do appreciate someone breaking it down for me


The Dog Trainer
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So based on the things I read on the link you provided, I would need the floodlight you recommended on for 12 hours a day. If the temperature is too low even with the bulb close, then I need more wattage? I don't know how dumb of a thing that is to say but is that basically what the wattage means, like it's strength? The enclosure Ive planned out will be about 3ft wide at the basking end, do you recommend any wattage to try out first? How would i actually use this bulb? What do I use to screw it into? and do I then need a stand of some kind to hang it over the basking area?
You screw it into a ceramic based fixture that is hanging from over head. Don't use the black plastic "bakelite" type fixtures. You want ceramic. For a baby tortoise you will need a closed chamber enclosure, AKA: viv, or vivarium in your part of the world, not an open table. Open tables are okay for older grown tortoises, but growing babies need more humidity and more stable conditions than larger adults. You hang this light fixture safely from over head so that you can adjust the height to get the correct temperate under it. Don't use the clamp that comes with some of these fixtures. The clamps always fail eventually, and this could burn your whole house down and kill your tortoise. If you don't know how to do this sort of thing, call in some help from someone who does.

Yes, more wattage means it uses more electricity and generates more heat.

For the uvb kit, I keep this on for a few hours per day. So from 11am to 3pm would be ok? I'm also not really sure how I would attach this to the enclosure either. I'm planning on having a "pen" with a pond liner under the substrate (I think this is ok for a adult russian of 4"+ if I'm not mistaken?) So no mesh lid to put it over. Is it ok to screw it into the wood of the pen on one side? Or is there something I could use to suspend the light over the middle going the length of the pen? Is the wattage similar for this where I'll need a UV monitor to test out what strength I need? What should a UV monitor read? I'm not sure what a reflector fixture is, does this light come with that?
11-3 would be great. You hang this fixture from over head too. Many people use screws and some light chain. With a closed chamber, you screw into the ceiling. With an open table, you make two uprights, screwed into the sides in some way or other, and a horizontal over head bar with wood, or PVC, or anything suitable.

You need a Solarmeter 6.5 to set the height of your UV tube correctly, and to monitor the UV output over time. When used a few hours a day, these bulbs last for years, and do not need to be replaced as often as some people recommend. The meter will pay for itself over time, and also give you the peace of mind to know with certainty that your tortoise is being cared for correctly. A UVI reading of anywhere from 2-6 is adequate. I try for 3-4.

The reflector come with the Pro T5 kits, and it simple reflects the light and UV down into the enclosure instead of letting it escape into the room.

The use of led light strips is new to me. Is this just for visibility? The enclose will be in a room that has a huge window so lots of natural light during daylight hours. I'm sorry but I'm not really understanding spending that much money on a light for just visibility, unless it has another purpose? Couldn't I just use any general room lighting to brighten up the area?

Thank you again so much, all of this information is quite overwhelming so I really do appreciate someone breaking it down for me
LEDs ARE general room lighting, and they don't cost much at all. Except for the ProT5 Kits, all of this stuff is available at local hardware stores. Think of how bright it is outside, mid day, standing in full sunshine. Now compare that to how bright it is inside your house under your roof. The ambient lighting is necessary, even in a room with windows, because you want it to look bright and "sunny" in the enclosure during the day. The concept to grasp about all this indoor lighting is that we are trying to make it bright and sunny for this reptile that lives in bright and sunny conditions in the wild, while it is indoors in our enclosure, sharing its life with us and enriching our lives in the process. You can do this any number of ways, but the UV tube and basking lamp are not enough on their own. Under cabinet mounted LEDs work great for ceiling mounting inside vivs. Any sort of floor or table lamp on or near the open topped table works too. You can use screw-in type LEDs in the same sort of aluminum domed ceramic based fixture that your basking bulb is in. Get LED bulbs in the 5000-6500K range for bright white light. This info will be on the package. Most bulbs are in the 2000-2500K range and these look yellowish. You want bright white "sunny" type light for a tortoise.


10 Year Member!
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Well what is the correct suggestion for the bulb to buy exactly?
For lighting only?
For heat only?
For heat and light or for UVB and light?
Also the OP is from the UK. What they have available will differ a liitle than what we can get here in the US

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