Big Bertha Doing Great


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Nov 24, 2014
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Same. I just soaked her and injected 30 MG of Pedialite.
She didn't drink or poop. Hasn't in two days.
I'm a bit confused as to why she has gone back into this state. You said you find her upside down in the water. When she was originally in a docile state. Before she seemed to be recovering did you ever find her upside down? I mean prior to the docile state.


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Jul 16, 2014
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I never found her upside down. I found her limp and motionless in a corner.
Before that she had 11 full days of eating, new strength and she regained the ability to walk.....Then WHAM. All gone.
So far I do not have the blood panel test results back yet.


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Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
I never found her upside down. I found her limp and motionless in a corner.
I should record her weight every day. Is she loosing weight again? You now know what weight she went down to and still started to recover up until the water incident. Maybe she was stressed on the first occasion from been dropped into a new environment. This time she is stressed from nearly drowning. Think I'm right in saying torts stop eating when stressed. I cant help thinking that force feeding is not natural for just a stressed tort. For a tort that is of other ill health maybe then forcefeed is required. Just trying to throw suggestions in the pot and maybe it will develope other suggestions. I go all day thinking of you situation on and off. Sad. Also there must be hefty vet bills. Would be here. £140 just for an xray at my local vet. IPhone need to get that one covered. Lol. Chin up.


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Nov 24, 2014
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This vet visit I requested any and all tests to find the cause of her illness.
Making her eat wasn't enough.
I simply don't have the data yet.
So has she had more test results yet. Or are you still waiting for tomorrows visit to the vet for more tests.


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Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
She never has flipped over or almost drown.
I don't know where that came from.
She has been kept calm and warm. Why she seemed to die is a total mystery.

Some of the blood work taken at the vet had to be sent out.
Feeding with an Esophagostamy tube doesn't seem to cause distress and it is the only way to get nutrition into her.


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Maybe @ALDABRAMAN can give some advice here, I don't know. I do know he had to tube feed one of his, the same way you are. I don't really know the reason or causes for his, but maybe he will see something familiar between the two. His btw, is eating on her own now without the tube.


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Nov 24, 2014
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Bertha has died. Not from illness or starvation. But from a freak accident inside her 60 gallon tote that was intended to keep her safe.
She must have tried to climb up the corner of her tote with her renewed energy and slid down with her neck extended and suffocated.
She was found jammed in the corner with her head looking straight up. Neck extended. Eyes open and very dead.
After all of this, she still didn't make it.
I'm quite sick about this.
Thanks for your support.
Why did you think she must have suffocated? I thought you meant she slid down into her water dish. So she wasn't even on her back then.

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Why did you think she must have suffocated? I thought you meant she slid down into her water dish. So she wasn't even on her back then.
Hi Craig I think this was such a shock and so upsetting after all the good news that it too a while to understand what had happened. I had to read it several times before it would sink in. Hopefully the test results today will throw some light on it all. Seems we are all on tenterhooks for Ed's girl.


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Nov 24, 2014
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Hi Craig I think this was such a shock and so upsetting after all the good news that it too a while to understand what had happened. I had to read it several times before it would sink in. Hopefully the test results today will through some light on it all. Seems we are all on tenterhooks for Ed's girl.
Thanks Lyn. Yeah I did franticaly scan read every post fast when I read she was dead.
See how it goes today.


10 Year Member!
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
I found her in a corner with her feet down and head up over the top of her shell. It looked like maybe she climbed up and slid back down on the newspaper substrate.
That was a guess.


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Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
I found her in a corner with her feet down and head up over the top of her shell. It looked like maybe she climbed up and slid back down on the newspaper substrate.
That was a guess.
OK. When you said she was holding her head up I thought you meant she was upside down and holding head out of water. I had a hingebacks do this. Frightened me to death. Anyway. Have you been to vets today.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
OK. When you said she was holding her head up I thought you meant she was upside down and holding head out of water. I had a hingebacks do this. Frightened me to death. Anyway. Have you been to vets today.
I also now know why Yvonne said foaming at the mouth could be overheating. At the time I thought she was in water and can't be overheating. Obviously she could have been overheated. Does anyone know if torts foam at the mouth through exhaustion. Ive seen my male at it and start to foam before.

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