kirsty Johnston

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Hi Kirsty all good and quiet on the Western Front today!
You OK?
Yeah it appears to be much quieter than normal. I've had a good day-went to go an see my wedding venu today and get stuff ironed out. You know I got quoted over £800 to give everyone a bacon roll at the evening buffet - looks like I'm going for an external caterer!! No way am I paying that!!
How are you?

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Yeah it appears to be much quieter than normal. I've had a good day-went to go an see my wedding venu today and get stuff ironed out. You know I got quoted over £800 to give everyone a bacon roll at the evening buffet - looks like I'm going for an external caterer!! No way am I paying that!!
How are you?
Wow that's an expensive bacon roll!! You could probably buy a herd of pigs for that!
Were you pleased with everything else?
I'm fine thanks went out for a nice walk earlier - very gusty but blew the cobwebs away!!

kirsty Johnston

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Wow that's an expensive bacon roll!! You could probably buy a herd of pigs for that!
Were you pleased with everything else?
I'm fine thanks went out for a nice walk earlier - very gusty but blew the cobwebs away!!
I know she said it will be £5.50 per bacon roll for 150 people. £825!! Maybe I'm being a bit thick but you would think that the cost per head would cost less if your buying so much but it seems to cost double. I actually can't believe the cheek of it! I'll never get over that ever! Lol :)
Everything else went ok. I'm not really paying for anything else at the venue itself other than the meal and the estate fees. I seriously underestimated the cost of a wedding. I'm so lucky my mother in law makes cakes and my good friend is a dj and my mum and dad are helping out!
Walking is great - particularly when it's cold, really relaxing :)

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
I know she said it will be £5.50 per bacon roll for 150 people. £825!! Maybe I'm being a bit thick but you would think that the cost per head would cost less if your buying so much but it seems to cost double. I actually can't believe the cheek of it! I'll never get over that ever! Lol :)
Everything else went ok. I'm not really paying for anything else at the venue itself other than the meal and the estate fees. I seriously underestimated the cost of a wedding. I'm so lucky my mother in law makes cakes and my good friend is a dj and my mum and dad are helping out!
Walking is great - particularly when it's cold, really relaxing :)
Yes wedding cost are crazy, but it is a special day. A colleague of mine spent £25k on hers! Madness! That's a good deposit on a house. The photos were lovely but I can think of much better things to spend that amount on. My nephew is getting married in May, they are keeping the actual wedding day costs down by just having immediate family at the registry office on the Sat and spending the bulk on a big party for absolutely everyone on the Sunday!! They just want everyone to celebrate with them and it was the only way they could do it without leaving anyone out. I just hope the weather has dried up by then.

kirsty Johnston

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Yes wedding cost are crazy, but it is a special day. A colleague of mine spent £25k on hers! Madness! That's a good deposit on a house. The photos were lovely but I can think of much better things to spend that amount on. My nephew is getting married in May, they are keeping the actual wedding day costs down by just having immediate family at the registry office on the Sat and spending the bulk on a big party for absolutely everyone on the Sunday!! They just want everyone to celebrate with them and it was the only way they could do it without leaving anyone out. I just hope the weather has dried up by then.
Oh god I'm no where near that! I'm pretty similar to your nepthew only having a small number of my family through the day- I'm not even having any friends other than my best friend who is my bridesmaid. Then I'm inviting all my friends and work colleagues at night for the disco

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Also meant to say I'm visiting your neck of the woods on Wednesday Lyn! Cardiff here I come :)
Had I better warn them you're on the way!;)
I hope the weather has settled down for you by then - although we haven't had any snow yet -
John posted pics of snow in Paisley yesterday, hope its not been too bad in Edinburgh.

kirsty Johnston

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Had I better warn them you're on the way!;)
I hope the weather has settled down for you by then - although we haven't had any snow yet -
John posted pics of snow in Paisley yesterday, hope its not been too bad in Edinburgh.
Lol yeah that would be prudent. Everyone should just stay indoor until I go home :p
It's not been bad - certainly had snow though! Has it been snowing in Wales?

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Lol yeah that would be prudent. Everyone should just stay indoor until I go home :p
It's not been bad - certainly had snow though! Has it been snowing in Wales?
No - I've been hoping for it - could do with a couple of snow days off work!
Just a splattering on the hills a few weeks ago but came to nothing.
A weather watcher I know reckons we'll have some end of Feb.
It's pretty mild down here at the moment, but unpredictable so pack your thermals - just in case!!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Time for me to sign off.
If I don't speak to you before, have a good trip to Cardiff, Kirsty,(@kirsty Johnston)
Hope it's not all work for you - there are some good places to have fun.
The old Brains Brewery Quarter is great for live music and lots of good food places in the Bay area.
Anyway speak soon and take care.
And to anyone else popping in later enjoy what's left of your Sunday.
Night Night all


Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
To my HORROR, I found the COLD DARK ROOM on page 3!!
Unvisited for about 10-11 hours.
I also have absolutely nothing to ad. because I live through other peoples stories.o_O
I filed my taxes yesterday. I get some extra back because of the money I now give my mother on a regular basis. (more than half of her income)
The tortoises are all outside and should be good all week.
that's about it.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jan 5, 2015
Yeah it appears to be much quieter than normal. I've had a good day-went to go an see my wedding venu today and get stuff ironed out. You know I got quoted over £800 to give everyone a bacon roll at the evening buffet - looks like I'm going for an external caterer!! No way am I paying that!!
How are you?
I had to pay almost $3,000 to serve people a plated dinner for our wedding. Extortion. Does your reception area have a kitchen?