
Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Still have the flu, not dead yet. Lol
I think I'm on the down swing though so it should be over soon. I'm going to go to class today and see how I do. Not sure about work yet though.

I have hand sanitizer and going to put on a mask so I don't make anyone else sick.
Oh no ! Another sick person.:eek: The CDR is full of germs !:eek: HELP !
Get well soon Dan but please stay away from my corner `cause I don`t want to have your flu !:D:D:D


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Carol, I wanted to pass on some information that my sleep doctor gave me.

She said that when sleep apnea goes on untreated for a period of time, it becomes a CARDIAC problem. This is because even though the periods of stopped breathing may be short, as the patient keeps having them, the carbon dioxide in their system rises. That triggers hormone responses that the body uses when it's under attack or has been harmed. Some of the most important hormones that get triggered are the ones that cause blood to clot more easily (The body's logic is apparently If you've been injured, you'd want your blood to clot instead of bleeding to death through the injury). This MAY be the reason that the majority of heart attacks happen very early in the morning: the person has undetected or untreated sleep apnea and all the "alarm" hormones that have been inappropriately activated at night for however long, finally caught up with them.

But some people can have sleep apnea for years and have no medical issues. My dad was a horrible snorer for MANY years. He was always sleepy in the late afternoon, so he would take a nap, and use sleeping pills to try and sleep at night. It was a HURRICANE that helped the problem come to light!!! After mom died, he went to live near one of my sisters who lives in south Florida (VERY near ED/ ZEROPILOT!!!).
Because my sister is a doctor at a local hospital, whenever a hurricane comes, any of the hospital staff who have signed up to be in the Shelter program at the hospital are allowed to bring their families to stay there for storm shelter. They sleep on cots and beds in the conference rooms and auditorium etc. And the hospital has lots of doctors available because they're staying with their families, so it's a win-win situation all around!!! The family was asleep in a conference room, except my teenage niece. She kept hearing dad snore, then he would stop breathing so long it frightened her and she would wake him up. My sister got him tested, and he has severe sleep apnea: he goes 90 seconds (Yes, :eek: a minute and a half ) without breathing!!!!!! CPAP controlled his sleep apnea and he will be 94 this summer!:)

My sister got herself tested and SHE has severe sleep apnea!
She called me and advised that I get tested because I had developed real problems with memory and concentration as well as being very sleepy in the afternoons. I also have severe sleep apnea.

Untreated sleep apnea is not just annoying or inconvenient, it can end up being very dangerous in the long run.
You described in detail what I had only mentioned when I said: Apnoe can cause health problems.
Thank you Bea.:):<3:


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Mud would be a better repellent. As it would disguise the living host smell. Deoderant just enhances it. That's why animals use mud. It protects them from pests.
I can find no mud in here....:(
No, please not the pests.:eek::eek::eek: Pests was caused by fleas of rats. I must use a strong pulicide !:eek:


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
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South Africa - Cape Town
You described in detail what I had only mentioned when I said: Apnoe can cause health problems.
Thank you Bea.:):<3:
You both gave very good information.
I am seeing a specialist about my right wrist as I suspect that i have carpule tunnel syndrome. I am not sure it is the right doctor but I will ask him about the sleep apnea as well. Thank you ladies for drawing it to my attention and for all the info given.