Pastel Tortie

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
North Florida
Clever Pixie!
We refer to Pixie as a "space cadet," which has multiple meanings (connotations), not all of them complimentary. I guess the best way to explain it is that with Pixie, she may be a rocket scientist, but we can never figure out whether the dumb blond routine is an act or not...

Pastel Tortie

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
North Florida
We now have thunder and lightning to add to our wind and rain. That was unexpected!
Wow, yeah... The difference in weather between Florida and England took quite a bit of getting used to. In Florida, thunderstorms with heavy rains and tornado watches are commonplace. In the UK, they're remarkably rare.

Pastel Tortie

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
North Florida
Hi Linda, I didn't really... you guys talk so much. Not to sound rude or anything. But I really can't keep up. So if I missed something important, I am truly sorry...
But I am happy to be here, once in a while. Lol
You're allowed to drop by and ask for summaries of what's going on lately, just like anyone else. :D


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10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
Good morning!
@Bambam1989 it’s good to hear from you. I’ll have some prayers out for your mother & your hubby. ( & you too of course for having to deal with it) wishing you strong drinks and good jokes:) cheers on daughters that make us proud! And I second the idea that we need to see what was going to be clunkers photo entry..
@CarolM Don’t give up on the weight challenge. You have so much to be proud of. You just have to find what works for you. Because it’s sure not the same for everyone. I was smoke free for one yr yesterday after 20 yrs of chain smoking. I also went on a diet the same day I quit smoking and lost 40 lbs in about 7 months. Unfortunately I’ve gained 10 of it back now.. I also love to eat:)
@Momof4 Kathy, I got the coolest card in the mail yesterday! It was a lovely Christmas card and really brightened up my afternoon! Thank you very much!!

Glad the card brightened your afternoon!!

Congratulations on your 1yr smoke free anniversary!!

Pastel Tortie

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
North Florida
We want to see a video of his exercises. Maybe we can join in for our weight challenge.
I'd love to get a video of our subadult male beardie's morning beard exercises, but he gets a little self conscious if there's too much attention called to him in the middle if his beard stretches.

I get to view his beard stretches from the side (profile), as he almost never displays his extended beard directed toward the front of the tank. He usually directs the full beard displays toward the ends of the tank.

Pixie likes to get on top of the tank in the mornings and watches his beard exercises from above.

Pastel Tortie

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
North Florida
I was smoke free for one yr yesterday after 20 yrs of chain smoking. I also went on a diet the same day I quit smoking and lost 40 lbs in about 7 months. Unfortunately I’ve gained 10 of it back now.. I also love to eat:) !
Congratulations on your quit smoking anniversary! I'm so proud of you! :D

no one

For you bird watchers out there, I forgot to say that in addition to nice sunny skys, we spotted TWO Bald Eagles. One was swooping down over the lake then roosted in a tall pine, right next to a second one. They both then took off and flapped their way away from us, nice aerial show.

That is really nice!! The only eagles we get to see are in the ZOO. My daughter loves eagles from when she was 5. She quickly new everything about them.