
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Hi, Roomies.
I just wanted to update you on my situation, so you'll know why I may not be around much for a while.

My 95-year old father fell and broke his shoulder 2 weeks ago. He was in the hospital for rehab but had gotten so weak that he aspirated (this means accidentally inhaled) some food and developed pneumonia. My sister who has taken care of him for the past 15 years let me know late last week that he had taken a turn for the worse and was not expected to survive the weekend. i made a flying visit down to Fort Lauderdale Florida where she and he live. Happily, I was able to see him several times over the weekend and make my peace with him. I got home late yesterday evening and he passed away this afternoon.
Although i am sad, it's just an appropriate recognition of his passing, NOT anguished grief over someone who died too soon or who died wrongly. He was a WW ii veteran (in the navy) who saw action in North Africa and Sicily. He was married for 49 years to the love of his life, and was lost without her when she died 18 years before him. He had a large family, a long career that he loved, many hobbies and friends. His was a life well lived.
He developed dementia over the past 15 years of his life, and the dementia gradually destroyed his mind and took away any quality of life. We really "lost" the man we always knew several years ago because of what the dementia did to him. What was left was really just a shell of what he had once been.
His passing was actually a blessing: it was Time.
Sometimes Death is a friend, and this time it certainly was.

I am now navigating unexpected family conflicts following his death, and I seem to end up being the one in the middle. [[ SIGH ]]

But I am fine. My hubby is amazing and this will all get dealt with.
I may lurk on the forum from time to time, but my focus is elsewhere for now, as it should be.

i consider you all friends, even though we've never met face to face.
I love the CDR and I love the forum, but my presence is needed elsewhere right now.

Love to all,
Mooz (Beatrice)
I am so sorry Mooz. Sending you big electronic hugs. Good luck with the family.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good Tuesday Everyone.
Yesterday was a hot day. And it looks like today will be one as well. Tonight is Jarrod's prize giving and as Head boy he has to give a speech.
So on the agenda is work and then prize giving. Yup my day is sooooo exciting. Well the prize giving will be at least.
Thank you for the story so far. I love it and where it is heading. It is almost like those books i used to read where you had two options to choose from at the end of each chapter and depending on which option you choose you would you would turn to a specific page and carry on reading the story from there.
And todays' joke:



Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Kent, South East England

Last for this evening but not least. Bee sings "Little drummer boy"

I am going to have "Bee sings ..." playing as I work this morning and I can listen to all your wonderful music again :)


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Kent, South East England
Hi, Roomies.
I just wanted to update you on my situation, so you'll know why I may not be around much for a while.

My 95-year old father fell and broke his shoulder 2 weeks ago. He was in the hospital for rehab but had gotten so weak that he aspirated (this means accidentally inhaled) some food and developed pneumonia. My sister who has taken care of him for the past 15 years let me know late last week that he had taken a turn for the worse and was not expected to survive the weekend. i made a flying visit down to Fort Lauderdale Florida where she and he live. Happily, I was able to see him several times over the weekend and make my peace with him. I got home late yesterday evening and he passed away this afternoon.
Although i am sad, it's just an appropriate recognition of his passing, NOT anguished grief over someone who died too soon or who died wrongly. He was a WW ii veteran (in the navy) who saw action in North Africa and Sicily. He was married for 49 years to the love of his life, and was lost without her when she died 18 years before him. He had a large family, a long career that he loved, many hobbies and friends. His was a life well lived.
He developed dementia over the past 15 years of his life, and the dementia gradually destroyed his mind and took away any quality of life. We really "lost" the man we always knew several years ago because of what the dementia did to him. What was left was really just a shell of what he had once been.
His passing was actually a blessing: it was Time.
Sometimes Death is a friend, and this time it certainly was.

I am now navigating unexpected family conflicts following his death, and I seem to end up being the one in the middle. [[ SIGH ]]

But I am fine. My hubby is amazing and this will all get dealt with.
I may lurk on the forum from time to time, but my focus is elsewhere for now, as it should be.

i consider you all friends, even though we've never met face to face.
I love the CDR and I love the forum, but my presence is needed elsewhere right now.

Love to all,
Mooz (Beatrice)
Oh Bea, I know it was time, but there's never a "right time" to lose someone close. Massive electronic hugs from me.

I do hope that you are able to resolve matters without too much fallout and that you and hubby are able to have a wonderful Christmas.

And the top tip from any Brit when things get too much is get the tea pot out. There's nothing that cannot be resolved over tea; sometimes it takes more than one cup. (And you know where your nearest tearoom is ;) Make time for yourself!)

Thinking of you x


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Kent, South East England
Sabine added a part. Bee you can nominate someone else and then When Linda is less snowed under (hopefully not when summer comes [emoji6] ) then Linda can let us know and then be nominated.
Wednesday, I promise, Wednesday morning! I will be between tonight's meeting and my Mum's birthday lunch organisation.

The data for this meeting is really making brain ache :(


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Kent, South East England
Good mornooning all.

For goodness sake keep the Homework-eating hound on a short leash. It can have a belly full after my meeting, as the data pack is massive for this meeting, but not now!

So here, on my flying visit, is Day 11 from my iTunes playlist. Rockin around the Christmas tree... Not the usual version.... This is British Comedian Mel Smith and British Singer Kim Wilde. It opens with a conversation between Mel Smith and his comedy partner Griff Rhees Jones.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Ok....after some not-so-friendly “interaction” with a Home Depot salesman, we have our new microwave in the house, on a counter, and it works.

I think I’ll wait on the removal of the old one...we had enough commotion just getting it, don’t need more with the install.

On the way back from HD, stopped at our local international market for a bag of chestnuts. The plan is to get a nice big fire going in the back yard and roast some chestnuts.
Congrats on having it and on it working!
Roasted chestnuts in winter are the loveliest thing. Not so much for the taste, for me, but for the coziness -- hygge :)


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Hi, Roomies.
I just wanted to update you on my situation, so you'll know why I may not be around much for a while.

My 95-year old father fell and broke his shoulder 2 weeks ago. He was in the hospital for rehab but had gotten so weak that he aspirated (this means accidentally inhaled) some food and developed pneumonia. My sister who has taken care of him for the past 15 years let me know late last week that he had taken a turn for the worse and was not expected to survive the weekend. i made a flying visit down to Fort Lauderdale Florida where she and he live. Happily, I was able to see him several times over the weekend and make my peace with him. I got home late yesterday evening and he passed away this afternoon.
Although i am sad, it's just an appropriate recognition of his passing, NOT anguished grief over someone who died too soon or who died wrongly. He was a WW ii veteran (in the navy) who saw action in North Africa and Sicily. He was married for 49 years to the love of his life, and was lost without her when she died 18 years before him. He had a large family, a long career that he loved, many hobbies and friends. His was a life well lived.
He developed dementia over the past 15 years of his life, and the dementia gradually destroyed his mind and took away any quality of life. We really "lost" the man we always knew several years ago because of what the dementia did to him. What was left was really just a shell of what he had once been.
His passing was actually a blessing: it was Time.
Sometimes Death is a friend, and this time it certainly was.

I am now navigating unexpected family conflicts following his death, and I seem to end up being the one in the middle. [[ SIGH ]]

But I am fine. My hubby is amazing and this will all get dealt with.
I may lurk on the forum from time to time, but my focus is elsewhere for now, as it should be.

i consider you all friends, even though we've never met face to face.
I love the CDR and I love the forum, but my presence is needed elsewhere right now.

Love to all,
Mooz (Beatrice)
A big hug, Bea! :<3: I know what you mean about death being a friend sometimes. That doesn't take away sadness, but it does bring peace. Hope all the family issues get sorted out. You are a dear friend to me.

Everyone -- I stepped in briefly as the TORTOISE coordinator, knowing that Linda can get swamped in paperwork this time of the year. If anyone needs a middle man to communicate with your TORTOISE recipient (e.g. if there are some issues with shipping&delivery), feel free to message me privately and I will pass the word along. Or message Linda after Wednesday when she has a bit more time. :)


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Good Tuesday Everyone.
Yesterday was a hot day. And it looks like today will be one as well. Tonight is Jarrod's prize giving and as Head boy he has to give a speech.
So on the agenda is work and then prize giving. Yup my day is sooooo exciting. Well the prize giving will be at least.
Thank you for the story so far. I love it and where it is heading. It is almost like those books i used to read where you had two options to choose from at the end of each chapter and depending on which option you choose you would you would turn to a specific page and carry on reading the story from there.
And todays' joke:

View attachment 259341


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Good mornooning, everyone!
My one cup of coffee is done. Shoo, Montgomery, don't tempt me. :)
Hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday.
I'll have a bit of quiet time until Friday, and then a few days of picture-taking: of daughter's musical for her school, of a Russian Christmas theater for her Russian school, of younger primary classes' Christmas train ride for her school again. We're going to Turkey next week.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good mornooning, everyone!
My one cup of coffee is done. Shoo, Montgomery, don't tempt me. :)
Hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday.
I'll have a bit of quiet time until Friday, and then a few days of picture-taking: of daughter's musical for her school, of a Russian Christmas theater for her Russian school, of younger primary classes' Christmas train ride for her school again. We're going to Turkey next week.
Busy Busy Busy.