
Well-Known Member
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Jun 23, 2018
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East Texas
Well I’m finally at a sitting point this evening. I didn’t work today but had some errands to run. Then I had lunch with my Dad for Valentine’s Day which was very nice. He also brought me a trash bag full of fresh Garden Greens that one of my old friends sent for me.. it was a wonderful surprise and the torts reap the benefits. I made a trip to the Mexican supermarket for dandelions and fresh Ponduces for myself. Then home to work in the new Toretto Garden! Joey and Ally left yesterday so it’s pretty quiet tonight. Daughter is out in the pasture having a bonfire and son is beside me cutting up greens:) Hubby did leave me a beautiful card and way too many chocolates..

Pastel Tortie

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
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North Florida
I do wish you luck and I would never send you ironing... lol... but. .....Poptyping???? What is this??
That would be a microwave oven. I didn't learn that word until I met Lyn! :p :)

For some reason, I want to call it a poppity-ping... but I guess that depends on the sound it makes? :confused:


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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
Well I’m finally at a sitting point this evening. I didn’t work today but had some errands to run. Then I had lunch with my Dad for Valentine’s Day which was very nice. He also brought me a trash bag full of fresh Garden Greens that one of my old friends sent for me.. it was a wonderful surprise and the torts reap the benefits. I made a trip to the Mexican supermarket for dandelions and fresh Ponduces for myself. Then home to work in the new Toretto Garden! Joey and Ally left yesterday so it’s pretty quiet tonight. Daughter is out in the pasture having a bonfire and son is beside me cutting up greens:) Hubby did leave me a beautiful card and way too many chocolates..

That is so sweet you had lunch with your Dad!! That brought tears to my eyes!!



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Jul 12, 2016
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Ottawa, Ontario
Well I’m finally at a sitting point this evening. I didn’t work today but had some errands to run. Then I had lunch with my Dad for Valentine’s Day which was very nice. He also brought me a trash bag full of fresh Garden Greens that one of my old friends sent for me.. it was a wonderful surprise and the torts reap the benefits. I made a trip to the Mexican supermarket for dandelions and fresh Ponduces for myself. Then home to work in the new Toretto Garden! Joey and Ally left yesterday so it’s pretty quiet tonight. Daughter is out in the pasture having a bonfire and son is beside me cutting up greens:) Hubby did leave me a beautiful card and way too many chocolates..
Greens for Toretto & gang, chocolates for you -- great that everyone had the best for Valentine's. :)


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Jul 12, 2016
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Ottawa, Ontario
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Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Wow....lucky day/evening. Wifey had to run out shopping for a few items (including dandelion... for Sully) but on the way she noticed that a road crew was cutting up one of the very ancient red cedar trees that recently blew down in some common/median strip/roadside area near our house. These are big old trees, been here a long time, and occasionally they topple during high wind events.
  • Comment: Last year, during one of these high wind events, probably 15 or more blew over and were sadly cut up and hauled away. Beautiful old red cedar. This is when our big pine trees toppled as well creating many hours of cleanup.
So...we have been watching this one tree...and today was the day. Wifey came home, reported the tree’s status. We popped over and I was able to man handle one really nice hunk of main trunk red cedar. Tomorrow, I’ll pop over and see if they cut the rest up into manageable logs. The sad thing....this ancient wood will end up chipped away on the side of the road...or hauled to a dump. :-(

I’ll get a pix tomorrow.
It would be good of you to rescue parts of the trunk -- knock on wood. More carving for next winter? :)


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5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Good mornooning, roommates! Happy Friday to all those who celebrate :D My own weekend ahead doesn't look horrible for a change: It's winter holiday! No school, courses, lessons for a week after today.

Winter holiday here is aka ski week. It's not easy to ski in Denmark (it's a flat country), but I hear many people are head over hills with ski resorts in Norway and Sweden. I guess we get a week off so that those people can travel to see some real snow.


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Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
Good morning Lena. Good morning all!

As in Denmark, next week is a school holiday in most UK schools too. It’s “half term” - a week’s break mid way (ish) between Christmas and Easter.

I am feeling so much better. The cough is improving rapidly and so is the quality of my sleep. I think. I still have a lot of sleep to catch up on as I feel wiped out - I guess this is the remnants of the bug that has had me in its grips for the last 3 weeks.

Dinner out was at a French restaurant called Otto’s. It’s very traditional and doesn’t go for special Valentine’s menus or any nonsense so we could enjoy the food and wine :)

Daughter spent valentine’s night doing voluntary work - rescuing toads :D In the spring, toads return to the pond they hatched in to mate, but many are killed crossing roads. The weather is relatively mild at the moment and the toads have started to move.

At the worst places, volunteers stand by with buckets and grab them then take them over the road. At peak times there can be hundreds of toads in some places.

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