
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
So sorry to hear. Don’t know why your car is — ahem — a hit with those people. :((

I really enjoy being able to walk everywhere.

View attachment 265024
Whahaha. My work is about 7.5 km away from where I work. And my walking speed is very slow, so I would probably have to leave about 5am to get to work on time. Although if I walked I would miss having to sit in traffic - that would be the upside of it. But it would be a killer walking home, as it is far too hot.


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Jul 31, 2012
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Sunny AZ
Someone has damaged my passenger side back bumper by the wheel and driven off without leaving details or letting me know. Just very angry at the moment. As I seem to be a magnet for people to damage my cars :mad:. I give up. I told hubby I don't want a car anymore. I will catch a bus and he can drop the kids off. He said no. :(

Oh no! I’m so sorry friend!
People can be jerks sometimes [emoji50][emoji20]


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Jul 12, 2016
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Ottawa, Ontario
Lol!! It’s our last name. I think I was supposed to have the ‘s . It bugs me!!

I knew it — thanks to the Christmas card exchange! [emoji23]

I don’t think you need an apostrophe — unless, of course, you’d like to emphasize the ownership of the wine. Then it should be: the Whites’... Might be a good idea — just to make sure everyone knows whose reds and whites those are! [emoji23]


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Jun 23, 2018
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East Texas
Morning all...a bit overcast this morning, and some wind at 15 mph. BUT, it’s going to be close to 60 F / 15C here today, sooooooo, I’m going to get out on the water closer inland, right near Annapolis. It’s more protected from southerly winds.
Time on the water always calming.....

Good to see more peeps posting. The crud is lifting for Linda and Lena...and Lyn is more settled. Big Ray types half speed. Lots of nasty weather out West USA, flooding n mudslides. Good for tort grass, not good for camping!

Snow in our immediate forecast for tomorrow - but just a dusting.

Just checked - no one moved my new log over night...

As always, I’ll be looking forward to today’s pics... your time on the water is always calming for me [emoji16]
Glad no one ran away with your new project.. !


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 23, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
East Texas
Someone has damaged my passenger side back bumper by the wheel and driven off without leaving details or letting me know. Just very angry at the moment. As I seem to be a magnet for people to damage my cars :mad:. I give up. I told hubby I don't want a car anymore. I will catch a bus and he can drop the kids off. He said no. :(

Yeap... that will do it. I’m sorry that happened to you! Seems like people have no class now-a-days... [emoji35][emoji35] Someone hit my work truck a few months back and skipped out on me. I was luckily able to use a Glass Handler and pop the dent out... amazing, seeing as how the auto shop quoted me $700 for repairs... People are just shady!


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
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Jul 31, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Sunny AZ
Yeap... that will do it. I’m sorry that happened to you! Seems like people have no class now-a-days... [emoji35][emoji35] Someone hit my work truck a few months back and skipped out on me. I was luckily able to use a Glass Handler and pop the dent out... amazing, seeing as how the auto shop quoted me $700 for repairs... People are just shady!

Agreed, people are very shady. I got a side swipe in the parking lot at work and nothing left as far as a note [emoji849][emoji20]
Fortunately, it came out with a lot of buffing and elbow grease. New cars are expensive to repair

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Whahaha. My work is about 7.5 km away from where I work. And my walking speed is very slow, so I would probably have to leave about 5am to get to work on time. Although if I walked I would miss having to sit in traffic - that would be the upside of it. But it would be a killer walking home, as it is far too hot.
Get a bicycle.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Well, the wind didn't do any damage around the outside of the house except for a pot or two that tipped over and a couple chair cushions on the ground. I haven't gone out back yet to look at my neighbor's eucalyptus trees. Those branches are very brittle and break off easily. I'm almost afraid to look. The news last night showed lots of trees that had fallen into the roofs of houses around the city, or out into the streets and taking down power lines. They said the power outages numbered in the thousands.


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10 Year Member!
May 29, 2014
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Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
As always, I’ll be looking forward to today’s pics... your time on the water is always calming for me [emoji16]
Glad no one ran away with your new project.. !

Change in plans.... the winds were increasingly gusty by 0900.....sun still hanging hidden. Wifey and I decided a quick AM shopping trip was better use of time.

I did get to go for another drive-by of the cedar logs. Still there, no work crews. So their part might be done. I’ll have to check nice if the remainder bits were at least cut in half, or thirds. I guess i can wish...


Well-Known Member
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Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Hello everyone, just got done with Opo's first of the year morning grazing on a empty stomach. Opo and I loved it.
Here is a question for you all.
If there are some turkey buzzards (I think 13)
circling above my head.
What does that mean?:(

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