
Well-Known Member
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Jun 23, 2018
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Well, the wind didn't do any damage around the outside of the house except for a pot or two that tipped over and a couple chair cushions on the ground. I haven't gone out back yet to look at my neighbor's eucalyptus trees. Those branches are very brittle and break off easily. I'm almost afraid to look. The news last night showed lots of trees that had fallen into the roofs of houses around the city, or out into the streets and taking down power lines. They said the power outages numbered in the thousands.

Ughhhh... I hate that for them but I’m glad your not among those numbers..!


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Jun 23, 2018
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Change in plans.... the winds were increasingly gusty by 0900.....sun still hanging hidden. Wifey and I decided a quick AM shopping trip was better use of time.

I did get to go for another drive-by of the cedar logs. Still there, no work crews. So their part might be done. I’ll have to check nice if the remainder bits were at least cut in half, or thirds. I guess i can wish...

Cedar pieces are my favorite!!!!

Cheryl Hills

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Good morning Lena. Good morning all!

As in Denmark, next week is a school holiday in most UK schools too. It’s “half term” - a week’s break mid way (ish) between Christmas and Easter.

I am feeling so much better. The cough is improving rapidly and so is the quality of my sleep. I think. I still have a lot of sleep to catch up on as I feel wiped out - I guess this is the remnants of the bug that has had me in its grips for the last 3 weeks.

Dinner out was at a French restaurant called Otto’s. It’s very traditional and doesn’t go for special Valentine’s menus or any nonsense so we could enjoy the food and wine :)

Daughter spent valentine’s night doing voluntary work - rescuing toads :D In the spring, toads return to the pond they hatched in to mate, but many are killed crossing roads. The weather is relatively mild at the moment and the toads have started to move.

At the worst places, volunteers stand by with buckets and grab them then take them over the road. At peak times there can be hundreds of toads in some places.
Wow, I remember doing this with crawfish down south. They cover the whole road. I believe now, you have to go a different was as it is illegal to disturb them, or run them over.

Yvonne G

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Jun 23, 2018
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Hello everyone, just got done with Opo's first of the year morning grazing on a empty stomach. Opo and I loved it.
Here is a question for you all.
If there are some turkey buzzards (I think 13)
circling above my head.
What does that mean?:(

Ummmm... maybe you should wiggle or something???

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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I just have to share this. I help my younger 60 year old brother. He is a developmentally disabled, profoundly deaf individual that's enabled to be himself. He must have read somewhere that "real men wear pink". Or just being Joe. He now wears pink reading glasses. He carries a pink umbrella with aqua palm trees and carries his cartoon paintings in a pink canvas art bag. I want his glasses and that umbrella bad.


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I have a decent slicker (like the Gorton's Fisherman wears), but what about my head? The rain hat I have now drips water down between my collar and neck.

Ogh... they usually have a good hood (detachable). In the wind and rain and carrying things, the last thing you want to fuss with is an ornery umbrella.


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Jun 23, 2018
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East Texas
I just have to share this. I help my younger 60 year old brother. He is a developmentally disabled, profoundly deaf individual that's enabled to be himself. He must have read somewhere that "real men wear pink". Or just being Joe. He now wears pink reading glasses. He carries a pink umbrella with aqua palm trees and carries his cartoon paintings in a pink canvas art bag. I want his glasses and that umbrella bad.

That’s too funny! I have a good friend that’s disabled that way and his heart is so innocent and and thoughts so real!!! [emoji177][emoji177][emoji177] the truest friend ever


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Jun 23, 2018
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Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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That’s too funny! I have a good friend that’s disabled that way and his heart is so innocent and and thoughts so real!!! [emoji177][emoji177][emoji177] the truest friend ever
Joe certainly is really Joe. When he came out of his room this morning wearing his pink reading glasses I just about lost it. I did smile but I didn't roll on the floor. I think I might have already talked him into giving me his pink umbrella.lolololol


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 23, 2018
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East Texas
Joe certainly is really Joe. When he came out of his room this morning wearing his pink reading glasses I just about lost it. I did smile but I didn't roll on the floor. I think I might have already talked him into giving me his pink umbrella.lolololol

Shame on you!!! Lol... you let him wear his pink with pride [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

My friend Jimmy lives in a nursing home. His mother is 82 and has dimentia. My mother moved her to her house last year so she could look after her. They have always been best friends. She is still able enough to go visit Jimmy every Tuesday and he really looks forward to it. That’s not going to last much longer though:-(. Jimmy does pretty good, his mind is just still very juvenile in a lot of ways. He can play the drums like no-ones business though. Our families are very musical
And we used to all get together and play music.. I miss those days:) Jimmy is still the life of the party but I love that you made me remember how it used to be:) I’m only 36 and Jimmy is 10 yrs older than me but it seems a lifetime ago..

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