
Well-Known Member
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May 29, 2014
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Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
Good day all.

We went from sunny and Spring-like, back to overcast, dark, dreary, wet, cold day. A bummer, really. A bit depressing as well.

For those folks out there building tort houses and enclosures, here’s a rather good explanation on the misc grades of plywood. And why some cost so much!


Gillian M

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Aug 28, 2014
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That was terrible!:(
I hope the area and the people are recovering OK.
Not only terrible, but a nightmare.

Yes, thanks Lyn. But it's taking a real lot of time. Moreover, it was obviously the very poor who were effected, making things twice as hard. This is always expected when one does not have much money.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Terrible. But it should end up being back round noise which you eventually don't hear.
Plus, I'm negotiating for a "sound" wall. That would be a cement wall 6' tall across the front of my property. Since my driveway won't be on the front, it would be a nice barrier. then my 6' redwood privacy fences down each side of the property would meet the sound wall and I would effectively be fenced in!! Yea! But my side of the street is in the County, not the City, so the City would have to go to the County and apply for a variance. Right now the county says any fence across the front can be no taller than 3'. Thing is, a variance is not free. So I don't know if the City will go for it. If not, then I'm going to negotiate that now my property value has considerably lessened from what it was before the noise level was an issue.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Terrible. But it should end up being back round noise which you eventually don't hear.
Yeah, that's the way it is now. I don't hear the traffic unless I'm outside trying to talk to someone. We can't hear each other unless we raise our voices.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
He is giving it 2 more months to completely heal with eye exercises.
The muscles in my right eye have tightened up too much on the outside unexpectedly causing the eye to stay in place and not move to where it should. The hope is that the exercises will loosen those muscles. If not, he will go back in at the end of the two months and fix it. Oy vey!
I’m glad you’re getting better [emoji851][emoji847]
"eye stuff" scares me. I was a nervous wreck prior to going in for cataract surgery. I can't imagine what it feels like for you. Hope it turns out ok.

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Plus, I'm negotiating for a "sound" wall. That would be a cement wall 6' tall across the front of my property. Since my driveway won't be on the front, it would be a nice barrier. then my 6' redwood privacy fences down each side of the property would meet the sound wall and I would effectively be fenced in!! Yea! But my side of the street is in the County, not the City, so the City would have to go to the County and apply for a variance. Right now the county says any fence across the front can be no taller than 3'. Thing is, a variance is not free. So I don't know if the City will go for it. If not, then I'm going to negotiate that now my property value has considerably lessened from what it was before the noise level was an issue.
:eek:3 foot?
For all the disruption, the nuisance noise and the potential loss of value to your home ?
That's disgraceful!!!
I hope you do get your 6 foot wall Yvonne that's the least they can do.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
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Not only terrible, but a nightmare.

Yes, thanks Lyn. But it's taking a real lot of time. Moreover, it was obviously the very poor who were effected, making things twice as hard. This is always expected when one does not have much money.
Yes always the same - the poor suffer the most and find it harder to pick themselves up.
I hope the government is helping out,

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
My son and his family took an airline flight from Texas to San Francisco, then rented two cars and drove up to Oregon for the funeral of my daughter-in-law's mother. Afterwards, back in San Francisco, they had time before the flight home (next day) to do sightseeing. They went on a double decker bus for a sightseeing trip around various points of interest in S.F. and to the Golden Gate Bridge.

I was raised in S.F., only moving to Fresno when I got married. And we didn't have sightseeing vehicles back in those days (over 60 years ago). This is of the Haight/Ashbury district (in the olden days this is hippy territory) from the top of a double decker bus:
sightseeing in sf b.jpg

And this is of the type of tiny car you can rent to drive around the city. It's actually a three wheel motorcycle (two wheels in the front and one in the back) with a car body on it:
sightseeing in sf a.jpg

The Golden Gate bridge. Just LOOK at the traffic on the bridge:

sightseeing in sf c.jpg


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2018
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Caroline - in the English speaking world - has the i pronounced to rhyme with my.

Carolyn - has the y pronounced like the i in dig.

Ah ok I get it now because for us caroline the ine is said like « in », I think for you the end of caroline would be like saying « line »( know draw a « line » with a pencil) ? haaa! it’s complicated expressing sounds with words!!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
My son and his family took an airline flight from Texas to San Francisco, then rented two cars and drove up to Oregon for the funeral of my daughter-in-law's mother. Afterwards, back in San Francisco, they had time before the flight home (next day) to do sightseeing. They went on a double decker bus for a sightseeing trip around various points of interest in S.F. and to the Golden Gate Bridge.

I was raised in S.F., only moving to Fresno when I got married. And we didn't have sightseeing vehicles back in those days (over 60 years ago). This is of the Haight/Ashbury district (in the olden days this is hippy territory) from the top of a double decker bus:
View attachment 269044

And this is of the type of tiny car you can rent to drive around the city. It's actually a three wheel motorcycle (two wheels in the front and one in the back) with a car body on it:
View attachment 269045

The Golden Gate bridge. Just LOOK at the traffic on the bridge:

View attachment 269046
They're great pics. I love those little cars I could do with one of those myself just to run around locally.
I don't know if I'd feel safe on the bridge with all that traffic. It must be safe but after the collapse in Italy last year it does make you wonder.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Ah ok I get it now because for us caroline the ine is said like « in », I think for you the end of caroline would be like saying « line »( know draw a « line » with a pencil) ? haaa! it’s complicated expressing sounds with words!!
The English language can be very strange!


Well-Known Member
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Jul 8, 2017
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Low desert 50 mi SE of Palm Springs CA
I’m proud of you!!
Did you get in trouble with your mum & dad ?
They cared for wildlife also, but advised me it wasn't the best way to handle the situation. I said "but the mantis only had 3 more legs to go...what should I have done?" There was silence, then "please don't fight anymore."