Cathie G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Old people, having fun

View attachment 362967
See the racks on Wonder woman?
View attachment 362968

Nuts, but good fun....80F and sunny! Nancy(Flo) always cooks the best food at their parties. Even when she was sick, we partied. Her brother(to my left in the red shirt) Vince and I are convinced that had we met in our teens or 20's......the trouble we would have gotten into, shudder to think...he's impulsive ya know. The old guy(no, the really old guy) in the green is ****, someone there's dad, around 135 years old and such an anti-social, he didn't file taxes for 25 years in the 90& and 2000's. He's a total hell raiser. In his 80's now, he's calmed.....but what a hoot to sit down and talk with for a couple hours.

Cool weekend, way to short this w/e though....and I had Fri off too! LOL
Great pictures 😁. That's hilarious that the lady found a progressive apron πŸ˜… hopefully it was one of their perks free for being a good driver.πŸ˜‰.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
Great pictures 😁. That's hilarious that the lady found a progressive apron πŸ˜… hopefully it was one of their perks free for being a good driver.πŸ˜‰.
Amazon....for Flo's was a popular item this year. LOL

Check this out, some GREAT news for our little friends;

Wasn't sure where to post this....seems like the folder for articles is selective.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Amazon....for Flo's was a popular item this year. LOL

Check this out, some GREAT news for our little friends;

Wasn't sure where to post this....seems like the folder for articles is selective.
That's wonderful πŸ‘ you evidently posted at the right place 😁 so the CDR is special? πŸ€—


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Happy Halloween Everyone!


Natrah, Jacky (who hasn't appeared for two days) and Angel Daisy


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Good afternoon everyone!

Pumpkin & Ginger Sundae was unavailable today because Tomassi's Cafe ran out of pumpkin sauce so I had Fruits Of The Forest Meringue with extra ice-cream because they also ran out of strawberries!IMG20231031130038.jpg

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
I stopped over at Ex wife's & her husbands house on the way home. He is a Prince of a man...dull as the day is long but maybe after 25 yrs of being with Mr "Keep your hands & feet inside the ride at all times", she needed that?

I went in while she was looking up something to talk with her hubby....I apologized to him for the drama my kids have brought him.....It's not an easy thing to have to apologize for the actions of your children to another man but he was very cool and gracious.

Anyway, I sure know how to pick the long-term girls, she had all our sons financial stuff organized, she had called his mortgage co & pretended to be him on the phone to get him a loan mod that maintains his 3% rate! Brilliant! She also checked on the status of his car and home ins as well as water and electric to make sure all are paid up.

I think I'll also open a new joint account so he has another set of eyes on his money in the future.....he knows it's only to protect him from himself. A huge income and a bad habit is a very bad combination so we'll mitigate what we can but he's got this. I have faith in him just as I had faith that my youngest would reach the end of the runway and be airborne and now she's doing great with goals she never saw from the ground before!

I have GOT to find an Alterations shop before I get home oldest daughters wedding is in 10 days and daddy's slacks were fitted to a Jeff 30lbs heavier.....they look funny now! That tux jacket though, caught a look in the mirror....dang, that is one fine looking white man! LOL

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Storm Ciaran
Had to, that storm covers the NATION! You keep your head down!

Anyone heard from Lyn? Storms usually cause her drama, hopes she's battened down the hatches.

"BOLO for Lyn"

I stopped at a dry-cleaners on the way home that does alterations. Pick my slacks up Monday...whew. 35 bucks all paid! I sure appreciate talents that I don't have! It's funny but pre-covid, I used a drycleaners for my entire office career. I liked nice crisp shirts in the office.....but since covid...well, today I'm wearing a flannel shirt (Tractor Supply type) and black jeans and tennis shoes.....shirt isn't tucked in either. LOL

Maybe that's what all those adults who had reached their wits end with me meant; "You are going to grow up to be nothing but a bum".....

and Here I am!!! Jeans, legs splayed, shirt hanging out, lounging at work......a bum 100% .LOL, I make myself laugh....


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Dear Jeff,

We have had rain, wind, sun and now more rain here. I am in Essex which is next to London I consider that we are getting off lightly so hopefully Lyn is okay.
I wonder what 35 bucks in pounds is.


Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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I haven't seen Lyn either. The little brat. I haven't even seen her lurking around.🐒 hopefully she'll check in soon. When she does she's in for it πŸ˜πŸ’πŸ’©

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Ok with all the time change education they said it would be dark at 6:30 pm. And Sundays sunset would be 5:30. It's 6:44: and still daylight. What gives πŸ€” now it's 6:50 pm and it isn't dark yet now either. Ok we're at twilight and it's 6:52. So for now I'm thinking it'll be ok because I do get an extra hour of sleep supposedly πŸ˜‰

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Ok with all the time change education they said it would be dark at 6:30 pm. And Sundays sunset would be 5:30. It's 6:44: and still daylight. What gives πŸ€” now it's 6:50 pm and it isn't dark yet now either. Ok we're at twilight and it's 6:52. So for now I'm thinking it'll be ok because I do get an extra hour of sleep supposedly πŸ˜‰
All I have to remember is "Fall back, Spring ahead"

Weird things.....for instance on Wed evening I was speaking to Kerry on the phone, I am dead West of her, 50 miles, same latitude. It was dark at my house and she say's it isn't dark at hers as she is driving home from school. I thought her daft, I'm WEST of her, the sun should set later, right? We do our little back & forth "bonding" then she sends me this; (cause sometimes she has to be right LOL)


There was no red color to my sky, it was dark out.

Ah well, Kerry's coming over this evening. We will get some shoes for her this weekend. She has a dress but no shoes to go with it. Wow, 20-30 pair in the closet, nothings works huh? LOL I have only two pair of black, one is shiny patent leather the other regular. One of them will work but girls are a whole different creature with different values and needs and requirements when it comes to shoes, especially shoes! And you girls might not all be like that but most of you are! LOL It's ok, we're friends here....I can say that.

Here's a qk story. Bobby, my old work buddy came by yesterday and we talked for 1/2 hr or so. He asked about my son and I told him he had stumbled but he wasn't bad and was on his way back. He asked me how old my son was was. Then he asked me how old I was when I got sober. God Dang......the same age!!!! Well isn't that a kick in the bum?

Bobby knew that when he asked me how old my son was.....he's that sharp and he's always lent me that perspective.

Enjoy the day guys!