Concerned! NERD

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Feb 15, 2008
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Redfoot NERD said:
The majority of the responses from the original Q? above are trying to prove that it's O.K. to give advice without personal experience.

Go ahead...... I'm done.


As was stated earlier and throughout the thread- OF COURSE it is OK. The key issue, which probably should have been made more clear earlier is If advice is accurate and helpful, it does not matter where it came from- whether it was from a book, another keeper, or years of experience. By the same token, even the most experienced keeper can give bad advice sometimes.


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Oct 26, 2009
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IMO, I have found this forum to be a very hostile environment at times to new members. As a result I generally try to avoid giving advice, even generic tortoise advice that I have read over and over and over and over and over and... for fear of being attacked for only having 8 years experience with one species. There are enough 'experienced' people on here that advice is usually passed on in a timely manner, so I don't think my lack of input is hurting any. Of course, I still post every once in a while, but usually only when a) I don't think I'm going to get my head ripped off or b) when I know I'm going to get my head ripped off but that's the point of the thread.


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Mar 19, 2009
My head is attached pretty well. I could care less of someone in 'internet land' finds a reason to try and rip it off. Let 'em try! :)


Well-Known Member
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Aug 24, 2009
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There have been a lot of good points made on this thread. I personally have been involved with turtles and tortoises for the past 27 years, since acquiring my first RES in 1983. Much of what I learned through the mid to late 80's was through trial and error. It sure would of been nice if something like this site existed back then. I've worked with literally hundreds of different species throughout this time. I've seen the hundreds of questions posted on this site weekly and people's responses. Personally, very seldom will I make a response to someone's question(s) about the care for their turtle/tortoise. There's a lot of knowledgable people on this site. My only computer access is here at work, so by the time I read these threads when I get in to work, what could I possibly add that hasn't been already said? Without making myself look like a know it all. The great thing about this site is we're all here for the same reason....Our love for chelonians. I think it's fantastic when someone has only been working with their tortoise for a year, but took into account everything they were taught by knowledgable keepers, and were able to spread what they've learned to someone else just starting out.


New Member
5 Year Member
Oct 10, 2009
If I could add here, I have only been keeping torts for a good 7-8 months and I have learned a lot from this forum and from the books and internet I have been reading these past few months. I still have a long way to go but many at times I feel the same way Mike (chairman) feels about posting something that I might get told off or even think about posting another thread here about my Star getting RNS in the future. Why? becuase I have got harsh replies from before about husbandary. I was new when I first started posting here and the reason I post here is only becuase I love these beautiful animals and I want to learn more and correct what I am doing. I have two Stars now and one has been fine from the day I brought him home and the other has got RNS for the second time(1st time I brought her home, she already came home with RNS) I have brought her home and they both live under the same conditions, so the second Star, maybe is a little weaker and has got RNS again, is it my faulth that the first Star is doing well and the second is not with both being under the same conditions. So I post a thread here and again the reply posted is a little harsh, maybe I'm to sensitive but thats how it came across to me. Would I ever want my Star to fall sick, NEVER! We got to ask ourselves why we have these forum in the first place, to share information, learn and exchange ideas about our beautiful little one's.
I'm sorry if my post is not what is expected from the first post in this thread but I had to tell you'll how I personally feel. I do enjoy this forum and admire a lot of you'll (Terry(nerd), maggie, elegans etc etc..) for what you'll have acomplished and the information you'll have provided me with, thank you and God bless!
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