Family "ghost" stories?


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2017
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I have 2 stories that I cant explain and everyone calls me crazy for

The first was when I was about 7 or 8 my sister collected those glass faced China dolls while watching cartoons as a kid one of those dolls slide out of my sister's room and crashed into the hall wall when I was the only one in the house

And the second would be when I was about 14 or 15 walking home from a friend's house a couple blocks away I left at about 3 or 330 but didn't make it home till 6 normally like a 15min walk on the way I some how lost like 2 hours of time. light one min getting dark the next with no explanation

That’s crazy! The doll thing is easy to believe they are scary enough by themselves. Did you notice anything weird when you lost 2 hours of the day at all? Or was it completely instantaneous?


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That’s crazy! The doll thing is easy to believe they are scary enough by themselves. Did you notice anything weird when you lost 2 hours of the day at all? Or was it completely instantaneous?

Yeah I won't allow dolls in my house now because of that lol and kinda but it was almost like in the blink of a eye one min full sun bam next it's setting. I felt kinda dazed like I was spacing out day dreaming till I woke up the next day


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2017
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Okay guys here comes part 5......
one night I was awakened by growling in front of my bed. I sat up straight to see what was happening but nothing was there. Too scared to move I waited to see if anything else would happen. Something then hopped onto my bed and the growling continued. Again nothing could be seen although my room was dimly lit by moonlight. I immediately move my legs away from the sagging spot in the bed where the mystery creature was weighing it down. The creature began to bark and snarl but it wasn't towards me but towards my door. The creature that now sounded dog like was joined by a second, this one clearly out for my blood. That's when the fight erupted on my bed with nothing I could do but stare at my now moving bed and blankets. Too terrified to move I had to wait and hope the one seeming to be on my side would win this invisible fight. It ended with one whimpering away. Still to scared to move not know which animal won, I waited several minutes before running to my light switch and going back to bed and waiting for dawn. The next day I asked my family if they could hear a dog fight. They all said that they had not heard a thing. My step dad told me I was crazy and no one believed me. But that would soon change...........
Hope you enjoyed part 5 it gave me goosebumps remembering.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2017
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Okay. Now part 6 is going to correspond with part 4, as is has to do with the craft room.
After the dogfight on my bed, all was quiet months went by with only the minor things like footsteps, and closing doors. Not even a peep out of fat guy ghost. But what I didn't know was I was not the only victim of these strange happenings. My stepbrother for quite some time now had been getting up in the middle of the night for a midnight snack. This in itself was not weird, but he was also leaving every light leading from the kitchen to his room on. Every morning we would get up, and they would be on. So after a while, I got curious. I asked him why he was leaving all these lights on. His reply is the reason I am 100% certain that his dog was led into that room the night we went to Comic-con. Little did we know that after all this time whatever this presence was it was learning our names. My stepbrother told me that at night, every night he would get up for a snack and something down the stairway would call out his name in a faint whisper. "Chrisss Chrisss Chrisss" it would say beckoning him down the steps. He was too scared to turn the lights off at night fearing what was calling him. He said after a while he did go down the steps and follow this voice. At the bottom of the steps, he heard it call his name again "Chrisss Chrisss Chrisss" He turned the corner and found the craft room door open and the eerie voice coming from inside. He went right back up the stairs and never tried that again.
After this everything started coming to a head. We soon decided to move, not because of it being haunted but a job opportunity cross country. Towards the end of our time, there Fat guy ghost only bothered my mother once, and that was when she was packing her closet. He started stomping around next to her. Another instance My little brother (different brother) were watching sponge bob in the living room and that craft room door that is so heavy it slams itself shut opened. I, knowing what my step bro had said Instantly went and closed the door and said "no." My little brother was a bit scared, but I told him everything was fine. We could say that whatever it was did not want us there. The most telltale sign was this...
Think of a black widow spider. They are very territorial and vicious spiders. We had five nesting in each of our living room window wells with egg sacks. If that's not a sign, I don't know what is.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2017
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Okay guys here comes part 5......
one night I was awakened by growling in front of my bed. I sat up straight to see what was happening but nothing was there. Too scared to move I waited to see if anything else would happen. Something then hopped onto my bed and the growling continued. Again nothing could be seen although my room was dimly lit by moonlight. I immediately move my legs away from the sagging spot in the bed where the mystery creature was weighing it down. The creature began to bark and snarl but it wasn't towards me but towards my door. The creature that now sounded dog like was joined by a second, this one clearly out for my blood. That's when the fight erupted on my bed with nothing I could do but stare at my now moving bed and blankets. Too terrified to move I had to wait and hope the one seeming to be on my side would win this invisible fight. It ended with one whimpering away. Still to scared to move not know which animal won, I waited several minutes before running to my light switch and going back to bed and waiting for dawn. The next day I asked my family if they could hear a dog fight. They all said that they had not heard a thing. My step dad told me I was crazy and no one believed me. But that would soon change...........
Hope you enjoyed part 5 it gave me goosebumps remembering.



Tortoise Club
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Jul 16, 2014
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I mentioned the being dragged down the bed....Getting whacked in the noggin by Larry the Lion. The face on the T.V. My aunts poltergeist. Mentioned my uncles hauntings.
Now I have just one more major event.
Going back to about 1974 or 1975. This one is important because it got my mother to 100% believe me when I told her about odd events. She also witnessed this. Thank God.

We'll call this one "HOT WHEELS":
Late one night ( for me. It may have only been 9 pm) Winter time in Columbia South Carolina, I was watching the fish in the tiny 5 gallon fish tank next to my bed. The red light from the heater flickered when it turned on. Casting a surprising amount of light. Mom was watching television in the living room. So there was also light from the hallway. We had hard wood floors like most of the homes did in that historic district. And I heard a noise. I couldn't figure what it was. The fishtank was bubbling. I could faintly hear the television....But what is that noise?
Then, something caught my eye. Rolling in from the hallway came one of my Hot Wheels cars that were kept in a chest in the central hallway. It slowly and deliberately turned and came towards the bed. I followed it with my eyes until it came to a stop at the side of the bed. To my astonishment, right beside TWO OTHER cars. (The other noises)
No sooner did that car come to a stop, another car came rolling in from the hallway.
I started to sit up in bed and as the car came into the center of the room, the bedroom light came on. It was mom. She had seen at least two of the cars roll past her view point and had gotten up to see what was going on in time to see car number four make the turn to come into my room.
We didn't say much to each other. We both looked at the other cars lined up in near perfect order. The last car stopped in the middle of the floor after making several improbable turns.
After that my mother told me that she'd never doubt me again.
It was SO liberation to have someone else see this.

The toy chest was closed.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
East Texas
I mentioned the being dragged down the bed....Getting whacked in the noggin by Larry the Lion. The face on the T.V. My aunts poltergeist. Mentioned my uncles hauntings.
Now I have just one more major event.
Going back to about 1974 or 1975. This one is important because it got my mother to 100% believe me when I told her about odd events. She also witnessed this. Thank God.

We'll call this one "HOT WHEELS":
Late one night ( for me. It may have only been 9 pm) Winter time in Columbia South Carolina, I was watching the fish in the tiny 5 gallon fish tank next to my bed. The red light from the heater flickered when it turned on. Casting a surprising amount of light. Mom was watching television in the living room. So there was also light from the hallway. We had hard wood floors like most of the homes did in that historic district. And I heard a noise. I couldn't figure what it was. The fishtank was bubbling. I could faintly hear the television....But what is that noise?
Then, something caught my eye. Rolling in from the hallway came one of my Hot Wheels cars that were kept in a chest in the central hallway. It slowly and deliberately turned and came towards the bed. I followed it with my eyes until it came to a stop at the side of the bed. To my astonishment, right beside TWO OTHER cars. (The other noises)
No sooner did that car come to a stop, another car came rolling in from the hallway.
A started to sit up in bed and as the cat came into the center of the room, the bedroom light came on. It was mom. She had seen at least two of the cars roll past her view point and had gotten up to see what was going on in time to see car number four make the turn to come into my room.
We didn't say much to each other. We both looked at the other cars lined up in near perfect order. The last car stopped in the middle of the floor after making several improbable turns.
After that my mother told me that she'd never doubt me again.
It was SO liberation to have someone else see this.

The toy chest was closed.
O wow! Someone wanted to play..


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Apr 26, 2012
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Louisiana, USA
This story didn't happen directly to me, but it involved me.

I once worked at a very old state psychiatric hospital located out in a sparsely populated rural area. It has been in service since 1848, and many patients have lived out their lives there. There is a graveyard in the back for those patients who have no families or whose families can't or won't pay for interment. I thought there would be LOTS of ghost stories in a place like that, but there really weren't.

Most of us staff did not live nearby, so there were apartments and cottages available on grounds for our usage over night. Most people worked 2 days on/ 2days off sort of thing, so we could use the apartments assigned to us between the 2 shifts "on," then leave and go back home for our 2 days "off."
One of the nurses, I'll call her Brenda, was a solid, sensible, tough country gal. One day she started her shift looking tired, complained that at night she hears water drips on her pillow, but they didn't leave a wet mark on the pillow and there was no water mark on the ceiling. The second night this happened, she sat up with a flashlight, determined to see where the water was coming from. She could still hear the drips hit, but could not find where they were coming from. That's when she JOKINGLY decided it was a ghost throwing water at her. Her supervisor was assigned to the adjoining apartment, and one night the supervisor's adult daughter stayed over with her (the supervisor, NOT Brenda). The daughter woke in the night to see the form of a woman hovering over her. Brenda said "She must be the one throwing water at me!" But I said, "Maybe it's tears?"

The next time we talked about it, Brenda said when the drops falling on the pillow wake her at night she just says things like "I know you're there- you'll be alright" or "everything's alright"- just anything reassuring. And the drops always stop for that night.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
East Texas
This story didn't happen directly to me, but it involved me.

I once worked at a very old state psychiatric hospital located out in a sparsely populated rural area. It has been in service since 1848, and many patients have lived out their lives there. There is a graveyard in the back for those patients who have no families or whose families can't or won't pay for interment. I thought there would be LOTS of ghost stories in a place like that, but there really weren't.

Most of us staff did not live nearby, so there were apartments and cottages available on grounds for our usage over night. Most people worked 2 days on/ 2days off sort of thing, so we could use the apartments assigned to us between the 2 shifts "on," then leave and go back home for our 2 days "off."
One of the nurses, I'll call her Brenda, was a solid, sensible, tough country gal. One day she started her shift looking tired, complained that at night she hears water drips on her pillow, but they didn't leave a wet mark on the pillow and there was no water mark on the ceiling. The second night this happened, she sat up with a flashlight, determined to see where the water was coming from. She could still hear the drips hit, but could not find where they were coming from. That's when she JOKINGLY decided it was a ghost throwing water at her. Her supervisor was assigned to the adjoining apartment, and one night the supervisor's adult daughter stayed over with her (the supervisor, NOT Brenda). The daughter woke in the night to see the form of a woman hovering over her. Brenda said "She must be the one throwing water at me!" But I said, "Maybe it's tears?"

The next time we talked about it, Brenda said when the drops falling on the pillow wake her at night she just says things like "I know you're there- you'll be alright" or "everything's alright"- just anything reassuring. And the drops always stop for that night.
Poor sad ghost. I wonder why she cries.