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Hi, I'm Karyn, and I'm the new parent of a Russian Tortoise named Natasha. I also have three dogs and three cats. Natasha is my first experience with a tortoise or a turtle or any other reptile. I have grown quite attached to her in a short period of time and find her quite fascinating. Our first vet visit indicated parasites and a bacterial infection. After two weeks of antibiotic injections, I am not really her favorite person. I am hoping that our follow-up visit to the vet this week indicates a clean bill of health, and we can build a better relationship. I've been reading this forum for a while and wanted to let you all know that your information is invaluable.


Yvonne G

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RE: Welcome to !

Hi Karyn: Welcome to the forum! Your little tortoise will soon get over being used as a pin cushion. Here's hoping he comes up clean at his next vet visit!



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tortoises.jpgI am Dawna. and I have recently gotten 2 new kids, Doris and Fred. That is where I have some confusion. The friend who gave them to me has a CA desert tortoise (male) and a sulcata (female). She swears they have had two separate hatchings from them and the kids are from the second (hatched Oct 2007). I have been told this is impossible that the two adults would never inter mix but she swears she has seen it. The female is currently the same size as the male so size is not an issue, but anyone have any ideas or resources to find out if it is possible. I will try to attach a photo but I am new at this.
Their scutes are light to med brown at the edge and light tan in the center.
Glad to be here.

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Welcome to the forum Dawna :)

From your picture they both look like pure Desert tortoises to me. The person you got them from probably has mistaken their female for a sulcata or might just be trying to get around the rule that says you can't hatch Desert tortoise eggs.


Yvonne G

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RE: Welcome to !

galvinkaos said:
I am Dawna. and I have recently gotten 2 new kids, Doris and Fred.

The female is currently the same size as the male so size is not an issue, but anyone have any ideas or resources to find out if it is possible. I


Hi Dawna: Welcome to the forum!! If a female sulcata is large enough to lay eggs, she is wa-a-a-a-y bigger than a male desert tortoise. When a female sulcata is large enough to be sexually mature and lay eggs, she would be much larger than a full sized male desert tortoise. Since they are the same size, I would think that maybe what she has is a light-colored desert tortoise. Many years ago I had several desert tortoises and one of them was actually the blonde color that you see in Sulcatas, however, this was long enough ago that "sulcata" was unheard of in the pet industry. I have a 4 year old desert tortoise that is what is known as "leucistic." This means he has an absence of the regular color attributed to the species. But in reality, he has the coloration of a sulcata.

I think Danny is spot on in his assessment of the situation!! Danny wins again!



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From your picture they both look like pure Desert tortoises to me. The person you got them from probably has mistaken their female for a sulcata or might just be trying to get around the rule that says you can't hatch Desert tortoise eggs.


Thank you for the info. Unfortunately I think she just doesn't know much about her tortoises. I know one was given to her. The other she found walking up the street. She did tell me I needed to register them with Dept of fish and wildlife and that 1 of hers is registered.


Yvonne G

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RE: Welcome to !

galvinkaos said:
She did tell me I needed to register them with Dept of fish and wildlife and that 1 of hers is registered.


Hi Dawna: Its not US Fish & Wildlife, its the California Department of Fish & Game that owns the desert tortoises. They own it and allow YOU to take care of it. You have to have a permit, and its very easy to get one. But I'd wait until the babies are about 3 years old before you apply. You can contact any chapter of the California Turtle & Tortoise Club and they can either give your the paperwork, or register the tortoises for you.

If you get a chance, I'd dearly LOVE to see pictures of the parent tortoises. Do you think you can talk her into it?



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RE: Welcome to !

Hi Yvonne,

I meant CA Fish and Game. I seem to be scatterbrained today.

I am sure she would let me take pictures. Probably of Doris and Fred's siblings as well. She really loves her tortoises but like I said I think she is just not well informed. I try to find out everything I can and I pass it along to her. I gave her a list of appropriate foods for her tortoises that I got from my local pet store. I am lucky I have a "mom and pop" pet store that is really good with reptiles. They have given me good advise on a Sonoran Boa Constrictor we found abandoned at a camp ground, dehydrated and malnourished. Info on my 2 RES. Both given to me by people who knew I loved tortoises and had kids who no longer would care for them.

I will post pictures as soon as I can get over there and take them. I also found the local CTTC and they meet 4th Fridays. I am going to try to get her to go with me, so she can get better informed.


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Jan 9, 2009
RE: Welcome to !

Hi there I am Tacoboy3939 and I have been caring for my Tortoise friends for many years now. I am excited to have a forum to glean more information on how to maintain a great life for my friends. I have a Sulcata (2 yrs. Old), a Red Foot (4 yrs.), 3 Hermann's (2 to 3 yrs), and 3 Russians (ranging from 3 to 5 yrs). All doing well and thriving.

Yvonne G

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RE: Welcome to !

Welcome to the forum, Tacoboy3939! Glad to have you here.



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RE: Welcome to !

Hello all,

I'm Georgie's Grampa. Georgie joined the family this Christmas and is best friends with his momma, Stevie, who's my 9 year old daughter. We think Georgie is about 4-5 months based on looking at pics from other hatchlings.

We live in Southern California, and are first time tort owners. We're learning quickly that Georgie needs lots more attention than the pet shop led us to believe...but that's OK now that we've found this site to help us learn the ropes.

Fyi, Georgie hasn't been doing so well lately...getting lethargic, and he's not eating. His eyes are crusted over (I've never seen them open yet since we got him). Being that he's a Sulcata I kind of assumed he didn't need much time in the water (whoops) so he's not been soaked since we got him. He's had plenty of fresh water, but he's not much of a drinker.

As of today he's been goodly soaked, and seems to be refreshed. Still not eating yet, but I hope his appetitite will come back tomorrow. The environment we got fromt the pet shop is all wrong, I'm learning, except for the UVA/B light...which was the right idea but probably too strong for the small environment he's in. Tomorrow's going to be a big day for Georgie cause he's going to get a new environment and a whole new diet, and a luxury soaking pool to boot!

Looking forward to getting Georgie on a path to wellness. Thanks much to all those I've met from other threads. I think we found each other just in time.

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Yvonne G

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RE: Welcome to !

GeorgiesGrampa said:
Fyi, Georgie hasn't been doing so well lately...getting lethargic, and he's not eating. His eyes are crusted over (I've never seen them open yet since we got him).

Hi John: Its not right for the eyes of ANY animal to not open. How can they see the food? How can they see the water? So, yes, you're correct: you found us just in time. The soaking we told you about on the other thread should have those eyes open in just a day or two. There's an eye ointment that is really soothing to swollen-shut eyes:

Terramycin and its mfg'd by Pfizer

It comes in a very small tube and costs around $7. You can either buy it at a feed store (horse & cattle) or get a tube from any vet. You can buy it online too, but that would take too long. Just smear a dab on George's eyelids three or four times a day. It will help them to open, and it is very soothing to his eyes.

Welcome to the forum. Looking forward to pictures of George with his eyes OPEN!!


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RE: Welcome to !

Hey, I'm Adam, From England and i've got a one year old Horsefield tortoise called Herbert! :)

Yvonne G

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RE: Welcome to ! said:
Hey, I'm Adam, From England and i've got a one year old Horsefield tortoise called Herbert! :)

Hi Adam: Welcome to the forum. We're glad to have another member from "Jolly ole England" amongst us. You and Herbert will find lots of helpful hints about Horsefield's tortoises her on the forum.



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Feb 13, 2009
RE: Welcome to !

Josh said:
Welcome to We strive to be the leader in tortoise (and turtle) discussions on the web, covering all topics as they are related to everything from the Cryptodira suborder (thats a fancy way of saying tortoises). Our forums allow for in-depth and specific discussions which can be read by tortoise enthusiasts worldwide!

Register Now (it's free!)

I am Josh. I am the site admin/moderator/what-have-you. I love learning about tortoises and currently care for 2 desert tortoise hatchlings.
Please use this space to introduce yourself (and your tortoises).


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Feb 13, 2009
RE: Welcome to !

Josh said:
Welcome to We strive to be the leader in tortoise (and turtle) discussions on the web, covering all topics as they are related to everything from the Cryptodira suborder (thats a fancy way of saying tortoises). Our forums allow for in-depth and specific discussions which can be read by tortoise enthusiasts worldwide!

Register Now (it's free!)

I am Josh. I am the site admin/moderator/what-have-you. I love learning about tortoises and currently care for 2 desert tortoise hatchlings.
Please use this space to introduce yourself (and your tortoises).

Hi name is Mary me and my husband live in Illinoise and we own a 3 year sulcata and glad we found this forum so we could talk to other tortoise people because not to many in Ill. or we hav't heard of them. We are real new to the formum.

Yvonne G

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RE: Welcome to !

Hi Mary: Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you will find lots of Illinoisians here on the forum. We're very glad to have you join our little family.

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