Jacky And Daisy


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

Below is a picture of me going to see my friend the bathroom scales! Edward don't forget that the best lettuce for us tortoises is Romaine Lettuce. Have you had any advice from @Tom or @Yvonne?

Anyway I have been very busy strolling around the garden, foraging and basking. Natrah had to go out twice and I was able to get on with some cleaning. Zola, Dickie and Sherman know how important this is to me. By the way Sherman is a Sulcata and some time ago he walked over the maintenance man's foot🤣. Dickie's dad is the maintenance man at his sanctuary. Sherman how are the home improvements coming along?

Zola how is your mum? I hope she's feeling a bit better today. Please could you tell her that we have wrens in the trees here

Goodnight everyone

Jacky, Angel Daisy and Natrah
Jacky forgot to attach the photo!IMG20240621202013.jpg


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Apr 6, 2024
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

It is lovely and warm here and so both of us were out today. Jacky spent a long time basking and eating and I had lunch on the cliffs. Anyway I am a member of Butterfly Conservation and I was very pleased to see a Marbled White after the Pretty Betsy and nettles! The verges and cliffs have been allowed to grow wild here because the local council that is responsible for their upkeep haven't been trimming. All I can say that the wildlife are enjoying themselves and why not after all we are destroying their habitat. I also enjoyed listening to the Great ****. How are the swallows Zola and do you still see the Robin?

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Natrah - I have finally got my new headache pills today, after a long drive to Plymouth and back, so I shall start them tonight. I will tell you about the robins and swallows tomorrow - too tired right now. I hope all is well with you.
Love from Angie and Zola xxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Hello Natrah - I have finally got my new headache pills today, after a long drive to Plymouth and back, so I shall start them tonight. I will tell you about the robins and swallows tomorrow - too tired right now. I hope all is well with you.
Love from Angie and Zola xxxxxxx
Good evening everyone!

That's good news Angie. I hope you start to feel better soon.

We're okay here but tired after a long day so you must be exhausted.

Sleep tight

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening my dear tortoise!

I just want you all to know that if you pretend not to eat you will find your servants giving you more food. The other day Natrah was worried about me although she said that she found two holes in the greens!


Jacky 🐢


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening my dear tortoise!

I just want you all to know that if you pretend not to eat you will find your servants giving you more food. The other day Natrah was worried about me although she said that she found two holes in the greens!


Jacky 🐢
Sorry everyone!

Jacky meant tortoise friends.



Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2023
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Hello Natrah - I have finally got my new headache pills today, after a long drive to Plymouth and back, so I shall start them tonight. I will tell you about the robins and swallows tomorrow - too tired right now. I hope all is well with you.
Love from Angie and Zola xxxxxxx
🤞hoping you feel the benefit really soon x


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening my dear tortoise!

I just want you all to know that if you pretend not to eat you will find your servants giving you more food. The other day Natrah was worried about me although she said that she found two holes in the greens!


Jacky 🐢
Dear Jacky that’s what I do that way you keep getting more of the food you like the most 😆
I am enjoying this sunny weather but not the soaks I keep getting.
Sue was potting up some tubs the other day & I made real nuisance of myself walking over everything & having a nibble of anything that took my fancy! I tried rearranging the plants but she stopped me. The pots are easier to move when there’s nothing in them.
Hope you get your full appetite back soon



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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Jacky - I have had a really long walk today on the breakwater, right to the end and back ! I would have walked some more, but my dad said that was enough, so we went home and I had a long rest on my mum, with lots of stroking involved. She took her first new pill last night, but it will take quite a while to see if they help. I try to help her by letting her cuddle me, and putting my head on her face - she says it is very soothing.
By the way, when we were out, we met a group of schoolchildren with their teacher, and they were very interested in me. One said that their teacher was reading Esiotrot ! -and the teacher said yes,
she was, so what a lovely coincidence to meet me !
My dad has been feed ing the robin in our garden a lot of mealworms, and he takes most of them away for his babies, but a few days ago, a robin baby (or pudding, as we call them because of their shape) appeared watching him - he let Richard feed him by holding a worm to his beak, which he grabbed instantly. He got very brave, and after a couple of days let my dad take some photos of him !
You can see he is very young, because he has just got a bit of orange robin-colour fluff on his front, but isn't he lovely !!!
Love to you, Jacky, and to Natrah, and all my forum friends from Zola xxxxxx
and Angie


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

I have thankfully been feeling my old self! Yesterday I got between the showercurtain and my enclousure wall and walked there around the perimiter of my enclousure like it was a tunnel. I had appareantly made a big mess so my servant decided to fasten te curtain to my enclousure with thumb tacks (previously it was just pulled through a gap between the two layers of my wall. Needles to say, I had left a present between the shower curtain and the wall for her to find!

On a more negative note, my servant found a new bladder stone in my enclosure, smaller than the previous one. Also, my servant says that when I was eating clover, some clear bubbles came from my nose. She is still worried about me and giving me daily drowning sessions!

Edward :tort:


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Good evening everyone!

I have thankfully been feeling my old self! Yesterday I got between the showercurtain and my enclousure wall and walked there around the perimiter of my enclousure like it was a tunnel. I had appareantly made a big mess so my servant decided to fasten te curtain to my enclousure with thumb tacks (previously it was just pulled through a gap between the two layers of my wall. Needles to say, I had left a present between the shower curtain and the wall for her to find!

On a more negative note, my servant found a new bladder stone in my enclosure, smaller than the previous one. Also, my servant says that when I was eating clover, some clear bubbles came from my nose. She is still worried about me and giving me daily drowning sessions!

Edward :tort:
Dear Edward - you are most thoughtful with your presents .Do you think your servant would like to keep your bladder stones made into a totally original necklace? I once made a lovely present with the remains of a cuttlefish bone - my mum added a mast and flag, and made it into a small boat, as a present for the little girl who made me a crochet blanket .I don't bother much with the cuttlefish now - I still have some near my food, just in case!
I'm sorry about all the drowning sessions, but they are in a good cause, and I'm sure you appreciate your servant's concern.

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 21, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone! This is Besha again. I've climbed an umbrella stand today and was so proud of myself so I've left a present on top. Perhaps, it wasn't a present but more a proof of my achievement.

Also, I've learned of a proper way to use a food dish: tortoise in, food out. That's how it works! Very convenient!


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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
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Also, I've learned of a proper way to use a food dish: tortoise in, food out. That's how it works! Very convenient!
Hello Besha, that is my second favourite way to use the food dish. My favourite way is to drag the food to my water dish to make soup.

When my servant brings fresh food, I often go to inspect it by standing on top of it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

I have thankfully been feeling my old self! Yesterday I got between the showercurtain and my enclousure wall and walked there around the perimiter of my enclousure like it was a tunnel. I had appareantly made a big mess so my servant decided to fasten te curtain to my enclousure with thumb tacks (previously it was just pulled through a gap between the two layers of my wall. Needles to say, I had left a present between the shower curtain and the wall for her to find!

On a more negative note, my servant found a new bladder stone in my enclosure, smaller than the previous one. Also, my servant says that when I was eating clover, some clear bubbles came from my nose. She is still worried about me and giving me daily drowning sessions!

Edward :tort:
Good evening Edward!

I can understand your owner being worried I remember how I felt with Jacky and Daisy when they blew bubbles. I had a thread called 'Daisy Has A Cold' where @Tom and @wellington advised turning up the temperatures of their enclosure and of course Jacky has had this trouble a couple of times in her 88 years and with Jacky it cleared up on it's was probably something that she inhaled whilst foraging. Both times when Jacky and Daisy have been ill the vet has recommended 28 degrees Celsius in the enclosure by day and 20 degrees Celsius in the enclosure at night. These were recommended until Jacky started recovering when they could be lowered or she could go outside. I think for your peace of mind you should go to a vet just to be on the safe side and they could make suggestions about the stones.

By the way Jacky left me a present in the soaking tub!

Goodnight everyone and Zola those pictures are lovely and I hope your mum is feeling better. I have the dentist tomorrow.

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
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Good morning Natrah,

I have been keeping Edward at over 27 celcius during the day, and the temps don't drop below 22 celcius at night. It might be just that he he had something stuck in his throat, he was eating then afterall. But I want to be on the safe side, since a runny nose is sometimes a co-existing symptom with bladder stones.

I am not sure about the reliability of our vets here, and wellington seems to think that I can wait and keep an eye on the situation at least until Friday. But I am constantly debating about whether or not to contact the vet.

Edwards servant :tort:


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello everyone. I went out to look at the sea with my mum and dad, and my dad took me up to the headland right by the cliffs We met a couple of people there, who asked my name. When my dad said Zola, they were surprised, and said they had a grandson, just a year old, called Zola ! They said his parents just wanted something unusual ! So my dad asked -did they know that "Zola" means quietness in the Swaheli language -they didn't know, and said that at the moment their grandson was definitely not a quiet baby !
I didn't get a walk on the breakwater today, as there was a very cold wind, and some rain. However, I still got my long stroke from my mum,which was good for both of us.
I am sorry, Jacky, that Natrah keeps messing up your bathroom arrangements - you would think she would know better by now. Maybe you need a nice black pen to draw a plan on the floor for her !
Lots of love to you, Natrah, and Angel Daisy,and to all my forum friends
from Zolaxxxxxxxxx
and Angie xxxxxxxx