Jacky And Daisy


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good afternoon everyone!

I've booked an appointment for Monday at 5.45 pm for a checkup. Unfortunately it is with a new vet at the practice but knowing I've got an appointment is relaxing. Jacky hasn't eaten but she seems chilled.



Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Natrah - we shall be thinking of you and Jacky on Monday. I have had quite a good day - it was quite sunny, and so my dad took me to the breakwater, and I had a very long walk. Then I had a rest and stroke from my mum, who is not feeling too good today. She is just finishing her first month of her new headache pills, and so far, she really isn't sure that they are helping - but it is still too soon to be sure, as they do take a long time to work, if they are going to.
Have you heard about the floods in Canada ? - my dad still has friends in Toronto, and it seems to be pretty bad where they live, and where his old home is. That just doesn't ever happen there !
Goodnight and lots of love to you and Jacky and Angel Daisy, and all our forum friends
from Zola and Angie xxxxxx
Looking over the fields from our front garden ...


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good morning everyone!

Jacky's tucked into breakfast and I am so relieved. I've shed a few tears because I still miss Daisy but I believe she looks down on us. Thankyou all so much for your wonderful support. I still want to keep Monday's appointment for a checkup.

Natrah and Jacky

PS: I pressed by mistake.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good afternoon everyone!

I've had a good breakfast and I am currently enjoying lunch of grass, dandelions, greens, lettuce and best of all strawberries. I really do appreciate what Natrah so I am going to leave her a present at some stage. Apparently I am still going to the man that pokes tortoises so he will be shoved and I will be a bit messy!



Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good afternoon everyone!

I've had a good breakfast and I am currently enjoying lunch of grass, dandelions, greens, lettuce and best of all strawberries. I really do appreciate what Natrah so I am going to leave her a present at some stage. Apparently I am still going to the man that pokes tortoises so he will be shoved and I will be a bit messy!

I remember Daisy shoving this man and I tried to walk out on him and towards Natrah!



Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Natrah - I am just off for a walk on the breakwater, but here is another garden photo first. The lawn was recently strimmed by my dad, so it doesn't look as nice and green as I like it. Quite pretty, though.
Love from Zola xxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Hello Natrah - I am just off for a walk on the breakwater, but here is another garden photo first. The lawn was recently strimmed by my dad, so it doesn't look as nice and green as I like it. Quite pretty, though.
Love from Zola xxxxxx
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Yes I've been looking at these photos Zola and your garden is amazing! It must be a haven for wildlife.



Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Natrah -I think most of the wildlife is in the back garden, actually - there are a lot of bird feeders, and we get lots of different kinds of birds. I can see them all from my conservatory, and also hear them singing - and they make a lot of noise scrabbling about on the conservatory roof too.
We have quite a few sparrows, also t*ts - blue, great, coal, -and sometimes long-tailed, also chaffinches, goldfinches, nuthatches, siskins, - and of course blackbirds, sometimes thrushes - and, most important of all -robins !!! And a little wren, who lives in a bush by my window.
I won't mention the starlings and occasional crows and pigeons - they are not regular residents, fortunately.
And then there are the swallows in the carport! Other than that, we have an occasional hedgehog, feeding under the bird feeders,but not much else.Oh, and woodpeckers !
Richard feeds the birds twice a day - it is quite expensive, but worth it to us.
I went for my walk this afternoon with my dad - it started off sunny and bright, but soon became very grey, but I didn't mind.
I hope you have had a good day, and that Jacky eats lots again tomorrow too.
Love to you, her, Angel Daisy, and to all my forum friends from Zola xxxxxxxxxx and Angie xxxxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

I have been sweltering so I am sitting here with a glass of lemonade instead of the usual cocoa and also chocolates given by a pupil. Jacky has gone having been feasting on lettuce, grass, dandelions, greens and strawberries. She says she didn't want to give me a fright but she thought she should be thinking of hibernating.

Zola your garden is awash with colour and with all that wildlife I could spend ours gazing at what comes into your garden. You must get a lot of butterflies as well. Would your parents know what they are? How has your mum been today? How are you Sue and Edward and his servant? Also Alex, Marsha and Chef?

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy

PS: Jacky thankyou all for thinking of her.

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
I was a bit worried about Jacky and I'm glad she's back to her usual self.

Besha is doing fine. She was less active when stayed outside at nights (25C was a bit cold) but now I take her in the enclosure with toasty 28C for a night sleep and she has her appetite and curiosity back. I offered her a bright colored leaf of coleus and a spider plant today which she politely declined but chewed wild lamb's quarters to roots. Also a piece of watermelon was warmely welcomed.

I also spend some time at our local pet store talking to the owner about reptile care. Now beardies and blue-tongued skink have good UVB lights and tortoises are enjoying natural sunlight. A small change for the better.


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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Hello Natrah
we are all doing ok thankyou.
Dickie has eaten plenty today but I think it got a little too hot for her & she stayed in the shade a lot of the time. Im not a hot weather person so I stayed indoors. The tumbledryer has been fixed thankfully. I do use it all year round as washing hanging outside is likely to get used for target practice by the birds!
The rat I saw on our trailcam has brought a friend so I am trying to discourage them as I don’t want a problem. They seem to have taken up residence under the shed. I have had to remove the hedgehog food that I put in the nearby food station. It’s a shame as the camera shows the hogs visiting the box but finding only a dish of water.
We have set up a humane trap in the hope of catching at least one of them but I know from past experience they are quite suspicious of new things so it probably won’t work. Anyway 🤞
Glad Jacky is eating plenty again. I was thinking the same about Dickie that she would start to think it’s time to prepare for hibernation, something she usually starts around end of August by reducing her food intake. It’s only a month away anyway & it doesn’t feel like their summer has got properly started yet 😳

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