Lost Opo


Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Hey everyone, today Opo wondered into the woods behind my house. I was preoccupied with getting ready for therapy, on phone with a doctor and my wife told me we had no water. So I went out on the screen porch where Opo was doing his morning routine. Opened the screen door to the outside to troubleshoot the water pump. After about a hr went to the screen porch and the door didn't close. My fault because if I push the door open wide enough it will stay open. I have it that way because it's easier for me to go thru with my wheelchair. So anyways took fliers to the neighborhood houses. My sweet wife plowed thru the woods looking for Opo. She is afraid of snakes and critters and here in florida we have plenty. Opo is 540 grams and 6 inch long. Next week would have been 1 yr that we got Opo. Opo was 6 wks old when we got him Many times I have read the warnings here on the forum. If it can possibly happen sooner or later it will. Well it did. I feel like a ***.


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Darn, sorry to hear this...keep looking looking looking AND listening. A six incher can be hiding pretty closely, just not in sight. Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
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I am very sorry to hear that you lost your tortoise. Hopefully you can find him.
My fingers are crossed that you get Opo back. Good luck !
Tortoises often crawl not far away the first day. Can you build a big pile of his most beloved food in your garden? Maybe he smells the food and comes back to it.

Yvonne G

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Aw, darn it! The terrain outside your house sounds like it will be very easy for a little tortoise to be invisible. Fingers crossed hoping you find him.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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Don’t beat yourself up. Hopefully Opo wants to sun in the open and someone sees him. Post everywhere, hang fliers, have the neighbors post for you!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
I am very sorry to hear that you lost your tortoise. Hopefully you can find him.
My fingers are crossed that you get Opo back. Good luck !
Tortoises often crawl not far away the first day. Can you build a big pile of his most beloved food in your garden? Maybe he smells the food and comes back to it.
Yes Opo,s favorite is sweet potato. Got some out there now. Will be looking in the morning for him again.


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May 18, 2017
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@Ray--Opo I'm so sorry to hear this! Don't give up hope, and don't beat yourself up. I'm sure he's still close by.

Please keep us posted. I wish I lived closer, I'd come help with the search myself. Someone suggested in another lost tortoise thread, that the poster try to recruit neighborhood kids to help with the search, and possibly offer a reward.

Hoping for good news!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
@Ray--Opo I'm so sorry to hear this! Don't give up hope, and don't beat yourself up. I'm sure he's still close by.

Please keep us posted. I wish I lived closer, I'd come help with the search myself. Someone suggested in another lost tortoise thread, that the poster try to recruit neighborhood kids to help with the search, and possibly offer a reward.

Hoping for good news!
Opo went into about a 10 acre wooded area. Not many homes here but they are positioned around the area. We printed up fliers and handed them out to everyone. There is a grade school and high school about a 1/4 mile away. So tomorrow in the morning I will have fliers and hand out to kids walking to school in the area. Also tomorrow morning will bring my binoculars and patrol the perimeter to see if I can see Opo basking


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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Ugh it’s my greatest fear I’m so sorry. Currently planting my outside space. Constantly rethinking every decision seeing these posts.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Well no luck today. Had friends come over this morning hoping to see Opo basking. Expanded the flier area.Gonna try FB, craigslist and call animal control tomorrow. I missed doing the morning routine with Opo. If anyone reads my profile you will understand what Opo meant to me. Opo was part of my recovery.


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May 29, 2014
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Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
Well no luck today. Had friends come over this morning hoping to see Opo basking. Expanded the flier area.Gonna try FB, craigslist and call animal control tomorrow. I missed doing the morning routine with Opo. If anyone reads my profile you will understand what Opo meant to me. Opo was part of my recovery.

We all have our fingers crossed.. best of luck. Keep looking. Don’t give up.


Well-Known Member
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May 18, 2017
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Well no luck today. Had friends come over this morning hoping to see Opo basking. Expanded the flier area.Gonna try FB, craigslist and call animal control tomorrow. I missed doing the morning routine with Opo. If anyone reads my profile you will understand what Opo meant to me. Opo was part of my recovery.
I'm sorry there's no good news yet. Don't give up - we are all rooting for you guys and praying for Opo's safe return.


Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
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Palm Bay Fl
Thanks everyone for the ideas and support. It makes things a little better. What a great forum.


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May 18, 2017
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@Ray--Opo just wanted to check in and let you know we're thinking about you and Opo, and hoping you find the little guy soon.

I understand you aren't able to do so yourself, but has anyone been looking inside the woods nearby? He could be hiding in the brush somewhere that could be hard to spot.

Are there lots of neighborhood kids where you are? Maybe we can put together a reward to motivate them to form some search parties and comb the woods for Opo.

I'll be happy to contribute something to the cause of bringing Opo home safely to you [emoji846]


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
@Ray--Opo just wanted to check in and let you know we're thinking about you and Opo, and hoping you find the little guy soon.

I understand you aren't able to do so yourself, but has anyone been looking inside the woods nearby? He could be hiding in the brush somewhere that could be hard to spot.

Are there lots of neighborhood kids where you are? Maybe we can put together a reward to motivate them to form some search parties and comb the woods for Opo.

I'll be happy to contribute something to the cause of bringing Opo home safely to you [emoji846]
No luck yet. Not a lot of kids in the area but a neighbor on the other side said his 2 kids were in the woods the other day looking. So I gave them each 20 bucks and fold them whenever they have time I will give them 20 and if they find him I will pay a reward. Told them if they have a few friends same deal. Registered Opo with pet control. There is one neighborhood about 1/2 mile away and will be posting there today. My neighbor next door is out there a lot also and of course my wife has been relentless also. Vladimir thanks for the offer of contributing that is so kind but we have it covered. This area is so undeveloped that if Opo crosses any roads there will be acres to lose him in. Made my rounds this morning and some friends are coming back today to help. Thanks for all the concern.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
May 29, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
No luck yet. Not a lot of kids in the area but a neighbor on the other side said his 2 kids were in the woods the other day looking. So I gave them each 20 bucks and fold them whenever they have time I will give them 20 and if they find him I will pay a reward. Told them if they have a few friends same deal. Registered Opo with pet control. There is one neighborhood about 1/2 mile away and will be posting there today. My neighbor next door is out there a lot also and of course my wife has been relentless also. Vladimir thanks for the offer of contributing that is so kind but we have it covered. This area is so undeveloped that if Opo crosses any roads there will be acres to lose him in. Made my rounds this morning and some friends are coming back today to help. Thanks for all the concern.

Goooood luck!