Pretend Chat 2.14


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Jun 23, 2014
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Dubai/New York
And as a female, I have been treated poorly for trying to play a "boys" sport. I was fast. I hit hard. I can catch and I can throw. Tough is an understatement. But I had the wrong genitals to play and I was put in my place in high school. I'm still disgusted by the things that were said to me and how I was treated.
Some of the players supported me because they knew who I was and how fast and tough I was but the majority treated me terribly. And the coaches refused to allow me to play because I missed two-a-days. I took it to the school and they were going to allow me to try out but the harassment became so bad my family pulled me completely out of school.
This is what happened in soccer a while ago:
And why did those people even care you were trying to become a football player at school. There are girl's football (soccer) matches here. Its really sad they treated you that way :(


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Sep 7, 2013
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Well it happened because the boys felt threatened. Some may have felt embarrassed that a girl did something better then they did ran faster, out maneuvered them, out scored them or otherwise out performed. Some may have felt that a female would make their team appear less strong as a whole, because they feel anything feminine, including the actual existence of a female player weakened their image. They may have truly felt I was small and inferior based on size alone. The sad part is, I just wasn't given a sliver of a chance to prove myself as a player and wasn't even provided human decency. I had classmates who were threatening to crush, injure, break, and handicap me JUST because I dared show interest in being a part of their team. THEIR TEAM....not an opposing team.... The behavior of the coaches was equally disgusting. They did not want a female on their team and were not about to even humor this silly stupid girl. Just another reason I am all about human equality and am always trying to teach others to be tolerant and accepting to anyone of their own species. We all have something to offer the world and our efforts should never be snuffed out just because the person isn't identical to you or I. /soapbox


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There was a very small boy on the team who was 2 years younger than I was. A genius kid who major Ivy League schools were after. He was SO small. Shorter and smaller than I was. And I was a whopping 5'6, 124 lbs. but he was fast. And he was one of a few players who supported me. His advice was, "Just do what I do, outsmart them and don't let them catch you."


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Jun 23, 2014
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Dubai/New York
Well it happened because the boys felt threatened. Some may have felt embarrassed that a girl did something better then they did ran faster, out maneuvered them, out scored them or otherwise out performed. Some may have felt that a female would make their team appear less strong as a whole, because they feel anything feminine, including the actual existence of a female player weakened their image. They may have truly felt I was small and inferior based on size alone. The sad part is, I just wasn't given a sliver of a chance to prove myself as a player and wasn't even provided human decency. I had classmates who were threatening to crush, injure, break, and handicap me JUST because I dared show interest in being a part of their team. THEIR TEAM....not an opposing team.... The behavior of the coaches was equally disgusting. They did not want a female on their team and were not about to even humor this silly stupid girl. Just another reason I am all about human equality and am always trying to teach others to be tolerant and accepting to anyone of their own species. We all have something to offer the world and our efforts should never be snuffed out just because the person isn't identical to you or I. /soapbox
Those guys are "cray cray". Nobody has the right to do that! :mad:!



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I'm glad your happy! After I came back from traveling I got like I was back in my own realm- into that little world I can control :D
You are absolute correct. I think I'm more relaxed at home instead of on vacation. A simple meal at home comfort me greater than some of the meal we had out.

I'm glad to be home, and we miss all our little one.


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Jul 31, 2012
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ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1411244414.167643.jpgout comes the horrible tub.. Bye bye :).
I can't wait until the ugly tile goes too


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Arrrgghhhhh I think I have the low carb grouchies. I'm a little bitchy today.


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Sep 7, 2013
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Oh whoops, I thought that would auto-mask.


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Jul 31, 2012
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Nope. We are just cutting holes in walls and pulling out old pipes :)


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Jul 31, 2012
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Major renovation of your bathroom........Put the old tub in your back yard for a good use for some turtles???
I would love to have some turtles but my man is saying no :(

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