Pretend Chat 2.14


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Last night I went down to the other house where I feed a few cats to see what comes out at night. First there were cats ( a mom and two youngsters), then a coon appeared, once more the cats came back, and later it was the turn for the opossum. It was interesting (atleast to me) as to who is hoping catfood is still there once it gets dark out.


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Jun 24, 2012
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Run maybe? I can rehome Nank if you'd like :rolleyes:.
I do run often... but no coffee is not running fuel unless you want to feel VERY sick (no America does not physically "run" on Dunkin lol) And yeah right you wish you had a Nank of your own :p oh dear goodness though sometimes I feel ready to take you up on that offer lol I get his energy and messes are my fault due to his smaller house but sometimes it surprises me how much mess one tortoise can make! :confused: But then of course he does something hilarious or adorable.
Plus I think it would require WAY too much paperwork and forms to get him over there lol :eek: .. plus i'm sure he does not deserve to be shoved in a box and sent back over seas all over again


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
I am waiting to see what load Jeff comes up with. He is currently is Salt Lake City and his student needs to go home to do some paperwork, so they need to go to the other yard which is in MO for the student to get his car to go home (which is in TX). Jeff needs to come near or by the house, because I have his next month's supply of chemo pills.


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5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2012
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Last night I went down to the other house where I feed a few cats to see what comes out at night. First there were cats ( a mom and two youngsters), then a coon appeared, once more the cats came back, and later it was the turn for the opossum. It was interesting (atleast to me) as to who is hoping catfood is still there once it gets dark out.
Morning! :)
Once a friend's mum used to keep all the cats outdoor and would feed them every night and go out and met them and once she went out, pet pet, "Oh you're an ugly one" it was a possum... who stayed long enough to get a picture taken!


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Jun 23, 2014
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Dubai/New York
Plus I think it would require WAY too much paperwork and forms to get him over there lol :eek: .. plus i'm sure he does not deserve to be shoved in a box and sent back over seas all over again
Who said I'd do that? He'd be in first class with me, LOL :p


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Jun 24, 2012
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How far do you run?
I run a lot of 5K races and stuff and have done 1 5MI to date, but my "training" if you want to call it is usually between 1-2 miles. I do want to start 10Ks so I have to actually start training more regularly haha


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Jun 24, 2012
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Who said I'd do that? He'd be in first class with me, LOL :p
oooh the royal treatment! I'll remember the offer next time he literally smears mud and/or poo everywhere lol its a good thing I love him and he's cute! "he's the only man for me" you cant steal him away :p


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Morning! :)
Once a friend's mum used to keep all the cats outdoor and would feed them every night and go out and met them and once she went out, pet pet, "Oh you're an ugly one" it was a possum... who stayed long enough to get a picture taken!

We have had a lot of 'possums at the main house stealing catfood. When they came onto the porch to eat the dry food, you could hear them crunching from inside the house. Needless to say, I have since started to try to make sure there is no food out at night.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
I run a lot of 5K races and stuff and have done 1 5MI to date, but my "training" if you want to call it is usually between 1-2 miles. I do want to start 10Ks so I have to actually start training more regularly haha

I think my longest run is 1-2....feet, not miles. :)


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2012
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We have had a lot of 'possums at the main house stealing catfood. When they came onto the porch to eat the dry food, you could hear them crunching from inside the house. Needless to say, I have since started to try to make sure there is no food out at night.
The funny thing was she never left the food out, she went out fed them and took in what was left after, the possum came up just like it was a cat, to be fed... smart critter! It never happened again either!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2012
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I think my longest run is 1-2....feet, not miles. :)
Everyone always says things like that or that they hate running, and I felt the same when I started, but then after a month it got easier. I mean I run 40 min 5ks so REALLY slow, since people are usually closer to the 20 min range when they really run... someone on my brother cross county team just ran one in 16 min yesterday... 3.1(ish) miles in 16 minutes!!?? that's unheard of!


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Jun 23, 2014
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:( It's raining again and I still have dogs to walk.
Lucky! Its raining :D! Im so jealous. Do you know how I'd love to be where you are, just standing in the rain? Look at our weather (a few months back, still hot!):
ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1411564878.041710.jpg
Sorry you have to do something you don't really like. :(


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Jun 24, 2012
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Anyone know how to deal with burns? got the side of my finger with hot glue on high heat last night and its now bubbled up blisters and I don't know what to do. I'm good at cut care but burns are few and far between and hot glue ones are usually on my finger tips not the sensitive side of the finger. I know I shouldn't pop the blisters but they're making my finger stiff to bend they're so full. I've put a band aid over them since I would play with them otherwise, but is there some way I should be caring for them?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
The funny thing was she never left the food out, she went out fed them and took in what was left after, the possum came up just like it was a cat, to be fed... smart critter! It never happened again either!

We had this really older one, which would just sit there looking at you. I chased him off a few times, before I finally felt sorry enough that I did let him eat. He was so old and bedraggled looking. Jeff said he would never survive the winter. Not sure what happened to him, after a couple of weeks he left and never came back. He was the last one I ever let stick around or have food. I think they are interesting animals and such a variation in their markings.

Jeff years back (and with his first wife) lived in a mobile home. They had a hole in the floor which allowed their cats to come in and out. One night they woke up to the noise and had an entire family of possums eating the catfood. Jeff caught them all and took them to another location to release.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
We have been getting rain about every other day here. Yesterday was rain off and on all day. I love being out in the rain, just do not like walking the dogs in the heavy rain, which is what we are getting right now. I also like spring rain better then fall rain. In the fall it's just more depressing. With the spring you can be happy it means things will be growing.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2012
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We had this really older one, which would just sit there looking at you. I chased him off a few times, before I finally felt sorry enough that I did let him eat. He was so old and bedraggled looking. Jeff said he would never survive the winter. Not sure what happened to him, after a couple of weeks he left and never came back. He was the last one I ever let stick around or have food. I think they are interesting animals and such a variation in their markings.

Jeff years back (and with his first wife) lived in a mobile home. They had a hole in the floor which allowed their cats to come in and out. One night they woke up to the noise and had an entire family of possums eating the catfood. Jeff caught them all and took them to another location to release.
We never had problems when the cat used to live outside (m y dad even built him a little "cat house" that was insulated and everything) but we took in food any time he wasn't eating, and he often caught food too. Whenever we have squirrels or anything digging up the yard though we trap and release down the road. I have no problems with wild animals chilling out and doing their thing, but when their thing becomes what my pets thing is that's not so ok. but I plan to keep cats if I get any, inside due to our animal problems up here so I guess wild possum-cats wont be begging me for food lol.

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