Pretend Chat 2.14


The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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I so want to go see the new minion movie.


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10 Year Member!
Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
Here's a fun little story. Let me start by saying I don't care how close to Halloween it is, this was still not cool at all.
Saturday, we discovered that the upright freezer in the garage had been left open about 1/4" or so. Do I get the ice chests together and transfer the still solid frozen food into those and pack freezer blocks in as well. A good amount of frost had developed so I unplugged it and left it open to thaw out over night.
Sunday I go out and start tossing bad food into the garbage. Now mind you I haven't had a pet snake in a good 10 years or more. As I'm scooping out ruined food stuff, I come upon a bag of completely thawed, rank rodents. All blood dripping and all. It was so cool! Not


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Dec 7, 2013
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San Jose CA
Here's a fun little story. Let me start by saying I don't care how close to Halloween it is, this was still not cool at all.
Saturday, we discovered that the upright freezer in the garage had been left open about 1/4" or so. Do I get the ice chests together and transfer the still solid frozen food into those and pack freezer blocks in as well. A good amount of frost had developed so I unplugged it and left it open to thaw out over night.
Sunday I go out and start tossing bad food into the garbage. Now mind you I haven't had a pet snake in a good 10 years or more. As I'm scooping out ruined food stuff, I come upon a bag of completely thawed, rank rodents. All blood dripping and all. It was so cool! Not


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jun 24, 2012
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Well good morning all... it is 3:30 am here and a half hour ago my body decided it was time to be awake, and i'm still not tired...I think it has something to do with my acid reflux though since i'm burning, hopefully a tums and going back to bed will work, but i think its kinda funny i just felt wide awake, then end up here lol. I'm even making noise right by Franklins house and he's too deep in sleep to wake up! One should simply not be awake this early!
2014-11-04 03.26.43.jpg


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 3, 2014
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NW Houston TX
But the tortoises hate it. There all cooked up in the buildings. The greenhouse is nice. But they like outside better. Well first sign of cold means booking flight to Central America I suppose. Sigh, wish I could move there. Too many regulations getting the tortoises abroad.
Just leave them all with me, problem solved. Where's my "that was easy" button?

0.0.1 Redfoot (Spike)
0.0.1 Cherryhead Redfoot (Bruce Wayne)
1.0 Sulcata (Hal Jordan)