Pretend Chat 2.14


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Dec 7, 2013
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Why good morning Steven! Since your box is all done, what are your plans for the weekend?

That is the issue. The night box are completed on Wednesday, my wife and I are bore and felt tired all day for the past couple days.

We will go to South San Francisco for a special Christian meeting this morning at 10. Then come home to give soak to all the torts in the afternoon. Should be a fun day.

We get very sunny already at 7:00 AM already. This is a good day for all our torts.

Yvonne G

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You are even if you are a brat at times

Yes, his smart mouth got him in trouble with @A Carson a while ago. I had to delete almost a whole thread and poor Alisha threatened to leave the Forum because of him.

Not everyone understands you, Little Nicky Poo. Behave yourself on the rest of the Forum.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Good morning, everyone!

My daughter's boss has been allowing her to bring home the lettuces, apples and things not used the previous week at the school and she brings them over for my tortoises. Last night my daughter asked me to video the tortoises eating the school's left-overs so she can show her boss. So she came over bright and early to bring me her new smart phone to do the video. Brrrr, it's cold out there. Yesterday she brought me a big box of individually packed sliced apples. So last night as I was watching TV I opened a bunch of the packs getting ready to feed them this a.m. So when she brought me her phone I saw that the Aldabs were out and I told her why didn't she just do the video herself? So she did. But I still didn't get out of it. She wants me to video the rest of the tortoises eating the school's left-overs. I won't be doing that until it gets a bit warmer out there.


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You are just too kind.

I had the same hope before, but.........reality hurts.
Methinks our young friend is too protected at home to recognize and appreciate kindness when he sees it, right now. The "School of Hard Knocks" (aka LIFE on his own) may change that later. At least I hope so.


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I don't normally watch that show, but I had to watch the finale. It was very disappointing.
I started watching back when it first came out and tried to not miss any episodes. The transition from Charlie to Waldron was perfect. I'll try to find reruns to watch.


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I definitely don't think our political leanings should be stereotyped too hard because I am a liberal but I 100% think law abiding citizens should be allowed to own/use guns to protect their homes and belongings if need be. But I am way liberal in many other areas.
I used to vote republican.... Lol

That's as political as I'll get, just describing myself if that's allowed, I know politics is technically not allowed.
If I had to describe my political leanings I'd be a Pan-Arab Nationalist.
ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1424537888.562183.jpg
I neither support the Republicans or the democrats...


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I started watching back when it first came out and tried to not miss any episodes. The transition from Charlie to Waldron was perfect. I'll try to find reruns to watch.
We watched it for a while but I'm not a big tv watcher (which is pretty hilarious when you realize only my kitchen, formal dining and living rooms don't have at least a 55" tv). I can't stay put long enough. But I more listen to shows. The two sitcoms I currently follow are big bang and the one with Tim Allen.


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We, too, are followers of, “Big Bang ". Best part is we know some folks that could fill the rolls, we'll give a knowing look to each other and mumble, “Sheldon"...


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Then there's Modern Family, a can't miss show.
Mike's parents watch a lot and are always like did you see _____ this week... Ha so we hear about that one. NPH was in gone girl, which we watched on vacation so they were talking about that show.


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I like the Big Bang Theory also. I also like the original NCIS. Does anybody remember that spoof comedy called Reno 911? it was a spoof of cops and probably the most politically incorrect show on television. I don't even remember what channel it was on, I always just happened upon it when I was flipping through channels. I love that show. Probably because I know a lot of cops, fireman etc. I am a little embarrassed to admit that I actually liked that show but hey what can I say :)

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