Pretend Chat 2.14


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Dec 7, 2013
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San Jose CA
GOOD MORNING FOLKS! We are packing up today and heading out in the morning on our 3300mile, 2.5 week, 53 hours in the bloody car road trip. Twin 11 month old boys and our girls 7 and 11. PRAY FOR ME.

(Seriously tho - everyone is super excited, even me. :D Look out Chicago and Colorado! Here we come!!)
Have a wonderful and safe trip. :):):)


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Dec 7, 2013
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San Jose CA
Happy Birthday @Yvonne G


You are always number one in my heart! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Best birthday wishes to you My Lady! ! ! ! ! ! !


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Nov 2, 2013
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southeast Washington
Holy crap! I had to go back a few pages and see what the hell happened. Do you have any raw honey? That will help it for sure! I find it rather amusing that vet clinic now prescribe medical if honey is "medical". No way man, it's natural and totally able to soothe and help with healing.
If they label it medical they can charge more for it.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 2, 2013
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southeast Washington
GOOD MORNING FOLKS! We are packing up today and heading out in the morning on our 3300 mile, 2.5 weeks, 53 hours in the bloody car road trip. We are taking our twin 11 month old foster boys and our two youngest girls ages 7 and 11. PRAY FOR ME.

(Seriously tho - everyone is super excited, even me. :D Look out Chicago and Colorado! Here we come!!)
My family is in Colorado, should I tell them to take cover?


Well-Known Member
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Nov 2, 2013
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southeast Washington
So Tina, are the fires anywhere near you at all? I hear north of us and across the border and all I hear is Tina. Are you getting the smoke?
There's a couple up by Dayton. There is a few around here but they put them out. A little bit of smoke in the air but you can't smell it, it's just a little hazy. Dry as heck though.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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GOOD MORNING FOLKS! We are packing up today and heading out in the morning on our 3300 mile, 2.5 weeks, 53 hours in the bloody car road trip. We are taking our twin 11 month old foster boys and our two youngest girls ages 7 and 11. PRAY FOR ME.

(Seriously tho - everyone is super excited, even me. :D Look out Chicago and Colorado! Here we come!!)

Oh the pain! I wouldn't wish that long road trip on my worst enemy. Try to enjoy yourself and don't kill the kids.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
GOOD MORNING FOLKS! We are packing up today and heading out in the morning on our 3300 mile, 2.5 weeks, 53 hours in the bloody car road trip. We are taking our twin 11 month old foster boys and our two youngest girls ages 7 and 11. PRAY FOR ME.

(Seriously tho - everyone is super excited, even me. :D Look out Chicago and Colorado! Here we come!!)

Have a blast and no vehicle break downs... just human ones. :) jk no break downs of any kind. It will be a great trip! :)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Happy birthday Ms Yvonne. Is your daughter taking you out or are you doing anything special for the day?


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Nov 18, 2011
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(Seriously tho - everyone is super excited, even me. :D Look out Chicago and Colorado! Here we come!!)
This entire post smells of “National Lampoon's - Vacation" ! WallyWorld here we come! You should try to view that tonight if possible. Oh hell, what am I saying, DawnH, you're much to young to even know what I'm talking about! Well, regardless, I think you'll have just a simply fantastic trip. 2-1/2 weeks you say? We'll all miss you here and you'll need to reintroduce yourself to us once you return!


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Aug 3, 2013
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Southeast Texas
Well, the 53 hours in the car will be spread out in 2.5 weeks so hopefully we will all stay sane. If I come back still married that would be a bonus. We are going to go to the Museum of Science and Industry (among a few other things) while in Chicago (we try and go every year, that is where Jeff's parents live/where he is from) as well as Garden of The Gods in CO, etc. We are staying with friends the entire trip except for 3 days which will require a hotel. I'm excited. I need to get away. Looking forward to stopping at local farmers markets, flea markets and just taking our time and enjoying it. We just got word that the boys might be gone in as soon as six weeks so we are going to enjoy this time with them. They have been with us since they were 3 months old and their first birthdays are the day we return. And Jacqui is right - you guys might be my sanity while on the road. ;) Be prepared!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 3, 2013
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Southeast Texas
This entire post smells of “National Lampoon's - Vacation" ! WallyWorld here we come! You should try to view that tonight if possible. Oh hell, what am I saying, DawnH, you're much to young to even know what I'm talking about! Well, regardless, I think you'll have just a simply fantastic trip. 2-1/2 weeks you say? We'll all miss you here and you'll need to reintroduce yourself to us once you return!

I'll be 46 next month!! Love that movie!