Pretend Chat 2.14

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
I just realized tomorrow is a week after my birthday and I literally got no cards... None...not a single one...
They're not even stinking expensive...

That's the topper on the cake that is my depression. I just don't want to do life anymore.

I didn't get cards either, however, I received many lovely birthday wishes from my friends here on the Forum. That makes up for those inconsiderate family members who didn't think to send a card.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Good day all! Happy week-end!!!

Today I'm going to bite the bullet and drag out the Weedeater. I can't use the mower because I've been lazy and allowed the grass to grow too long. We're having a nice cool spell and it's supposed to only be in the 80's today, so it's a great day for working out in the sun.

So, I'm off to conquer the grass.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Good day all! Happy week-end!!!

Today I'm going to bite the bullet and drag out the Weedeater. I can't use the mower because I've been lazy and allowed the grass to grow too long. We're having a nice cool spell and it's supposed to only be in the 80's today, so it's a great day for working out in the sun.

So, I'm off to conquer the grass.

Going to be 90s here today. If my ex does not show up to haul off the loads if branches I have cut down, it is mowing here today with the nonrider.


Well-Known Member
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Jul 31, 2012
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Sunny AZ
:) :)
I'm going down to Tucson with a couple of girlfriends for the day. :)
How about you?

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
I'm going to the pet store . To buy so rats for my snake .

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Well, I've finished Weedeating the desert tortoise and texas tortoise yards, and then mowing the desert tortoise yard. I emptied 14 grass catchersfull of clippings. Now my ears can't hear and my hands are shaking. I had wanted to also do the back yard and Dudley's yard, but that's about all this poor old body can take for one day.

My daughter is getting her grandson this week-end and she said she was going to bring him over to see the tortoises. I'm looking forward to that. He's such a little cutey pie. But for now, I'm going to feed Misty and myself, then just veg out.

(ew-w-w...snakes - rats too, for that matter!)