Pretend Chat 2.14


Maggie Cummings

Hello Yvonne:

The city where I work, ShenZhen. Last Sunday at noon, was a huge mudslide. All the earth that dugged out no-matter from the subways that under construction or what ever other constructions, was illegally dumped in a area and become a hill over 100 meter. this mud "mountain" finally gave away.

So far, 76 people are missing, 20 plus factory building and other structures are under 30 to 50 feet of earth.

This is a manmade disaster, I don't know what to say!

I'm coming home tomorrow.

Oh my gosh! Were you ever in danger? I'm glad you're coming home,. You're safer here, just watch out for guns...:(

Maggie Cummings

We have pouring rain and had 35 to 50 MPH winds. It's been raining steady for a month. So trees fell, and horrors, we were without cable, no TV, 'Net, WiFi or electronics. No water, from abt 10 am until 8:15 PM. Darn, I actually had to go back to reading, a real book and turn pages etc. lol
So now, I have to finish it, so I'm going to hang out on the couch. A hard day today....

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
We have pouring rain and had 35 to 50 MPH winds. It's been raining steady for a month. So trees fell, and horrors, we were without cable, no TV, 'Net, WiFi or electronics. No water, from abt 10 am until 8:15 PM. Darn, I actually had to go back to reading, a real book and turn pages etc. lol
So now, I have to finish it, so I'm going to hang out on the couch. A hard day today....

I finished the book you sent me for Christmas. There were a few pretty funny spots in where the "boys" were better off in the pilati pants. I was looking at the front of the book, and she has written quite a few other books besides the Stephanie Plum mysteries. I'll have to see if any of her other titles are on Kindle.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
I work today 9-5 and then tomorrow might 10:30-7 am. Then the store is closed for Christmas and I go back Sat night.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
Good Morning everyone!

I think my neighbor across the street has his on a timer. They come on just before dusk and go off about 7a. You're right, it's nice having them on into the night. I have to take Misty out at least once, but sometimes twice during the night and it's just uplifting to see those light shining through the backyard fence.

Since all my kids are moved away and no grandkids in my town, there doesn't seem to be any reason to decorate anymore. I don't mean for it to sound sad or anything, but holidays are just normal days here. And really, it's no big deal to me. I can live without them.

Yes! Thank goodness for that extra $$ coming in. Do you have to work Christmas or Christmas Eve?

I went and got gas for the WeedEater yesterday and I had planned on knocking down the tall grass in the tortoise yards, but it rained all night (and is still raining), so that's off the table. I really don't have any other plans. My wood is wet, so I'm having trouble getting a fire started. So after computer time, I'll be messing with that to get it going. How about you?

Glad you're enjoying the lights.
My grandparents were in the same boat about 15 yrs ago. All the grandkids got married and kinda did their own thing during the holidays.

It was sad but now at 95 they live a few blocks from my dad so he celebrates with them if they're up to it. If not he will bring them food.

I don't think anyone should be alone on Xmas. If I lived closer I would scoop you up kicking and screaming for Xmas dinner;)


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
I work today 9-5 and then tomorrow might 10:30-7 am. Then the store is closed for Christmas and I go back Sat night.

You sure are keeping busy! Sounds like you're enjoying your new job.


Well-Known Member
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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
Poor Kathy and her elephant.

I'll be fine. I'm resting a lot . Probably not sipping on enough water though. It's hard to drink water when it's cold out.
Now we have a bit of wind.
I love this weather.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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I was this close to getting to have breakfast with Jeff this morning. Then they switch runs so his student can get home. *pout pout*
See C-O-Nspiracy

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Glad you're enjoying the lights.
My grandparents were in the same boat about 15 yrs ago. All the grandkids got married and kinda did their own thing during the holidays.

It was sad but now at 95 they live a few blocks from my dad so he celebrates with them if they're up to it. If not he will bring them food.

I don't think anyone should be alone on Xmas. If I lived closer I would scoop you up kicking and screaming for Xmas dinner;)

Tom's been trying to take me to dinner for his past several trips up here, and he's never accomplished it yet. Although, I must admit to going to the Olive Garden with Steven and Irene when they were here. It's just not my thing. Now if you want to take me through the drive-thru at In and Out, that's a different story.

Don't feel sorry for me. I go to my daughter's house Christmas morning to bring them what I bought for them and watch everyone open their gifts, then I go back later in the day for dinner. So I'm not really alone. But when at home, it's just another day - pick up poop, change waterers, feed, etc. and maybe some yard work. That's my comfort zone, my favorite thing to be doing.

I love reading real books. Something special about turning pages.

Well, you have to swipe the Kindle screen to turn the page too, but one thing I don't like about it is not being able to flip a few pages back to re-read something I may not have understood. It's hard to go back on the Kindle, and then you lose you place and have a hard time remembering where you were before you went back. But I'm getting used to it.

I'll be fine. I'm resting a lot . Probably not sipping on enough water though. It's hard to drink water when it's cold out.
Now we have a bit of wind.
I love this weather.

I haven't been sick in a very long time, but back in the day, when I used to get sick, staying in bed, bundled up and sweating, always got me over the sickness quicker. Forget about being the mom and the meal maker and the housekeeper, and just stay in bed and sweat it out.

M-O-O-N, that spells conspiracy

I don't get either one of them. I guess I'm just old and out of the loop.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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Tom's been trying to take me to dinner for his past several trips up here, and he's never accomplished it yet. Although, I must admit to going to the Olive Garden with Steven and Irene when they were here. It's just not my thing. Now if you want to take me through the drive-thru at In and Out, that's a different story.

Don't feel sorry for me. I go to my daughter's house Christmas morning to bring them what I bought for them and watch everyone open their gifts, then I go back later in the day for dinner. So I'm not really alone. But when at home, it's just another day - pick up poop, change waterers, feed, etc. and maybe some yard work. That's my comfort zone, my favorite thing to be doing.

Well, you have to swipe the Kindle screen to turn the page too, but one thing I don't like about it is not being able to flip a few pages back to re-read something I may not have understood. It's hard to go back on the Kindle, and then you lose you place and have a hard time remembering where you were before you went back. But I'm getting used to it.

I haven't been sick in a very long time, but back in the day, when I used to get sick, staying in bed, bundled up and sweating, always got me over the sickness quicker. Forget about being the mom and the meal maker and the housekeeper, and just stay in bed and sweat it out.

I don't get either one of them. I guess I'm just old and out of the loop.
one just need the right bait

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Today is winter solstice - shortest day of the year! You know what that means, right? The days are going to start getting longer! More daylight! No more going out in the dark to do your evening chores. Yippee!!


Unknown Member
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Feb 5, 2011
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Well, you have to swipe the Kindle screen to turn the page too, but one thing I don't like about it is not being able to flip a few pages back to re-read something I may not have understood. It's hard to go back on the Kindle, and then you lose you place and have a hard time remembering where you were before you went back. But I'm getting used to it.

That's the thing that I dislike the most about ebooks, especially reference books.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
That's the thing that I dislike the most about ebooks, especially reference books.

I'm sure there must be a way to mark your place, but I haven't discovered it yet.

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