Pretend chat 2

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Nov 18, 2011
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Kerryann, I am so unfriending you, (whatever that means) chocolate, used responsibly, is the solution to most if not all life's situations. Go ahead, ask Sheldon. He'll back me up!


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Yum caramel Cadbury eggs!

I'm so sorry about your kids! I hope all is well.

I'm home for the holidays and enjoying it with my kitties ImageUploadedByTortoiseForum1364705781.293965.jpg

Goodnight all
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Yep, everything is done. Including picking up the entire bag of baby carrots my 6 year old placed to lead the bunny fromtbe driveway to our front door as an enticement. I just bought those and had plans for them to be in my tummy!!


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Kerryann, I am so unfriending you, (whatever that means) chocolate, used responsibly, is the solution to most if not all life's situations. Go ahead, ask Sheldon. He'll back me up!

I love chocolate :) mmm dark chocolate..
I just meant the stress, sugar, and caffeine are a bad combo for sleep.
Did I also ever tell you I'm allergic also to all pit fruit including cherries, pork and pigs, and soy also.

taytay3391 said:
Yum caramel Cadbury eggs!

I'm so sorry about your kids! I hope all is well.

I'm home for the holidays and enjoying it with my kitties

Goodnight all

Aww cute pic. I normally make Mike an raster basket but he's off the processed food so no fun for him. I will just tell him he just saw the axle fairy instead.
Oh today he offered me something interesting I am mulling over. He said what if you got to keep your current truck and got a convertible mustang. I was mentally attached to my new truck but now I'm confused. What would you guys do.


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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
Pork is not a fruit. I'm allergic to honey bees. I try not to put any in my mouth. Lol. We've started having dark chocolate with sea salt around our house. It is so good, but odd thing, it seems to evaporate rather quickly.

Kerryann said:
You're in Detroit. Go for speed. Theys got flat land somewhere that's paved, right?


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I would take his offer. Kerryann, a convertible Mustang! Com'on, what's to think about?
Kerryann said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
Kerryann, I am so unfriending you, (whatever that means) chocolate, used responsibly, is the solution to most if not all life's situations. Go ahead, ask Sheldon. He'll back me up!

I love chocolate :) mmm dark chocolate..
I just meant the stress, sugar, and caffeine are a bad combo for sleep.
Did I also ever tell you I'm allergic also to all pit fruit including cherries, pork and pigs, and soy also.

taytay3391 said:
Yum caramel Cadbury eggs!

I'm so sorry about your kids! I hope all is well.

I'm home for the holidays and enjoying it with my kitties

Goodnight all

Aww cute pic. I normally make Mike an raster basket but he's off the processed food so no fun for him. I will just tell him he just saw the axle fairy instead.
Oh today he offered me something interesting I am mulling over. He said what if you got to keep your current truck and got a convertible mustang. I was mentally attached to my new truck but now I'm confused. What would you guys do.



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Dec 31, 2011
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CtTortoiseMom said:
Yep, everything is done. Including picking up the entire bag of baby carrots my 6 year old placed to lead the bunny fromtbe driveway to our front door as an enticement. I just bought those and had plans for them to be in my tummy!!

Exciting.. I loved Easter as a kid. I'd get up and tear through the house looking for my Easter basket. You have to be so excited to see the kids hunt.


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Nov 18, 2011
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This will be the first year the kids won't be coming up. Insert unhappy, sad face here. They are very busy, (in their mid 20's). We are not thrilled to freeze more ham than what will be consumed. Sigh.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Cowboy_Ken said:
Pork is not a fruit. I'm allergic to honey bees. I try not to put any in my mouth. Lol. We've started having dark chocolate with sea salt around our house. It is so good, but odd thing, it seems to evaporate rather quickly.

Kerryann said:
I love salted caramel chocolate. K learned this week from the sustainable business class that sea salt if healthier for you. Studies show it doesn't increase blood pressure like processed salt. He said it is thought that natural salt tastes satiety so people use less.
Yes he said I can't have a Shelby but I can have a cobra. Did you guys see my post about loving the vroom vroom

sibi said:
I would take his offer. Kerryann, a convertible Mustang! Com'on, what's to think about?

I was mentally excited about the new truck but me in a convertible that goes fast fast fast..... Fun fun fun

Cowboy_Ken said:
This will be the first year the kids won't be coming up. Insert unhappy, sad face here. They are very busy, (in their mid 20's). We are not thrilled to freeze more ham than what will be consumed. Sigh.

I am meeting my Mom at a pub for dinner. :)


Yvonne G

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Within the first week of me bringing home my brand, spanking new 1/2 ton Dodge p/u with a hemi engine in 2005, I got a speeding ticket. Man that truck motates! I had pipes put on so besides going fast, it sounds GREAT!


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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
Sea salt is good for you???? Well that's concerning. I live to **** my doctor off. I'm much healthier than he, in the areas that count, yet I am the anti-health. I am simply enabling a more versatile, advanced human to be realized. Ok wait. That reads a lot worse than I meant. I have my standards, I eat hot dogs but only Hebrew National, and maybe sometimes I've been known to eat an occasional asparagus spear, but I roll my own smokes, enjoy Coors Banquet beer and eat the crap out of eggs. But…there's always a but, I remain good. Except when I'm I'll.


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I recognize it but don't know what it is. Hope this helps.( Couldn't help myself, sorry.)

Night Sibi. Enjoy your morning if I don't talk with you before I head out.

Yvonne G

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Hard to tell from the picture, but it may be a lip stick plant.

Someone turned in a male russian tortoise today. Poor thing has a broken back leg, chewed off toenails on a couple of feet, and a really scarred up shell from being chewed on. The shell scars are very old, but the toe nails are fresh.

He'll be up for adoption in two weeks. (He gets around just fine with his leg, he just limps a bit like Chester.)


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Doesn't seem to be a lipstick plant... Here's one next to a geranium. Thing is, I bought 3 of them but none had a tag and I forgot what the guy called them.

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Well-Known Member
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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
I'm none folks. Talk at you in the morning for a few. For those of you with morning plans, enjoy your day.


Yvonne G

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Boy, talk about killing the chat. I come on for the first time late in the evening and everyone deserts me!


Well-Known Member
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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
Hey!! Give me a break. I help moved my in laws all day, and I'm heading back early in the morning to help my father in law organize his shop. I really need to check out the insides of my eye lids.
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