Pretend chat 2

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sibi said:
I heard some folks are having some really nasty weather. Hope all go well out there. We've just entered what I call "early summer" here in Florida. The babies are so excited because they know they'll be frolicking in the sunny backyard. I see them 10 years from now with the mental image that Tom left me recently when he described how destructive sullies can be. I see them digging under the house, destroying the pipe system, breaking the foundation of the house, causing havoc to neighbors properties etc. I beginning to wonder if it was smart to get three sullies now. Of course, Baby Runt will never get that big, but the other two I don't know about. By then, I told my hubby I want to live on a farm with lots of acres. It's the only way to raise sullies. I really wonder about people who have baby sulcatas and don't have the outside space for them as they grow. It's me and my large backyard, and I'm having concerns. I can't imagine what kind of life these sullies will have if they can't move around and graze like they were meant to do.

You will have to get special harnesses made and take them for walks... No that's not a serious answer.
I'm scared to sleep. I forgot to say that I lost 3 lbs last week. Starvation and stress ftw


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3 lbs isn't that bad. No food plus high stress is what's bad.

In January I had a Crohn's flare and a tooth pulled within a couple days of each other. Too nauseous to eat and couldn't drink soda because of the open wound in my mouth. Lost 10 lbs in 14 days. Gained it all back and then some once I started feeling better. :D

Went out this afternoon and got the new substrate for Gus. I waited all afternoon for him to wake up from his nap. No go. Little bugger. So I guess I'll have to do the tank tomorrow. Forgot rocks! Argh! *facepalm*


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Good Morning!

It was a long night here. Very loud thunder and bright lightning going on constantly. Now the outside world has a layer of ice on everything and it's only up to 30 with windchills still down to 17. Can you guess who is putting off taking the dogs for a walk? :rolleyes:


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Jacqui said:
Good Morning!

It was a long night here. Very loud thunder and bright lightning going on constantly. Now the outside world has a layer of ice on everything and it's only up to 30 with windchills still down to 17. Can you guess who is putting off taking the dogs for a walk? :rolleyes:
Oh no, I am really sorry! We had a thunderstorm here too last night but it is warm today. I left a pile of leaves that I raked out from under my shrubbery in the middle of my backyard and it blew all over, aaaargh! Serves me right for not finishing what I started!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Sibi, just keep in mind not all sulcatas do the destruction thing. A lot seems to be based on how content they are with their living arrangement. I can't recall her name, but there was a lady in here who kept her large sulcatas in an enclosure with not even firmly attached wire (believe it was chicken wire maybe even). We tend to hear the horror stories just like the one that says you can't have Russians and not have the massive bloody fights you hear about. These things do not always happen.

I always have a bit of fear for those folks who get a sulcata (or any tortoise for that matter) and make the comment along the lines of: It's okay, right now I have no room or place to take this tiny hatchling out, but in (insert any number like 1, 2, ect) years we will be getting a bigger home with a yard. I sorta shake my head, because I know from many folks how life made a sudden unexpected turn on them and those once expected plans never come to pass. Another reason so many teenage (and older) sulcata come on to adoptions lists.

Yurusumaji said:
Went out this afternoon and got the new substrate for Gus. I waited all afternoon for him to wake up from his nap. No go. Little bugger. So I guess I'll have to do the tank tomorrow. Forgot rocks! Argh! *facepalm*

:D Aren't we always suppose to forget something? :D


5 Year Member
Mar 31, 2013
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Yuck, Jacqui. We were supposed to get iced over, too. Never happened.

Hope that crummy weather doesn't last.

Unfortunately we're still underneath yesterday's dumping of snow, so I have to wash Gus' tank in the bath tub. That's going to be a ton of fun. :p I'm so excited to get it going in the right direction, though.


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@Sibi, like Jacqui said. Sid is 47 pounds and the only thing he destroyed was his food! He only ever burrowed one time and that was because he got cold and I left his heated house closed. All they need is space to graze and they are so sweet and mellow.


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Kerryann said:
Kid rock does an awesome concert in Detroit every summer. He's great in concert :)

I agree! I wish he was coming with Bob Seger instead.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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Brrr cold. Brrr cold. Just got back in from doing the outside cats in my tshirt. Now I need to find somebody to put my cold hands on so they warm up. :D

Yvonne G

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Dudley came to my Rescue from New York when he weighed 35lbs. He went to Bakersfield with a female sulcata and lived there, breeding and making babies for about 3 years. Then he came back to me. I've had him ever since...about 12 years. He mainly lives alone, with an occasional rescued neighbor in an adjoining pen, and the only trouble he has caused in all that time is broken fences while trying to get to his neighbor. He never digs. Oh, I take that back...For a while he lived in the back yard and he kept knocking over my full grown rose bushes because he wanted to march along the side of the house and the bushes were in his way. During his marches, he also knocked a bit of stucco off the side of the house. But since he has lived in his own pen he's been the picture of "nice."


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Jul 15, 2012
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It's supposed to be like 88 here today. It seems too warm! I like mid 70's much better...

I can tell I'm dehydrated too. Yesterday at work my head was hurting my entire 9 hour shift despite me drinking 4 bottles of water. And it didn't even make me have to go (sorry if Tmi!)

Today I get to wrangle 180 pounds of dog into my little Subaru to go to the vet. They're too special and anxious to be separated if someone isn't home with the other. Like, yowling panic filled digging, wetting themselves, and barking. At least it's a good workout. I just pray there are no cats in the waiting room today >.> especially since it's too hot to leave them in the car.


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emysemys said:
Dudley came to my Rescue from New York when he weighed 35lbs. He went to Bakersfield with a female sulcata and lived there, breeding and making babies for about 3 years. Then he came back to me. I've had him ever since...about 12 years. He mainly lives alone, with an occasional rescued neighbor in an adjoining pen, and the only trouble he has caused in all that time is broken fences while trying to get to his neighbor. He never digs. Oh, I take that back...For a while he lived in the back yard and he kept knocking over my full grown rose bushes because he wanted to march along the side of the house and the bushes were in his way. During his marches, he also knocked a bit of stucco off the side of the house. But since he has lived in his own pen he's been the picture of "nice."
Oh yeah, You just reminded me that Sid will destroy anything marching the perimeter of his enclosure, everything is pulled away from his walls. I wonder why they do that?!?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
If it's 88 there and you want 70s, I have a plan. Just send 20 degrees or so up here to me in Nebraska. Then I could have upper 50s today! :D


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If I could, I would send up north some heat.

My dogs thankfully love going to the vet. Any attention to them is good. Even if it means drawing their blood and putting thermometers in rude places.

I've accidentally kicked them and stepped on them (dark dog on dark rug) and they respond with an apologetic look and tail wags. Labs... Just can't make them not like you. I've fed them wasabi and they were like, ooh yay food!

Dante has a few expressions, ranging from worried to scared to anxious to happy. Prince has sleep or excited. See attached picture, it's his "on" face for every moment he's not eating or sleeping...ImageUploadedByTortoiseForum1365617282.555542.jpg

Seriously, I've never met a happier dog. I think he'd be happy if you punched him for an hour just because it'd be someone touching him. He was a neglected and underfed tie-out dog before, so everything is better than what he had.


Dante's concerned face, because the expression reminds me of the dramatic chipmunk and makes me laugh.
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