Pretend chat 2

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@Kerryann, those are great pic's of you two and you have a great smile and beautiful teeth!!

It's on Sundays, there has only been two episodes and I finally caught up on l
His past Sundays.


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CtTortoiseMom said:
@Kerryann, those are great pic's of you two and you have a great smile and beautiful teeth!!

It's on Sundays, there has only been two episodes and I finally caught up on l
His past Sundays.

Thanks :)
I just told Mikey to handle the game of thrones situation. :)
Happy pre Friday
Oh I got a little tipsy and my appetite came back. I couldn't eat very much but I actually had hunger


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I'm eating a pile of eggs with pork/sage sausage potatoes and, sigh, a few veggies topped with local sharp cheddar cheese. Exactly what I needed for my hunger.


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Cowboy_Ken said:
I'm eating a pile of eggs with pork/sage sausage potatoes and, sigh, a few veggies topped with local sharp cheddar cheese. Exactly what I needed for my hunger.

Let's turn the eggs, veggies & sharp cheddar into an omelet and I am there!


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9 eggs just don't omelette very easy. I needed to cover lunch for both Karen and I tomorrow so I just mixed it all together.


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What? Jacqui, you asked that? What did Erin say? :D

Cowboy, why eat 9 eggs? Why don't you just make it a dozen? No, really, what's your cholesterol level? Do you also eat the yellow part?
Cowboy_Ken said:
9 eggs just don't omelette very easy. I needed to cover lunch for both Karen and I tomorrow so I just mixed it all together.

Shelly, did Rusty have problems pooping before? Is there still impaction? Poor lil guy. My lil guy, Baby Runt, is almost a pound. When he hits 16 oz, I'm having a forum party!

mctlong said:
Ken, were you using the app? I've noticed the app has been running a little slow on my phone.

I'm so happy right now! Rusty, the growth-stunted tort I acquired a couple weeks ago, finally started pooping, and its all sand! The poor little guy was super compacted. No wonder he's so tiny, he couldn't digest any food, being all clogged up with sand. I feel like we're finally making some progress and am more hopeful now than I've been since we got him. :)

I know I'm a complete weirdo for being excited over poop, but I am. :D



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Sibi, the only good part of an egg is the yolk. My doctor hates running my numbers because I tell him what I eat and my good is better and my bad is lower than his. Remember, I got those genes from grandma B.
Ava has informed me that she wants me to let her be farrel. Top corner of the property, coons, possums, skunk, deer, and elk come through, and she thinks she should just hang up there challenging everything.


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Hey Cowboy, how do I get some of those genes? My cholesterol le els are great...always was. But, I don't eat eggs. I love to, but I'm not awake enough in the morning to make them. So, after drinking a pot of coffee, I forget about eggs. Btw, how did Ava tell you this?
Cowboy_Ken said:
Sibi, the only good part of an egg is the yolk. My doctor hates running my numbers because I tell him what I eat and my good is better and my bad is lower than his. Remember, I got those genes from grandma B.
Ava has informed me that she wants me to let her be farrel. Top corner of the property, coons, possums, skunk, deer, and elk come through, and she thinks she should just hang up there challenging everything.


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Mar 18, 2010
So much to catch up on!
I love hearing about other Tobias's, does he go by Toby, Tobias, or...?
Dagny is gorgeous, but if it was a choice of sex or dog in the bed I'd buy her a sofa, and cuddle her lots.
Illness has progressed to full on head cold, I have been taking DayQuil all day took a fresh dose right before Percussion recital, total fail. A) the recital was 90 mins of other people playing. My boys played one song at the end. B) I spent the whole time trying to sneeze quietly, and waiting for applause to blow my nose.

I'm a whiny b$&@ lately!

First week with new Dr has been great! I've been pleasantly surprised ;)


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Ugh.. Up before sunrise. Having some indigestion/stomach cramps that won't subside unless I'm constantly changing position, and even then it's borderline tolerable. So now I'm drinking peppermint herbal tea in the dark listening to dogs snore..


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@Rosieredfoot-Sorry, about your indigestion. I am up. Laying on the couch while kids get ready for school. I need to get off of this couch. I'm so tired.

@pugs&kids-sorry about you cold! That stinks!! My daughter plays percussion and snare drum in marching band. Do your kids march? I think the percussion kids are so cute with their drum sticks in their back pocket.
Ok, one kid gone, one left to get ready and one still asleep that we tip toe around and try not to wake up until the last possible second.


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Kerryann said:
He's so high he can barely make his legs work. He only had one tooth extracted. He's so sweet too.

I guess thats good, at least he's not in pain. He's such a trooper.

Kerryann said:
It's crazy.. I can't believe when I hear what these Lil guys go through

The saddest part is knowing its all preventable. On the upside, I think tortoise husbandry is improving, on the whole, as more and more people educate themselves and as word gets around that sulcatas can't be kept on pure sand (and seemingly obvious things like they need to be provided with water and food everyday).

Sibi, I don't know if he had problems pooping before, but his previous owner kept him on the sand for 4+ years and his overall health is poor. I've only had him a couple of weeks, but this is the first sign of digestive movement I've seen. He's got a whole host of problems in addition to the compaction. He's swollen, retaining water, has liver complications, and is less than 3" long at 4+ years old. I think passing this sand is a good step. Hopefully it empties some space and stimulates his appetite. Baby steps. It took him a long time to get into this mess, so it'll take awhile for him to recover.

Ken, I missed the thread saying who Ava is. Is that a pet or a person? It would be awesome if your child was telling you she wants to be feral.

pugsandkids said:
...Illness has progressed to full on head cold, I have been taking DayQuil all day took a fresh dose right before Percussion recital, total fail. A) the recital was 90 mins of other people playing. My boys played one song at the end. B) I spent the whole time trying to sneeze quietly, and waiting for applause to blow my nose.

I'm a whiny b$&@ lately!

First week with new Dr has been great! I've been pleasantly surprised ;)

Bummer. :(
I hope you feel better soon.

RosieRedfoot said:
Ugh.. Up before sunrise. Having some indigestion/stomach cramps that won't subside unless I'm constantly changing position, and even then it's borderline tolerable. So now I'm drinking peppermint herbal tea in the dark listening to dogs snore..

Sounds miserable, except the herbal tea part.

I'm up way too early this morning. Might as well head into the office early and finish my day sooner. Soooo glad its Friday!


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Ken's Ava is a Doberman. :cool:

Good Morning!

Cowboy_Ken said:
Sibi, the only good part of an egg is the yolk.

I agree! I like my yolks running and the whites as lacey pants (crunchy). :D

pugsandkids said:
So much to catch up on!
I love hearing about other Tobias's, does he go by Toby, Tobias, or...?
Dagny is gorgeous, but if it was a choice of sex or dog in the bed I'd buy her a sofa, and cuddle her lots.
Illness has progressed to full on head cold, I have been taking DayQuil all day took a fresh dose right before Percussion recital, total fail. A) the recital was 90 mins of other people playing. My boys played one song at the end. B) I spent the whole time trying to sneeze quietly, and waiting for applause to blow my nose.

I'm a whiny b$&@ lately!

First week with new Dr has been great! I've been pleasantly surprised ;)

We call him Toby, except when he is in trouble. :D I liked the name from when I worked with a female Toby. Plus near us, is a very tiny village called Tobias. Of course, since then most people comment that Toby is a dog's name. :rolleyes:

I use to would have gone with the sex, these days I would rather have the nice warm dog sleeping next to me. :p :D

Sorry your not feeling well, but glad your liking the new Dr.

RosieRedfoot said:
Ugh.. Up before sunrise. Having some indigestion/stomach cramps that won't subside unless I'm constantly changing position, and even then it's borderline tolerable. So now I'm drinking peppermint herbal tea in the dark listening to dogs snore..

:( Sorry! Feeling better, yet?


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Re: the Rob and Dagny situation. I want my cake and want to eat it too. But, I am looking into something that can be right next to my side of the bed. It might be nice to not have dreams of being trapped under a heavy rock to wake up and find a heavy head crushing my chest.

Yvonne G

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I know what you mean about the "crushing my chest" part of the equation. Every so often Misty decides she wants to be a lap dog and climbs up into my lap while I'm sitting in my recliner. She weighs over 75lbs, and there isn't enough room on my lap for her. I can hardly breathe when she's up there. She'll be a year old next month and she's still in that stick-to-my-side baby frame of mind.

Top o the marning to you all!! And I hope you all have a very good day.


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emysemys said:
I know what you mean about the "crushing my chest" part of the equation. Every so often Misty decides she wants to be a lap dog and climbs up into my lap while I'm sitting in my recliner. She weighs over 75lbs, and there isn't enough room on my lap for her. I can hardly breathe when she's up there. She'll be a year old next month and she's still in that stick-to-my-side baby frame of mind.

Top o the marning to you all!! And I hope you all have a very good day.

Good Morning Yvonne,
I love that stage and never want it to go away!! They are so sweet!!


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Mar 18, 2010
I'm sorry about your stomach. Do you have a fever?

Up and at em this morning, hoping the DayQuil does its job ;)

Here's wishing everyone a fabulous Friday :-D


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RosieRedfoot said:
Ugh.. Up before sunrise. Having some indigestion/stomach cramps that won't subside unless I'm constantly changing position, and even then it's borderline tolerable. So now I'm drinking peppermint herbal tea in the dark listening to dogs snore..

I'm old fashioned, ok,maybe just old, but when I get my yearly indigestion, I mix a little lemon juice with water and drink that. I know it seems counter intuitive, but it has to do with the acids compliment and stabilize themselves.


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Cowboy_Ken said:
RosieRedfoot said:
Ugh.. Up before sunrise. Having some indigestion/stomach cramps that won't subside unless I'm constantly changing position, and even then it's borderline tolerable. So now I'm drinking peppermint herbal tea in the dark listening to dogs snore..

I'm old fashioned, ok,maybe just old, but when I get my yearly indigestion, I mix a little lemon juice with water and drink that. I know it seems counter intuitive, but it has to do with the acids compliment and stabilize themselves.

I use pickle juice for the same reason (hamburger dill is best for me). If its really bad I will use 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda disolved in 1/2 cup of water.


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Zamric said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
RosieRedfoot said:
Ugh.. Up before sunrise. Having some indigestion/stomach cramps that won't subside unless I'm constantly changing position, and even then it's borderline tolerable. So now I'm drinking peppermint herbal tea in the dark listening to dogs snore..

I'm old fashioned, ok,maybe just old, but when I get my yearly indigestion, I mix a little lemon juice with water and drink that. I know it seems counter intuitive, but it has to do with the acids compliment and stabilize themselves.

I use pickle juice for the same reason (hamburger dill is best for me). If its really bad I will use 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda disolved in 1/2 cup of water.

Pickle juice has crazy high sodium though. I craved dill pickles do bad when I was pregnant.
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