Pretend chat 2

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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
CtTortoiseMom said:
Re: the Rob and Dagny situation. I want my cake and want to eat it too. But, I am looking into something that can be right next to my side of the bed. It might be nice to not have dreams of being trapped under a heavy rock to wake up and find a heavy head crushing my chest.

I can understand how Rob's head would feel like it's crushing you. :D So gonna have Rob sleeping in the something next to you and keep Dagney in the bed? :D :D


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Jacqui said:
CtTortoiseMom said:
Re: the Rob and Dagny situation. I want my cake and want to eat it too. But, I am looking into something that can be right next to my side of the bed. It might be nice to not have dreams of being trapped under a heavy rock to wake up and find a heavy head crushing my chest.

I can understand how Rob's head would feel like it's crushing you. :D So gonna have Rob sleeping in the something next to you and keep Dagney in the bed? :D :D
I wish! It's Rob's leg that crushes me. He throws it over me like I am a body pillow. Dagny protects me from his heavy leg:)
Dagny's head is on my lap on the couch right now. She has no idea her snuggling days are numbered!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
You know it's funny, dogs laying next to me or even cats sleeping between my legs have never bothered me. However, a guy with his leg on me or even his arm thrown across me, really bothers me. It makes me feel trapped.


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Jacqui said:
My gosh I finally figured out who Mikey reminds me of! The kids had a football coach/principal who looks a lot like Mikey... and his name is Mike, too. :D

wooo he sounds hot... ;) j/k

sibi said:
What? Jacqui, you asked that? What did Erin say? :D

Cowboy, why eat 9 eggs? Why don't you just make it a dozen? No, really, what's your cholesterol level? Do you also eat the yellow part?
Cowboy_Ken said:
9 eggs just don't omelette very easy. I needed to cover lunch for both Karen and I tomorrow so I just mixed it all together.

Shelly, did Rusty have problems pooping before? Is there still impaction? Poor lil guy. My lil guy, Baby Runt, is almost a pound. When he hits 16 oz, I'm having a forum party!

mctlong said:
Ken, were you using the app? I've noticed the app has been running a little slow on my phone.

I'm so happy right now! Rusty, the growth-stunted tort I acquired a couple weeks ago, finally started pooping, and its all sand! The poor little guy was super compacted. No wonder he's so tiny, he couldn't digest any food, being all clogged up with sand. I feel like we're finally making some progress and am more hopeful now than I've been since we got him. :)

I know I'm a complete weirdo for being excited over poop, but I am. :D

That is awesome news about runt :D

CtTortoiseMom said:
Re: the Rob and Dagny situation. I want my cake and want to eat it too. But, I am looking into something that can be right next to my side of the bed. It might be nice to not have dreams of being trapped under a heavy rock to wake up and find a heavy head crushing my chest.

Talking about this scenario. I woke up for my 3 am site crash.. which I fixed by the way... woo goo me.. I get to sleep.. :D So I wake up last night at 3 and am in a panic. I had to pee so I jumped up to go and about fell over. I had to plop back on the bed. Cici had been using my leg as a pillow and my whole right leg was numb.
Here is what we do with the whole naughty situation. Mike is a man of logic and order so if there will be naughtys it needs to be negotiated before 9pm so he can manage his schedule accordingly. So then when we go up the dogs aren't allowed on the bed until um.. grown up time is over, then on our terms they are allowed on the bed. :D


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Jul 15, 2012
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Feeling slightly better although my stomach still feels slightly off. I had some cinnamon oatmeal that helped. Drinking some life water to rehydrate. I ended up falling asleep at 7 and woke back up at noon.

Some days I feel like I must have crohn's or IBS or something... I doubt it's celiac since I can eat bread and pasta fine. Oddly enough, my body hates things like artichoke and chicken eggs, but I can eat cheap pizza for 3 days straight and have no digestive upset. Salad also usually has deleterious effects while fried food does not. It's hard to eat healthy when "healthy" makes me feel like I'm dying on the inside. >.>

Now to clean house. Family is visiting from AK tomorrow. I'm sure they'll enjoy the heat and humidity lots! Hoping my stomach troubles were just a one night thing..


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Mar 18, 2010
RosieRedfoot said:
Feeling slightly better although my stomach still feels slightly off. I had some cinnamon oatmeal that helped. Drinking some life water to rehydrate. I ended up falling asleep at 7 and woke back up at noon.

Some days I feel like I must have crohn's or IBS or something... I doubt it's celiac since I can eat bread and pasta fine. Oddly enough, my body hates things like artichoke and chicken eggs, but I can eat cheap pizza for 3 days straight and have no digestive upset. Salad also usually has deleterious effects while fried food does not. It's hard to eat healthy when "healthy" makes me feel like I'm dying on the inside. >.>

Now to clean house. Family is visiting from AK tomorrow. I'm sure they'll enjoy the heat and humidity lots! Hoping my stomach troubles were just a one night thing..

I saw a Naturopathic Dr and had them do an ELISA panel on me. It's a simple blood draw. It's not widely accepted among PhD's but, it gave me a great jumping off point when I had stomach issues. I know how hard it is to live like that.

I gave up on work, I did put in from 8-1. But the DayQuil has abandoned me totally. I'm on the couch hoping to sleep it off. Friends in town this weekend, I better be healthy!

Oh, it's beautiful, boys are going outside :)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
This has been a yucky day. First Jeff has waited around two days to get a student. Well he got one. When he told me about him, I said he would not last. Well he got to the truck and decided the truck smells. Okayyyyy, so Jeff said fine go in and tell them you need a new trainer.

Then while I was at WalMart, I picked up a bare root rose. I spent quite a bit of time picking it out, checking for ew growth, ect. Got to the cashier, who has a very sour look. She flip and floped it around, breaking of several of the new growths. I was ticked. However, in a nice voice I said, "Please do not get mad at me for saying this, but next time somebody comes in with a plant like this, please handle it nice. You broke several new growths off." After that her behavior was even grumpier. I was so busy debating if I should report her or not, I failed to double check I got everything. I got home and realized I failed to get the chicken which was to be all next week's meals.


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Dec 12, 2012
I don't shop at Walmart unless its absolutely necessary. And when I do I always go thru the gardening section to checkout because the cashiers are usually friendly.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
theelectraco said:
I don't shop at Walmart unless its absolutely necessary. And when I do I always go thru the gardening section to checkout because the cashiers are usually friendly.

I love WalMarts myself. It's a little too early in the year for a garden center cashier around here though. :D


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Mar 18, 2010
Haven't been in a WalMart in over 6 yrs!
I got home to discover my sons pickup full of top soil, that's super exciting :D I don't know what/where it's for though, lol.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
pugsandkids said:
Haven't been in a WalMart in over 6 yrs!
I got home to discover my sons pickup full of top soil, that's super exciting :D I don't know what/where it's for though, lol.

He's bringing it here! :D


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Jul 15, 2012
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What did they test for in the Elisa test?

Oh, and planter boxes are done!


On the right side there are herbs that can't really be seen in the pic (cilantro, parsley, thyme, oregano, chives, lemongrass, basil).
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10 Year Member!
Mar 18, 2010
The boxes look great!
The test is all about food, mine came back showing me allergic to wheat, gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, and a whole long list that I won't bore you all with.


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Might have to look into it.

My neighbors stopped to say how much they liked all my flower improvements, lol.

Here's my car coated in pollen.. So glad I don't have allergies!
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10 Year Member!
Mar 18, 2010
RosieRedfoot said:
Might have to look into it.

If you can its worth it, I discovered random things that I never would've connected with a problem. Like almonds!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
RosieRedfoot said:
Oh, and planter boxes are done!

On the right side there are herbs that can't really be seen in the pic (cilantro, parsley, thyme, oregano, chives, lemongrass, basil).

Nice job! :D


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Jan 17, 2011
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Jacqui said:
This has been a yucky day. First Jeff has waited around two days to get a student. Well he got one. When he told me about him, I said he would not last. Well he got to the truck and decided the truck smells. Okayyyyy, so Jeff said fine go in and tell them you need a new trainer.

Then while I was at WalMart, I picked up a bare root rose. I spent quite a bit of time picking it out, checking for ew growth, ect. Got to the cashier, who has a very sour look. She flip and floped it around, breaking of several of the new growths. I was ticked. However, in a nice voice I said, "Please do not get mad at me for saying this, but next time somebody comes in with a plant like this, please handle it nice. You broke several new growths off." After that her behavior was even grumpier. I was so busy debating if I should report her or not, I failed to double check I got everything. I got home and realized I failed to get the chicken which was to be all next week's meals.

Sorry, that does sound like a horrible day :( :(. I will
Go back and be rude to that check out lady gor you!!

We have a loose tooth hanging by a thread in my house. My 6 yo was like mom I think my tooth is wiggly and when I checked it was literally hanging out. It was such a shock I jumped back, then she screamed then my two year old copied her and started running around screaming, the Rob started jumping up and down screaming, my teen is just hiding and with all that everyone is up past their bed time because of the tooth drama and it is still not out!!!

Also, yay happy spring break to us!! Before the kids go back to school we will be in the new house!!


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Jul 15, 2012
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My dad used to be like, "show me the loose tooth!" Then he'd reach up and grab it and pull it out. Sounds horrible, but it's not like growing up with a dentist for a father made life normal. :p


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RosieRedfoot said:
My dad used to be like, "show me the loose tooth!" Then he'd reach up and grab it and pull it out. Sounds horrible, but it's not like growing up with a dentist for a father made life normal. :p

I have pulled a lot of teeth in my parent servitude and I hate the sound it makes!! It's almost like when you can't step on a bug because of the noise, ya know!


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Mar 18, 2010
The kids loose teeth always freaked me out! When I was a kid loosing teeth didn't phase me, but ugh, the kids? Eewww.
I think we may all have adult teeth now.
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