Pretend chat 2

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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Hey guys, no one looks for me...Jacqui, consider it an honor that you're looked for. You wouldn't like to be me, I can tell you that. Anyway, Karryann, what's happening to Betty's shell? My beasty boy has some shedding of the shiny gloss of the shell, and there's nothing wrong with him. What makes you think she's sick? Did you post a pic of what it looks like?

Part of the reason why I'm not on as much is that I almost always post late. Most of ypu guys are getti g ready for bed; whereas, I most days can't sleep. I'm surprised that Erin stays on as long as she does coming from the east coast.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

sibi said:
Hey guys, no one looks for me...Jacqui, consider it an honor that you're looked for. You wouldn't like to be me, I can tell you that. Anyway, Karryann, what's happening to Betty's shell? My beasty boy has some shedding of the shiny gloss of the shell, and there's nothing wrong with him. What makes you think she's sick? Did you post a pic of what it looks like?

Part of the reason why I'm not on as much is that I almost always post late. Most of ypu guys are getti g ready for bed; whereas, I most days can't sleep. I'm surprised that Erin stays on as long as she does coming from the east coast.

I look for you when I am alive and conscious. :) which i have been the walking dead for over a month.
I posted pics of bettys she'll in the Russian forum and was told she has a shell fungus that's making it crack. I dunno if after you treat it, it will still crack some or if she had a super fungus. I posted new pics. Her shell looked so nice before this happened and her new growth was starting to be so even. She isn't acting sick. I had her out side tonight and she ran around like a wild tortoise. Whoever wrote the tortoise and the hare never saw this chica move. I was out cleaning dog poop and she was making wide loops looking for food. Then i have them bathes and hens always chills out but Bettuce had an agenda of terror. Then I was beating her beak hole down and she kept biting the Emory board.. Ugh.. Crazy Lil girl...
Off to sleep :)

Cowboy_Ken said:
Bovine growth hormone. It's been in the news the last few years. I'm sure you've heard of it. Lol. I kill me sometimes.

What's it supposed to do naughty? Did you grow utters after dinner ;)


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Aug 23, 2012
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Wow Kerryann, you're among the living dead? I think you really need to learn how to relax. You know, a fungus on the shell is not that big of a deal. Russians are prone to shell fungus, and it's just a matter of getting the right treatment, and it could take a long time to go away, but know this, it will get better. You cried because you're stressed out about a lot of things. Sometimes, it's the straw the broke the camel's back that brings everything to a head. You have friends here, truly. I'll p.m. you with my phone number if you feel like talking, screaming, cursing, or just need someone to listen. Btw, your comment to Cowboy was hilarious. I mean, "utters" was priceless. Lol
Kerryann said:
sibi said:
Hey guys, no one looks for me...Jacqui, consider it an honor that you're looked for. You wouldn't like to be me, I can tell you that. Anyway, Karryann, what's happening to Betty's shell? My beasty boy has some shedding of the shiny gloss of the shell, and there's nothing wrong with him. What makes you think she's sick? Did you post a pic of what it looks like?

Part of the reason why I'm not on as much is that I almost always post late. Most of ypu guys are getti g ready for bed; whereas, I most days can't sleep. I'm surprised that Erin stays on as long as she does coming from the east coast.

I look for you when I am alive and conscious. :) which i have been the walking dead for over a month.
I posted pics of bettys she'll in the Russian forum and was told she has a shell fungus that's making it crack. I dunno if after you treat it, it will still crack some or if she had a super fungus. I posted new pics. Her shell looked so nice before this happened and her new growth was starting to be so even. She isn't acting sick. I had her out side tonight and she ran around like a wild tortoise. Whoever wrote the tortoise and the hare never saw this chica move. I was out cleaning dog poop and she was making wide loops looking for food. Then i have them bathes and hens always chills out but Bettuce had an agenda of terror. Then I was beating her beak hole down and she kept biting the Emory board.. Ugh.. Crazy Lil girl...
Off to sleep :)

Cowboy_Ken said:
Bovine growth hormone. It's been in the news the last few years. I'm sure you've heard of it. Lol. I kill me sometimes.

What's it supposed to do naughty? Did you grow utters after dinner ;)



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sibi said:
Hey guys, no one looks for me...Jacqui, consider it an honor that you're looked for. You wouldn't like to be me, I can tell you that. Anyway, Karryann, what's happening to Betty's shell? My beasty boy has some shedding of the shiny gloss of the shell, and there's nothing wrong with him. What makes you think she's sick? Did you post a pic of what it looks like?

Part of the reason why I'm not on as much is that I almost always post late. Most of ypu guys are getti g ready for bed; whereas, I most days can't sleep. I'm surprised that Erin stays on as long as she does coming from the east coast.

I have trouble sleeping too. Oh well I hope you are all snoozing and that I can too. G'night.


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It's early here. And warmish enough outside that my sleeves are rolled up. I'm faking that its summer cause the weather guesser said mid-70's for this weekend.

Ummm I'm still very awake. As it were.


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Well, I had logged off, but then I logged on again. I'm not ready for bed yet. So, Erin, are you awake still? And, Cowboy, are you gonna get back on since it's early there?


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I'm here. I wasn't on much today so I missed missing you but I would have if I had. I spent the better part today lounging with tortoises. Well, kinda. I was weeding a bed above the russian outdoor enclosure, good weeds tossed to tortoises, bad weeds in pail. Sun and clouds, 65+ outside so we all had a smashing good time.

Looks like Mrs. C. went to bed.


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Aug 23, 2012
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what are bad weeds? I didn't think there were bad weeds. My days are becoming more about my torts and less about me and my hubby. I mean, I swear that I'm caring for quadruples. When i get up, i immediately get a mug of coffee, and start running the faucet for warm water. I pull out the tubs and start filling them. I go into the torts room and start to sing my morning song to them. I get one by one and place them in the tubs. When they are all soaking, i go into each pen and clean out their water, their plates, and get them ready to eat their morning chow. By then, half an hour had passed by, and one by one, I fix their chow, remove them from their soaks, and place them back in their enclosures. I go off to finish my coffee, grab a breakfast bar, and feed the dog. An hour has passed, and I didn't even brush my teeth yet. I then jump into the shower, brush my teeth, get my cloths on and get the torts ready to go outside to graze. I let them stay out for a couple of hours while i go and do some errands or buy food for them. Before I know it, it's time to collect them and bring them inside. Beasty Boy likes to roam around the house for a little while and i put the others in their enclosure. I prepare their dinner chow, feed it to them, clean the mazuri off their face and legs, and clean out their water again. By then, my husband comes home from work, and i quickly make a meal for him. I finally get a chance to sit and catch up on the news. At 8 p.m. lights go out for the torts, and it's then that I get a chance to get on chat. That's what most of my days are like. Am i sick, or what?


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Weeds that are toxic to critters. We get tansy ragweed, scotchbroom and others that are bad if consumed. Karen wanted the California poppy to stay but it was entwined in all manner of weeds, both good and bad.
Someone, a week or two suggested Karen must have great patience with me as a husband. Yes, she does. When I told her that I had received my plantain seeds that I had ordered, she looked at me and said some close to, “I spent half the day clearing plantain by the Japanese maple Ken!" I didn't get mad, I have other wild sources, but I did tell her I had been carefully harvesting those for Little Ricky.

And that, killed chat? Lightweights!!!


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Heck, is there a possibility that I have bad weeds in my yard? If so, what so they look like because I had no idea that torts will eat bad weeds. It's not instinctively known to them?


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They aren't where they're from. Some weeds that have trace minerals but that are still listed as bad, I'll offer monthly so that those minerals are ingested, but I don't allow regular access. I'll dig up a link for you that I use fairly regularly for my feedings.

Here ya go;


I'll brb.

That was fast. Now I'm talking to myself.


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Found the site very useful. Thanks. Gotta go, speak to you manana.


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Braces removal day, after almost 3 years!! Yay!!
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Yvonne G

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You people crack me up! Who needs a real chat room? We seem to get along just fine without one. And I like this system better because the previous posts stay there and don't disappear like chat posts do.

Good morning all. Today I'm going to finish pulling the fox tails in the Yellowfoot pen, go to the feed store, wash my hair and maybe...MAYBE... clean house a bit. Still haven't mowed the back yard.

Oh..I just remembered. This a.m. when I took Misty out in the back yard at zero dark thirty, with flashlight in hand, there were two little, very little, broken and empty egg shells on the cement right outside the door. I shined the flashlight up to the eaves above the door and there is a tiny mud nest up there with a long feather tail sticking out of it. Not a hummer and not a dove. Don't know what kind of bird we have here that makes a nest out of mud. I'll go get a picture...

EEEEEEEEEEK!!! Something ELSE shows up in the bird's nest picture. A ROTTEN FASCIA BOARD!!!!!



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I believe, Yvonne, that is a swallow. They get mean and dive bomb people when they have babies. Plus, you can look forward to bird…crap all over your patio. Before they leave the nest, they dump. Every time.
Mrs. C. What a fun day. Your son is great a pictures. So today, like tooth coming out day, does everyone need to run around in the house screaming?

Yvonne, on the plus side of things, from what I remember, they are insectivores that evenings they dive and swoop for insects like bats do, which is something of a bonus.


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Today is dance around your house day because the inconvenient monthly appt's. That we have never missed for the last 2.5 years are over!! I am out to eat with the little ones because it is a 2 hour apt.


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I've got wire cutters. It would not have been a 2 hour appointment with me. Though the flight time would have been inconvenient.


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I feel like a peeping tom. I read all your chats but never chime in. Happy hump day!
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