Pretend chat 2

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tortadise said:
Yeah im gonna give her pacman the little super split scute baby that hatched out about a month ago.
Wow, she is lucky to have you as a friend!! That's awesome!


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I have set up a vet appointment for betty and henry on Friday. Her shell is still cracking and I have treated her for fungus twice now. :( I was so upset last night when I bathed her that I was bawling my eyes out. I kind of feel like maybe it's my fault because I have been working so much and haven't been handling them as much as usual. I can't figure out why it's flaking so much. It doesn't look horrible or deep flakes so hopefully she is okay. I swear when my animals get sick it's like having a sick kid. I am a mess until Friday. In my life it's like one thing gets better and another goes all to hell. :(

So other than the betty shell drama.. which by the way, her and henry have the same care so how is he so perfect? and her under shell has no issues, just the top??? It is making me crazy...

Today is better. I have a happy client and we figured out our network issue. I have started catching up on all of my additional client work which has made me happier.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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First off.... Kerryann stop it now!!! You are not the blame for your tortoise having problems. Face it, tortoises are like any other animal, some will have problems and issues not matter what you do or do not do. IF it was something your doing wrong, BOTH of them would be sick. Plus once you saw the problem, you started to take steps to correct and help her. Now stop the crying and being upset. Your a great critter Mom. Do not beat yourself up about it.

As to where I have been first off, Yvonne said we needed more Mods so we can not always be in here, so I took that to heart and started not being in here much. Then my laptop decided I was not paying it enough attention, so it is in the repair shop. Which leaves going to the library in the next town, where I now am.

I spent the weekend cutting down small trees (as in less then a foot wide). Ended up with three loads out so far and a pile waiting for the next chance to use somebody's truck. My old truck, which I use for this sort of dirty work is broken again... this time it's a starter and wire. So waiting on money to get it fixed. My good truck is not allowed to do such work (nor go up to the burn pile where something might wipe out a tire). Plus it has a covered over the bed which limits it from this sort of job.

Some of the trees were growing in the fence and my old grape vines were all wrapped around them. Trying to get those trees out with out taking out all the grapevines was a pain. Still lost some vines. :( Anybody in here start their grapes from cuttings? I am thinking of trying it this year.

I of course continue to be a tick magnet and up to four ticks now. :rolleyes:


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About time you showed up! Now I've got to get the helo crews back from their search and rescue operation to find you. This is the first year that I'm trying to do grape vine cuttings. Currently the ends are in three inches of water and I'm waiting to see roots before I plant them. The buds are trying to open though.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Boy you guys hardly talked at all while I was gone.

How long ago did you start your grape cuttings? Plus you did it BEFORE they started growing this year?

Okay my hour is about up. I am not planning on being online before Friday, so don't go looking for me. :p


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My fil has the vines. He had a pile of branches trimmings in the burn pile from earlier this spring. I believe he was just cleaning back to old growth. There were no buds when I grabbed them. I just scraped the bark with my thumb nail to see that it was green at the hardwood. Then they sat in my car for probably a week before I put them in the water. Now I've got buds that are thumb size.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
ahhh so you put yours first into water. Mine aren't even starting to bud yet, which is good with the cold weather here again.


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Jacqui said:
First off.... Kerryann stop it now!!! You are not the blame for your tortoise having problems. Face it, tortoises are like any other animal, some will have problems and issues not matter what you do or do not do. IF it was something your doing wrong, BOTH of them would be sick. Plus once you saw the problem, you started to take steps to correct and help her. Now stop the crying and being upset. Your a great critter Mom. Do not beat yourself up about it.

As to where I have been first off, Yvonne said we needed more Mods so we can not always be in here, so I took that to heart and started not being in here much. Then my laptop decided I was not paying it enough attention, so it is in the repair shop. Which leaves going to the library in the next town, where I now am.

I spent the weekend cutting down small trees (as in less then a foot wide). Ended up with three loads out so far and a pile waiting for the next chance to use somebody's truck. My old truck, which I use for this sort of dirty work is broken again... this time it's a starter and wire. So waiting on money to get it fixed. My good truck is not allowed to do such work (nor go up to the burn pile where something might wipe out a tire). Plus it has a covered over the bed which limits it from this sort of job.

Some of the trees were growing in the fence and my old grape vines were all wrapped around them. Trying to get those trees out with out taking out all the grapevines was a pain. Still lost some vines. :( Anybody in here start their grapes from cuttings? I am thinking of trying it this year.

I of course continue to be a tick magnet and up to four ticks now. :rolleyes:

Being stressed out might not have helped my bettuce guilt. I hate that she's sick though still and it's very hard for me to be so worried about my little critters. She isn't acting sick, in fact I just had her outside in the sun for a bit and she was active and normal. She is such a sweet girl.

I am glad that you are okay. I have been so MIA myself and not thinking much other than to stop in and say hi I didn't even realize there was a reason to worry. :(

So today is a better day. My caliper exploded this morning and so Mikey is outside right now changing my oil and doing a brake job for me. I am working from home and it's so wonderful outside.


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Hi, I'm buying A new bed right now. I hope Dagny likes it! The guy is talking non stop about coils and memory blah blah so I am acting like I am sending an important text.. I mean you are all important! I crawled around on every bed while Rob laid down to see how much movement Rob could feel if Dagny was to move around. I think the guy thinks I am crazy, haha! Well, I am :)


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CtTortoiseMom said:
Hi, I'm buying A new bed right now. I hope Dagny likes it! The guy is talking non stop about coils and memory blah blah so I am acting like I am sending an important text.. I mean you are all important! I crawled around on every bed while Rob laid down to see how much movement Rob could feel if Dagny was to move around. I think the guy thinks I am crazy, haha! Well, I am :)

That is awesome.. too bad you couldn't have video taped it. :D


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I'm cookin hamburgers for dinner. I am so hungry right now. Just sharing.

I killed chat after waking it up.


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Cowboy_Ken said:
I'm cookin hamburgers for dinner. I am so hungry right now. Just sharing.

I killed chat after waking it up.

I had veggie hamburger tonight too with american fries. I made the american fries out of these petite organic redskins with some olive oil and sea salt. it was so yummy.


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Kerryann said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
I'm cookin hamburgers for dinner. I am so hungry right now. Just sharing.

I killed chat after waking it up.

I had veggie hamburger tonight too with american fries. I made the american fries out of these petite organic redskins with some olive oil and sea salt. it was so yummy.

What's this, “too" stuff? My was all American dead cow. You're burger fed my burger. Lol.



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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Cowboy_Ken said:
Kerryann said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
I'm cookin hamburgers for dinner. I am so hungry right now. Just sharing.

I killed chat after waking it up.

I had veggie hamburger tonight too with american fries. I made the american fries out of these petite organic redskins with some olive oil and sea salt. it was so yummy.

What's this, “too" stuff? My was all American dead cow. You're burger fed my burger. Lol.


I'd hope your cows were eating grass not carrots and portabella mushrooms :p
My burgers were soo yummy and only 100 calories each ;)


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I had a pretty successful & productive day and came on to chat with you peeps. But, Rob just started Game of Thrones so I need to go watch it.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

CtTortoiseMom said:
I had a pretty successful & productive day and came on to chat with you peeps. But, Rob just started Game of Thrones so I need to go watch it.

I haven't watched any still.

Cowboy_Ken said:
I just wanted to harass you. Feed lot beef with an unnecessary amount of BGH. LOL.

I see there if none of that on my kosher cheese. What us it? Mad cow disease?


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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
Bovine growth hormone. It's been in the news the last few years. I'm sure you've heard of it. Lol. I kill me sometimes.
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