Pretend chat 2

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Feb 5, 2011
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I was audited by mail a few years ago. Someone else's W-2 had been sent in under my social so their records showed a ton of income that wasn't on my return. I just resubmitted everything with a statement explaining it. Even though it was back when my returns were simple, it is still kinda nerve wracking.


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emysemys said:
I've been filing tax returns for almost 60 years and have never been audited (fingers crossed). Anyone here been audited?

Yvonne, I hope you didn't just jinx yourself:( I won't say for myself, as i don't want to jinx myself:)


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Mike was doing taxes last night and was hateful to the max.
Today is a big day.
Oh I'm at the doctors office and I lost 8lbs last month. I haven't seen him yet but hopefully he isn't hateful about anything.


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I hate doing taxes! This is the first year that I actually had to pay money at tax time and didn't get a rebate. Totally bummed. Also, I got a notice that my state tax refund from 2011 was $2 too much and now I need to send the state a check. Stupid taxes.....

On the upside, I picked up a giant flat of strawberries yesterday at a local produce stand. Nothing better than fresh strawberries in springtime, IMO. The torts will be very happy too when they stumble out of their hides this morning and notice the extra treat[/align] with their breakfast. :)


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Thanks Len. I think that's what I'll do instead of using PVC piping.
Len said:
Here is another option for getting power to an outside shed,that eliminates the need for conduit, since this wire is made to use in the elements and wet conditions even underground, You can make an extension cord any length you want.The wire is from Lowes or Home Depot and the liquid tape I got from Napa. I didn't hard wire my sheds because we loose power sometimes and I need the option to feed power to them from a generator.


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sibi said:
Thanks Len. I think that's what I'll do instead of using PVC piping.
Len said:
Here is another option for getting power to an outside shed,that eliminates the need for conduit, since this wire is made to use in the elements and wet conditions even underground, You can make an extension cord any length you want.The wire is from Lowes or Home Depot and the liquid tape I got from Napa. I didn't hard wire my sheds because we loose power sometimes and I need the option to feed power to them from a generator.

It would be so much less work too :D


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Ahhhhhhh!! Lily's tooth is out!! Everyone run around your house screaming, I don't know why but that's what is happening here.


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Mar 18, 2010
CtTortoiseMom said:
Ahhhhhhh!! Lily's tooth is out!! Everyone run around your house screaming, I don't know why but that's what is happening here.

Well I've got the heebie jeebies ;)


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CtTortoiseMom said:
Ahhhhhhh!! Lily's tooth is out!! Everyone run around your house screaming, I don't know why but that's what is happening here.

This made me chuckle. I hope everyone is/having a good Monday (despite the Boston occurrence). Definitely tells me to count my blessings!

I got off work, went to the gym and my girlfriend told me to head to her house when I was done. She said she had a surprise for me, for no reason. This is what she did for me for my new outside tortoise area:). She's wonderful, to say the least. I told her a while ago that not much makes me happier than her doing any favors for my animals (my fairly new dog and my two tortoise). Everything you see is marigold, Johnny jump ups, chicks and hens, petunias, and day lilys.



I hope that the rest of everyone's week runs smoothly.

Sulcata (Dexter)
Russian (Ezek)


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Mar 18, 2010
CtTortoiseMom said:
Ahhhhhhh!! Lily's tooth is out!! Everyone run around your house screaming, I don't know why but that's what is happening here.

Well I've got the heebie jeebies ;)

You've got a keeper there Blake ;)


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CtTortoiseMom said:
Ahhhhhhh!! Lily's tooth is out!! Everyone run around your house screaming, I don't know why but that's what is happening here.

Awesome news :D

Blake m said:
CtTortoiseMom said:
Ahhhhhhh!! Lily's tooth is out!! Everyone run around your house screaming, I don't know why but that's what is happening here.

This made me chuckle. I hope everyone is/having a good Monday (despite the Boston occurrence). Definitely tells me to count my blessings!

I got off work, went to the gym and my girlfriend told me to head to her house when I was done. She said she had a surprise for me, for no reason. This is what she did for me for my new outside tortoise area:). She's wonderful, to say the least. I told her a while ago that not much makes me happier than her doing any favors for my animals (my fairly new dog and my two tortoise). Everything you see is marigold, Johnny jump ups, chicks and hens, petunias, and day lilys.



I hope that the rest of everyone's week runs smoothly.

Sulcata (Dexter)
Russian (Ezek)

You have an awesome friend :)


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Blake m said:
CtTortoiseMom said:
Ahhhhhhh!! Lily's tooth is out!! Everyone run around your house screaming, I don't know why but that's what is happening here.

This made me chuckle. I hope everyone is/having a good Monday (despite the Boston occurrence). Definitely tells me to count my blessings!

I got off work, went to the gym and my girlfriend told me to head to her house when I was done. She said she had a surprise for me, for no reason. This is what she did for me for my new outside tortoise area:). She's wonderful, to say the least. I told her a while ago that not much makes me happier than her doing any favors for my animals (my fairly new dog and my two tortoise). Everything you see is marigold, Johnny jump ups, chicks and hens, petunias, and day lilys.



I hope that the rest of everyone's week runs smoothly.

Sulcata (Dexter)
Russian (Ezek)
Wow, that is perfect and your GF is awesome!!!


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Aug 23, 2012
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Blake, that enclosure is so cute! Your gf really has the touch, doesn't she? It looks great. Wait till you all see what I'm planning for my sullies. It's huge and I'll try to make it pretty, but I know what sullies can do. So, if I can protect some of the plants, I'll put them in. The thing I'll be focused on most is their new house (converted shed) along with insulation, lighting, heating, and cork tiles. The outside backyard will have two rows of concrete blocks around a perimeter of 48' on 4 sides. I will be taking pic at each stage of the project. Can't wait to start. We get the blocks this Thursday.


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sibi said:
Blake, that enclosure is so cute! Your gf really has the touch, doesn't she? It looks great. Wait till you all see what I'm planning for my sullies. It's huge and I'll try to make it pretty, but I know what sullies can do. So, if I can protect some of the plants, I'll put them in. The thing I'll be focused on most is their new house (converted shed) along with insulation, lighting, heating, and cork tiles. The outside backyard will have two rows of concrete blocks around a perimeter of 48' on 4 sides. I will be taking pic at each stage of the project. Can't wait to start. We get the blocks this Thursday.

Why thank you! It took me an my dad a month and a half to create it, only working on it 2-3 days a week. She used to work for a floral shop so she's good at making flower colors and sizes look good
I will be looking for your thread and what you will be doing! Look at my "outside enclosure" thread for planting ideas, if needed. Good luck!

Sulcata (Dexter)
Russian (Ezek)

Yvonne G

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Where in the heck is Jacqui? She hasn't been on since last Friday. I hope everything's ok with her.


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emysemys said:
Where in the heck is Jacqui? She hasn't been on since last Friday. I hope everything's ok with her.

I second all of the above!!! Anyone have outside contact info for her?

Yvonne G

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I called and left a message on her phone, however, she's always saying she has to walk to the top of the hill to get her cell service, so who knows when, if ever, she'll get the message.


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Oh no, could it be that she thought it was ok to take a break because of the new Mods? I thought she just wasn't posting I didn't know she was not on!!

New Leopard tortoise!!??
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