Pretend chat 2

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5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Morning everyone!
If we are doing mile markers bane is now at 1000grams! He was just over 300 grams when I got him and he hasn't gained any noticeable length or width but he is sure a little piggy-when it comes to his mazuri as he barely touches fresh veggies and such.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Thanks Jacqui. Love the party animal. So, if Carl is a young'in, is he 100g? That's all that's left; so, it has to that. Congrats to all who hit a mile marker today! I will be posting so special party pics with Baby Runt later today.

='Jacqui' pid='659694' dateline='1367003030']
sibi said:
So, Carl and Baby Runt are celebrating mile marks today: Baby Runt is 1 lbs, and Carl is 100 lbs. Wow!!!

I hope Carl is 100 lbs and not 100 years old. Please correct me if I was mistaken.

Your wrong on both guesses with Carl. He is a youngin' and since he can fit into the palm of your hands, he's not 100 pounds either. :D Plus without cheating and looking it up, I think he is a hermanns.

But wow so amazing that Runt is up to the weight he is!!!! Major congrats to both you and Runt! Says a lot about how your caring for him.

CourtneyAndCarl said:
Hello everyone! Long time no see! How is everyone doing? How are all the tortoises? Carl just hit the big 100, so he's celebrating with some strawberry.

Good growing there Carl! How's school going Court?


Congrats Runt and Sibi!​


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Aug 23, 2012
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Where are our friends, Erin and Cowboy? What's it been, a week or more that we haven't heard from them. Don't they love us anymore? =:-(


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Jul 15, 2012
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Is it normal that Rosie's only put on 5 oz in a year? She's a redfoot (now 2 years) and doesn't even weigh a pound! She's 11.8oz. She eats like a pig and is well hydrated so maybe she's just tiny. But compared to a sulcata or aldabra I guess it seems like she's a runt!


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Aug 23, 2012
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I don't know what the growth pattern is for redfoots, but it's quite possible that your tort is normal for its specie. Like you said, sulcatas are huge when fully grown. So, in my case with Baby Runt, he is 3 going on 4 years old and he just weighed in at a pound today. His growth was stunted due to negligence. Your redfoot may be small or even normal for his age, but Baby Runt is definitely not normal. Take good care of your's the only thing that matters now.
RosieRedfoot said:
Is it normal that Rosie's only put on 5 oz in a year? She's a redfoot (now 2 years) and doesn't even weigh a pound! She's 11.8oz. She eats like a pig and is well hydrated so maybe she's just tiny. But compared to a sulcata or aldabra I guess it seems like she's a runt!

Oh Cowboy Ken...where are you? Erin, where are you? Don't make me go there and get you out of Dagny's new bed.:p

Oh Cowboy Ken...where are you? Erin, where are you? Don't make me come up there and get you out of Dagny's new bed.:p


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Aug 23, 2012
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There are a few of us here that have insomnia...I being one, and Kerryann being another.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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Erin was just on the other night. She is super busy getting things done to the new house so they can move in. Get things bought for the new house. Plus get the old house even more ready for folks to look at it.

I thought Ken was on last night and talked about spending yesterday mowing and fixing a great meal.


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Aug 23, 2012
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I checked both of their posts, and it appears that neither were on for a while. But, maybe those posts weren't updated. If Cowboy was on, be must of been on for a real brief time. well, I'm just missing the chats we use to have, that's all.

I wanted to share the news with you all about my foot. Most of you know I'm diabetic and I've been having trouble with my right foot for a long while now. It appears that I have ulcerations under the foot that is not looking good. My doctor took one look at it and said that if it were to get infected, I could be looking at a possible amputation. The problem is that it is Infected because it's sore and swollen. He said that it looks real clean even though I had a stage 4 of something. He gave me some antibiotics and a silver something cream to apply in the affected areas. I'm not very happy about this.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Sounds like it is a low level infection and that is why the Dr is not as concerned as you (plus it's your foot not his). Hopefully with the meds it will keep getting better and better. *fingers crossed*


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I guess we'll see. Actually, my doctor seemed more concerned about it than I did at the time. He's the one that said that it looked like it was one step before amputation minus the infection. I just have to keep my foot free from dirt and sweat which means I have to wear closed shoes and socks...yuk.

Jacqui said:
Sounds like it is a low level infection and that is why the Dr is not as concerned as you (plus it's your foot not his). Hopefully with the meds it will keep getting better and better. *fingers crossed*


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
I would think open to the air would be better then closed shoes.

sibi said:
I checked both of their posts, and it appears that neither were on for a while. But, maybe those posts weren't updated. If Cowboy was on, be must of been on for a real brief time. well, I'm just missing the chats we use to have, that's all.



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Aug 23, 2012
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Open to the air is what caused the dried cracks that lead to the skin peels. But, to cure what I have now, yes, I need open shoes and an ace bandage to let the skin dry out. Then, when it clears up, I'll need closed shoes to keep the skin soft. My feet don't sweat as much as other people, but the tight bandage I put on made my foot water-logged. And that's what the doctor saw. I don't mind wearing closed shoes so long as they have a little heel. Only, I also have flat feet, so I shouldn't be wearing heels anyway. What a bummer because I'm only 5' and I need heels or I look like a dwarf.

Thanks Jacqui for the chat. I appreciate it. I'm gonna sign off and go to bed. Speak to you tomorrow.


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Today I spent the day at the ER with a friends wife. She blacked out at work and hit her head and needed a ride. My friend was about two hours away, so he called and asked me to take her in. She is, it would appear, fine. She had been bitten by a dog at work 3 days ago and they think she has a systemic infection which caused the black out.
Yes, I mowed and played plumber yesterday, I made a fun fancy pants dinner a couple of days ago.


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Jul 15, 2012
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I usually work evenings so I get to sleep in and am on later..

This five line skink was creeping outside the house: ImageUploadedByTortoiseForum1367037283.050772.jpg

And the dogs decided a hole was in order: ImageUploadedByTortoiseForum1367037316.784145.jpg

He's sooo proud of the hole >.> good thing the yard is just clay, sand, and tree roots so he didn't ruin any grass.
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Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
sibi said:
Open to the air is what caused the dried cracks that lead to the skin peels. But, to cure what I have now, yes, I need open shoes and an ace bandage to let the skin dry out. Then, when it clears up, I'll need closed shoes to keep the skin soft. My feet don't sweat as much as other people, but the tight bandage I put on made my foot water-logged. And that's what the doctor saw. I don't mind wearing closed shoes so long as they have a little heel. Only, I also have flat feet, so I shouldn't be wearing heels anyway. What a bummer because I'm only 5' and I need heels or I look like a dwarf.

Thanks Jacqui for the chat. I appreciate it. I'm gonna sign off and go to bed. Speak to you tomorrow.

Oh no :(
You better listen to him. Now I am worried about you.
So i slept for about 5 hours last night and am now back up round up my peep to make a second pass at fixing the issue. :p
Happy frickin saturday :rolleyes:
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