Pretend chat 2

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Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
And a top-o-the marnin' to you too, Miz Jacqui!!

Today is the Rodeo parade. Then two days of Clovis Rodeo. I'm not going. You've seen one parade, you've seen them all (or so "they" say). I think this is the 100th year they have put it on. You can't drive within a mile of Clovis town today, so I hope all Clovisites got their shopping done yesterday. All day long the past couple days I've seen big diesel trucks pulling huge horse/people trailors down my street. It's really a pretty big deal.

My son-in-law is coming over to put new cooler pads on my evaporative cooler and get it up and running for the hot weather. It's supposed to get up to 100 next Friday.

I still haven't mow the back yard. Can't water it until I mow it and its starting to look a little dead. Hopefully, today's the day!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Kerryann said:
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................... the issue isn't dead yet :(

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( So sorry, I know how hard you have been working on it and the hours you have given to it and the client.

Yvonne G said:
It's supposed to get up to 100 next Friday.

I still haven't mow the back yard. Can't water it until I mow it and its starting to look a little dead. Hopefully, today's the day!

You make me so very glad I don't live in CA. It's suppose to be 80s here tomorrow and I am dreading it. I work better in the 60s to maybe 70s.

I had hoped my ex would make it last weekend or even this weekend to see if we can get my push mower going. Not sure if we do get it working, how well I will be able to either start it myself or con strangers into doing the starting honors. I have shoulder issues which do not go well with pulling the rope to start it. :( Also am being too stubborn to call and ask my son to come over. :D It wouldn't be so bad, if it wasn't all the dock which grows twice as fast as the other weeds (stinging nettles too).

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Yeah...start saving up your$$$ to buy a new one. They also have garden equipment now that comes with a little hand-held gizmo that you put on the starter thingey and it starts the equipment for you. I was thinking about that for my weed eater. That son of a gun is really hard to start.

Are you having rotator cuff problems? I had a bad rotator cuff about 6 months ago. I babied that arm/shoulder for a very long time, and stopped sleeping with my arms over my head, and it doesn't bother me at all anymore. I think the thought of surgery helped quite a bit.


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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Jacqui said:
Kerryann said:
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................... the issue isn't dead yet :(

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( So sorry, I know how hard you have been working on it and the hours you have given to it and the client.

Yvonne G said:
It's supposed to get up to 100 next Friday.

I still haven't mow the back yard. Can't water it until I mow it and its starting to look a little dead. Hopefully, today's the day!

You make me so very glad I don't live in CA. It's suppose to be 80s here tomorrow and I am dreading it. I work better in the 60s to maybe 70s.

I had hoped my ex would make it last weekend or even this weekend to see if we can get my push mower going. Not sure if we do get it working, how well I will be able to either start it myself or con strangers into doing the starting honors. I have shoulder issues which do not go well with pulling the rope to start it. :( Also am being too stubborn to call and ask my son to come over. :D It wouldn't be so bad, if it wasn't all the dock which grows twice as fast as the other weeds (stinging nettles too).

Yah it's so stressful adn i just want it done right. I hate hearing and communicating x and y happens. :( It is the stuff that makes me want to throw up and/or not sleep.
I am still working on the issue. I had another sleepless night. :(

I forgot to add that I would take the 100 degree weather. I am rockin sandals adn a tshirt today. Oh and my hair looks fabulous.. which is great because i am gonna get up outta here in a minute and go get food and shop a bit :D


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Yvonne G said:
Yeah...start saving up your$$$ to buy a new one. They also have garden equipment now that comes with a little hand-held gizmo that you put on the starter thingey and it starts the equipment for you. I was thinking about that for my weed eater. That son of a gun is really hard to start.

Are you having rotator cuff problems? I had a bad rotator cuff about 6 months ago. I babied that arm/shoulder for a very long time, and stopped sleeping with my arms over my head, and it doesn't bother me at all anymore. I think the thought of surgery helped quite a bit.

I think it's a bursitis. I just know ever once in awhile I will pull something or do over the head reaching stuff and it starts acting up. Seems to take forever to get back calmed down. Glad your problems have gone away. I think the thought of surgery would make mine get better too! :D

Don't you have to have $$$ before you can save it? Jeff has been getting really low mileage weeks the past several. If we had no medical bills it would be okay because there is enough to live on. However the medical bills are not getting smaller and it is really getting to me. I don't like this game of putting everything off and hoping next week there will be money to make some kind of payment. I will be out with hand clippers long before I could buy a new mower. ;)

Soooo Yvonne, getting your mowing done?

Kerryann said:
I forgot to add that I would take the 100 degree weather. I am rockin sandals adn a tshirt today. Oh and my hair looks fabulous.. which is great because i am gonna get up outta here in a minute and go get food and shop a bit :D

Oh yes, shopping therapy!! Have fun, enjoy yourself, and find some great deals. :D


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Dec 31, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
West Bloomfield MI
Jacqui said:
Yvonne G said:
Yeah...start saving up your$$$ to buy a new one. They also have garden equipment now that comes with a little hand-held gizmo that you put on the starter thingey and it starts the equipment for you. I was thinking about that for my weed eater. That son of a gun is really hard to start.

Are you having rotator cuff problems? I had a bad rotator cuff about 6 months ago. I babied that arm/shoulder for a very long time, and stopped sleeping with my arms over my head, and it doesn't bother me at all anymore. I think the thought of surgery helped quite a bit.

I think it's a bursitis. I just know ever once in awhile I will pull something or do over the head reaching stuff and it starts acting up. Seems to take forever to get back calmed down. Glad your problems have gone away. I think the thought of surgery would make mine get better too! :D

Don't you have to have $$$ before you can save it? Jeff has been getting really low mileage weeks the past several. If we had no medical bills it would be okay because there is enough to live on. However the medical bills are not getting smaller and it is really getting to me. I don't like this game of putting everything off and hoping next week there will be money to make some kind of payment. I will be out with hand clippers long before I could buy a new mower. ;)

Soooo Yvonne, getting your mowing done?

Kerryann said:
I forgot to add that I would take the 100 degree weather. I am rockin sandals adn a tshirt today. Oh and my hair looks fabulous.. which is great because i am gonna get up outta here in a minute and go get food and shop a bit :D

Oh yes, shopping therapy!! Have fun, enjoy yourself, and find some great deals. :D

Well I got an awesome super cute skirt that is jean but formal enough to wear to work. :D
I think my troubles aer coming to an end with my project. :D hopefully tonight will be a sleeping night. :p.
My little one is home. We went shopping for her and got some fab shirts.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Kerryann said:
I think my troubles aer coming to an end with my project. :D hopefully tonight will be a sleeping night. :p.
My little one is home. We went shopping for her and got some fab shirts.

You know what is more fab then those shirts? That your trouble project may finally be working. :D Sleep well tonight, KA.

I am having a bowl of strawberry mini-wheat cereal for supper. :D Yesterday I got my garden plot all measured out. Today I started working on the walkways. I am not sure just how many it was, but over 20 buckets of wood chips so far for the walkways. I was going to go get another five buckets worth, but a train has broken down blocking the road that comes into town. Now to get through you have miles of country roads to go. Decided it was fate telling me to stop for the night.

So how was everybody's day?


Well-Known Member
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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Well, I decided to let my feet walk today so that I can get use to walking without pain. I went to Lowe's to check out some insulation and bought some odds and ends. I realized that I cannot shop with my hubby. He has no patience with looking and scouting for the best products. He says, if we're hiring someone to fix the shed for our sullies, what are we spending time looking at this stuff? I told him because I figured we can do the work ourselves. Wrong! If I weren't so sick I would do it myself like I have for years. I will just continue to surprise him as I've always done.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Dec 31, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
West Bloomfield MI
Jacqui said:
Kerryann said:
I think my troubles aer coming to an end with my project. :D hopefully tonight will be a sleeping night. :p.
My little one is home. We went shopping for her and got some fab shirts.

You know what is more fab then those shirts? That your trouble project may finally be working. :D Sleep well tonight, KA.

I am having a bowl of strawberry mini-wheat cereal for supper. :D Yesterday I got my garden plot all measured out. Today I started working on the walkways. I am not sure just how many it was, but over 20 buckets of wood chips so far for the walkways. I was going to go get another five buckets worth, but a train has broken down blocking the road that comes into town. Now to get through you have miles of country roads to go. Decided it was fate telling me to stop for the night.

So how was everybody's day?

My day has been a mixed bag of stress and fun. Now i am getting read to move the database update and hopefully solve the issue. :D It has been hard getting it done. I will be hapy to be done.
I love cereal for dinner. Now i think i want to get some for my mikeyless nights.
I found the first dandelions of the year over by the temple and I know they dont treat that field so I snagged four of them for hens and bettuce.
Woo so you want to come do my wood chipping?


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
Sibi, lately the weather here has gone to he!!, so with all the sunny, clear weather means plenty of outdoor chores for me. Luckily, things will improve over the next few days with a wet system coming in. This then will provide an ideal opportunity for me to wrap and ship some much anticipated items to you. Would you like some Oregon dandelion seed heads as well?


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 23, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Florida, USA
OMG, yeah! Would love to grow some. I am starting a garden for my sullies and that would be a great addition. Thanks.
Cowboy_Ken said:
Sibi, lately the weather here has gone to he!!, so with all the sunny, clear weather means plenty of outdoor chores for me. Luckily, things will improve over the next few days with a wet system coming in. This then will provide an ideal opportunity for me to wrap and ship some much anticipated items to you. Would you like some Oregon dandelion seed heads as well?


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
I collect them with my black and decker portable vacuum. I guaranty nothing for the fertility, other than to say we've got alot!
And remember everyone, dandelions will bloom from as low as 1/2" to 36" off the ground depending on how tall you allow them to grow. Mow them short, and you'll have future short flower stalks.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Thank you so much. I can't wait to see how they grow and how much my babies will love to eat them.

Cowboy_Ken said:
I collect them with my black and decker portable vacuum. I guaranty nothing for the fertility, other than to say we've got alot!
And remember everyone, dandelions will bloom from as low as 1/2" to 36" off the ground depending on how tall you allow them to grow. Mow them short, and you'll have future short flower stalks.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
Sendie, I believe should have exciting news for us tonight or tomorrow.

I just saw the post in redfoot section. Looks good, congrats!!!

Ok. I saw the announcement in the red foot section.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Exciting news as in an egg to go with the pancake?

Goodest of good morning!!​
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