Pretend chat 2

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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
sibi said:
Kerryann, what has been the problem with work? And why isn't there a solution?
Kerryann said:
No resolution for me.. :(

We have a site that has some issues. We were supposed to do an upgrade that would help fix the issues potentially.. no guarantee.. but the upgrade hasn't been able to complete since Thursday which is taking a stressful situation and making it worse. :(


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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sibi said:
Well, I decided to let my feet walk today so that I can get use to walking without pain.

How did that go?

sibi said:
I went to Lowe's to check out some insulation and bought some odds and ends. I realized that I cannot shop with my hubby. He has no patience with looking and scouting for the best products. He says, if we're hiring someone to fix the shed for our sullies, what are we spending time looking at this stuff? I told him because I figured we can do the work ourselves. Wrong! If I weren't so sick I would do it myself like I have for years. I will just continue to surprise him as I've always done.

So are you going to do it yourself?


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Who's doing the upgrade? And what kind of upgrade to do what? The reason why I ask is because maybe my hubby can help you. Give as much details, and I'll check with hubby.

Kerryann said:
sibi said:
Kerryann, what has been the problem with work? And why isn't there a solution?
Kerryann said:
No resolution for me.. :(

We have a site that has some issues. We were supposed to do an upgrade that would help fix the issues potentially.. no guarantee.. but the upgrade hasn't been able to complete since Thursday which is taking a stressful situation and making it worse. :(

No, if my hubby helps (does the work), then I'll help. If he won't do it, I'll just spend his money and hire someone to do it.
Jacqui said:
sibi said:
Well, I decided to let my feet walk today so that I can get use to walking without pain.

How did that go?

sibi said:
I went to Lowe's to check out some insulation and bought some odds and ends. I realized that I cannot shop with my hubby. He has no patience with looking and scouting for the best products. He says, if we're hiring someone to fix the shed for our sullies, what are we spending time looking at this stuff? I told him because I figured we can do the work ourselves. Wrong! If I weren't so sick I would do it myself like I have for years. I will just continue to surprise him as I've always done.

So are you going to do it yourself?

The walk did me some good. The ulcers cleared up with that cream.


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Went to the zoo today and the torts were out! Here are pics I took today.





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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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:D I love that last "tortoise"! :D :D

Sibi glad to hear the cream not only worked, but did so very quickly. :)


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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
sibi said:
Who's doing the upgrade? And what kind of upgrade to do what? The reason why I ask is because maybe my hubby can help you. Give as much details, and I'll check with hubby.

Kerryann said:
sibi said:
Kerryann, what has been the problem with work? And why isn't there a solution?
Kerryann said:
No resolution for me.. :(

We have a site that has some issues. We were supposed to do an upgrade that would help fix the issues potentially.. no guarantee.. but the upgrade hasn't been able to complete since Thursday which is taking a stressful situation and making it worse. :(

No, if my hubby helps (does the work), then I'll help. If he won't do it, I'll just spend his money and hire someone to do it.
Jacqui said:
sibi said:
Well, I decided to let my feet walk today so that I can get use to walking without pain.

How did that go?

sibi said:
I went to Lowe's to check out some insulation and bought some odds and ends. I realized that I cannot shop with my hubby. He has no patience with looking and scouting for the best products. He says, if we're hiring someone to fix the shed for our sullies, what are we spending time looking at this stuff? I told him because I figured we can do the work ourselves. Wrong! If I weren't so sick I would do it myself like I have for years. I will just continue to surprise him as I've always done.

So are you going to do it yourself?

The walk did me some good. The ulcers cleared up with that cream.

We don't do the development on the site and that has been the issue. We just do the hosting. The upgrade is over and complete yay :) It was so stressful :rolleyes:

I am glad to hear your feets are doing better.


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Ugh, rabbit "adopter" just messaged me saying she no longer wants the rabbits because they are too interested in her new 8 week old rabbit. Seriously? She didn't seem that dumb in person but I guess she is afterall. I asked her not to dump them in a park or shelter because I'm trying to network amongst rabbit fosters I know of to find them a safe home... I even re contacted the person who previously backed out due to family illness to see if she was doing well and still had any interest in rabbits.

Seriously, why are there so many crappy lying people out there? I could never breed animals just because I fear too many would end up with bad owners ..


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My feet aren't healed completely, it's just not awful looking and hurting as before. The cream the doc prescribed works great. But, if I have shoes have on for more than a couple of hours, it starts to get painful again. Anyhow, I hope everyone had a good weekend. We've back to a work week again.

My torts are getting such a workout in the backyard that when I bring them in to clean up, eat, and get ready for bed, they all decide to to fight me on the clean-up and won't eat, and shoot straight for bed. Lights are out as early as 6 p.m. most nights.


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Dec 31, 2011
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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

sibi said:
My feet aren't healed completely, it's just not awful looking and hurting as before. The cream the doc prescribed works great. But, if I have shoes have on for more than a couple of hours, it starts to get painful again. Anyhow, I hope everyone had a good weekend. We've back to a work week again.

My torts are getting such a workout in the backyard that when I bring them in to clean up, eat, and get ready for bed, they all decide to to fight me on the clean-up and won't eat, and shoot straight for bed. Lights are out as early as 6 p.m. most nights.

Keep working on the feet :)
So far the migration is a fabulous success but its only been a few hours.
Wow.. Betty has been a nut job too.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Darn sorry about the rabbit deal. :(

Sibi they may not be totally healed, but the progress so far sounds great!

KA glad that so far things are working well, fingers crossed it continues. How is Betty being a nut?


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Hi Jacqui. How's Dude? I think he's been your shadow these pass few weeks, yes?


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Jacqui said:
Darn sorry about the rabbit deal. :(

Sibi they may not be totally healed, but the progress so far sounds great!

KA glad that so far things are working well, fingers crossed it continues. How is Betty being a nut?

She has excavated her enclosure at least three times a day. I never know how it will be laid out when I return to the kitchen next time. It's been too cold to take them outside but we should have some nice days this week. :D
The site is still performing like a top :)

Yvonne G

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A couple weeks ago I found an eastern box turtle with two tympanic absesses. Now yesterday I found one of the Texas tortoises with one. The box turtle is just about ready to be put back outside, and now I have another indoor habitat to care for.

Last night Russian, Fat Betty, was digging in earnest. She finally laid 5 eggs.

William, my tortoise partner, was here yesterday and planted 5 white mullberry trees along the front of the Aldabran pen. He's going to espalier them along the fence line.

My two biggest Mep girls are both working (off and on) at modifying last year's nest. I wish one of them would pick a different spot. I have a feeling that crowding the nest might be one of the problems I face with not ever getting any babies from this species.


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sibi said:
I checked both of their posts, and it appears that neither were on for a while. But, maybe those posts weren't updated. If Cowboy was on, be must of been on for a real brief time. well, I'm just missing the chats we use to have, that's all.

I wanted to share the news with you all about my foot. Most of you know I'm diabetic and I've been having trouble with my right foot for a long while now. It appears that I have ulcerations under the foot that is not looking good. My doctor took one look at it and said that if it were to get infected, I could be looking at a possible amputation. The problem is that it is Infected because it's sore and swollen. He said that it looks real clean even though I had a stage 4 of something. He gave me some antibiotics and a silver something cream to apply in the affected areas. I'm not very happy about this.

Hi Sibi & Hi all!
I have been missing you all but I really have not had a second to come on and if I did have a chance I was stuck catching up on chat and didn't want to respond until I had all the recent info on you all:).

Sibi, take care of that foot!! My Grandma started by getting a toe amputated and by the end of that year her leg was amputated up to her knee. Look into maggot therapy. I know it sounds terrible but it has been saving the limbs of diabetics for over a decade now.

Sorry to talk about bugs and run. I miss you all and cannot wait to hear about everyone's spring & torts, I will try to be on tonight.


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Hey. I, too, pop on and off. I've even been posting to help folks. The weather has just been “nice" as some would see it, so there are a lot of out door chores I've been doing. Gosh!

As far as maggots go, when ice fishing, using maggots as bait, the number one place to keep them so they don't freeze is ones lower lip between the gum and inside of the lip. I'm happy not ice fishing, thank you.


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So earlier my mom texted me that my great aunt died and I didn't know she was even sick. Apparently she had cancer and they found it too late and she kept it quiet. Then Mikey comes home and tells me his aunt has cancer again. She had cancer before and beat it but now she has a different cancer. :(

I am making rutabaga fries. That's my good news.


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Cancer sucks, sorry to hear it. Lost my grandpa, dog only aged 4.5 years, and almost my dad to cancer within 2 years... Thankfully my dad caught it in time and had money for treatment.
My aunt passed from cancer just two months ago and I got news two days ago my step uncle just had a heart attack and keeled over. So I understand what you're going through..

The "bipolar" rabbit adopter has decided she's going to keep them for now and try things again. But tomorrow she may be texting me again saying I have to take them back.. Who knows? She's a 6 hr round trip drive from me and I work everyday, otherwise I'd just go and smack her upside the head and take them back...


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sibi said:
Hi everyone, it's a celebration! Baby Runt hit the 1 pound marker! It took 6 months for him to go from 4 ozs. to 1 pound! At this rate, he should be gaining a pound and a half a year. Have a dance, a drink, an ice cream or whatever puts you in a celebrating mood. Jacqui or Yvonne, can you put on a celebrating image for Runt? Don't have access yet to one of those sites. Thanks.

Congrats to baby runt!!! I shall have some Cherry Garcia Froyo in his honor!! Good job Sibi!!
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