Pretend chat 2

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Jan 17, 2011
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Kerryann said:
I'm sorry for your bad day. :(
That must have been so scary.

I am sorry for your bad day! I posted my ramble and then went back to catch up on chat.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Yikes. I hope Rand feels better tomorrow.

CtTortoiseMom said:
Aww, congrats on the baby boy!!! Boy's are super easy to train to go potty it's getting them to do it in the bathroom that's the hard part!!!

I had a tough day! I could not get Rands fever below 104 for 4 straight hours!! He was fighting me and spitting out Motrin and I did not know how much he ingested so I could not give him more and had to wait 6 hours to try again. I was on the phone with his pediatrician and they were trying to get me to take him to the hospital because he is not strong enough to handle such a high temp for so long. Then they suggested i try a tylenol suppository, so my friend came over and sat with this limp noodle of a toddler while i literally flat out ran to the pharmacy. I got back & dosed him it worked in ten minutes and he had had two now and is responding great!! Meanwhile, the painters are finishing up and I am pointing out to them spots that need to be sanded and re-painted or drip marks & oh by the way you were supposed to paint the bathroom ceiling!!! (super awkward). Then the owner comes to do the final walk through and tries to say I owe him a hundred and fifty more than we discussed, so I stuck to my guns and said No and we went back and fourth and I finally told him that he already got all the money he was getting and he said ok and left.

Then the roofer showed up and gave me the estimates and I was pleasantly surprised by how low the roofs quote was and shocked at how expensive the siding was!! Rob and I drafted a nice letter to the Seller's asking them to take care of roof and siding and we would take care of everything else in the inspection and sent the roofing quote and inspection report to them via email. Now we wait to hear.... And that was my day:)


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Erin, whenever a tot gets that high a fever for over an hour, try using cool water to bathe him in. It will bring that fever down fast, then keep repeating it if it goes back up that high. Also, pedialite is a must to keep him hydrated. You probably know this, it's just that fevers and babies can be so scary.


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sibi said:
Erin, whenever a tot gets that high a fever for over an hour, try using cool water to bathe him in. It will bring that fever down fast, then keep repeating it if it goes back up that high. Also, pedialite is a must to keep him hydrated. You probably know this, it's just that fevers and babies can be so scary.

Thanks, he never really gets high fevers so I was really caught off guard when I was unable to control it.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Getting a wet cold towel and wrapping the kid in it (like you would a blanket) will also help cool down the kid.


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I hope the baby starts to feel better soo . Those stomach viruses can be so dangerous and the bad ones take a week to get over. Be sure you disinfect all his toys before giving it to him. If any of that virus is on his toys and he puts it in his mouth, he can get a relapse. speak to you tomorrow. I'm off to bedy bye.

CtTortoiseMom said:
sibi said:
Erin, whenever a tot gets that high a fever for over an hour, try using cool water to bathe him in. It will bring that fever down fast, then keep repeating it if it goes back up that high. Also, pedialite is a must to keep him hydrated. You probably know this, it's just that fevers and babies can be so scary.

Thanks, he never really gets high fevers so I was really caught off guard when I was unable to control it.


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In the Operating room if you spike a high temp they put cold compresses in your armpits, behind your neck and behind your knees. Those are all the major blood flow areas. If you reduce a child's fever to fast it can cause a seizure. My pediatrician always warns against a cold bath and says that even cold compresses in the arm pits is pushing it. But, I did it anyway today because I was getting frantic!

sibi said:
I hope the baby starts to feel better soo . Those stomach viruses can be so dangerous and the bad ones take a week to get over. Be sure you disinfect all his toys before giving it to him. If any of that virus is on his toys and he puts it in his mouth, he can get a relapse. speak to you tomorrow. I'm off to bedy bye.

Thank's & good night:)


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I was just looking at my tortoise photo stream on my phone and realized, I really like my tortoises! Pictures from when Little Ricky first got here to a couple days ago. Now I wish I'd traced him as well as weighed and photographed him.


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Thalatte said:
Well when I was there I noticed that Moe my hatchling ornate box turtle hasn't gained any weight since I got him, in fact he has lost 2grams, which doesn't seem like a lot but he is just under 2in. Also he is kinda lethargic with puffy eyes. I got him some vitamin a eye drops and switched his diet from earthworms, meal worms, red wigglers, and various salad mixes to honworms, calciworms, and salad/fruit. He hardly ever eats though instead he sleeps and occasionally goes in the water.

But this phone call started off "hey...Joker (my adult bearded dragon) is dead. He is on the bottom of his cage (very rare as he prefers his basking rock, and doesnt move from it once on it) beard is completely black, mouth open, and not moving."
Then as I am talking to the sitter, he says "oh he just took a breathe but he still isnt moving even though I picked him up. And the beard is black but the rest is pale."

Neither one of these guys/ temps or humidity is off. Cages are clean as is water. I triple checked everything before I left yesterday.

Poor little buddies. :(

Thalatte said:
Well when I was there I noticed that Moe my hatchling ornate box turtle hasn't gained any weight since I got him, in fact he has lost 2grams, which doesn't seem like a lot but he is just under 2in. Also he is kinda lethargic with puffy eyes. I got him some vitamin a eye drops and switched his diet from earthworms, meal worms, red wigglers, and various salad mixes to honworms, calciworms, and salad/fruit. He hardly ever eats though instead he sleeps and occasionally goes in the water.

But this phone call started off "hey...Joker (my adult bearded dragon) is dead. He is on the bottom of his cage (very rare as he prefers his basking rock, and doesnt move from it once on it) beard is completely black, mouth open, and not moving."
Then as I am talking to the sitter, he says "oh he just took a breathe but he still isnt moving even though I picked him up. And the beard is black but the rest is pale."

Neither one of these guys/ temps or humidity is off. Cages are clean as is water. I triple checked everything before I left yesterday.

Poor little buddies. :(
It's supposed to be a rain snow mix this morning during rush hour so I'm trying to get on the road early. Yesterday morning there were these protestors blocking traffic intentionally too so I'm worried they may pull that stunt again. I guess they did it Friday too but I left work early for my dr appt. They are protesting an emergency manager take over of Detroit. If anyone had been accountable to the budget the city wouldn't be headed towards bankruptcy. Kwame Kilpatrick was convicted of stealing all this city money yesterday but I'd bet you if he was eligible to run and did they'd put him back in office. It's crazy. They don't want to be responsible for the mess and they don't want the state to take over do they protest to suburbanites?


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Kerryann said:
Wow the database must have been down for a while. :)
Omg, yay! I got an email update because I subscribe to this thread and I was so relieved!!


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Yay! We're back up and running! I felt so lost I actually read some in a book!

You think that's bad, I am sitting on my bathroom floor with a tooth brush cleaning the grout!!

Yvonne G

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You know you're really addicted when the Forum is offline and you can't think of anything to do.


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I like to think we're all just caring friends and when disconnected from each other…well, you know.


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Cowboy_Ken said:
I like to think we're all just caring friends and when disconnected from each other…well, you know.

I agree :D:tort:

In happy news, I am having a better day today than yesterday.
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