Pretend chat 2

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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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They make me laugh with their heads sticking out like that. Of course once they see you they pull them in. The first day, I could only see two in the tub, so I thought one got loose. I looked but never could find it. The next morning, they were all gone. Once more I searched the house and found nothing. Then I happened to move some of the substrate and found one. Was so relieved to find they never escaped, but rather had just dug in. It was one of those "Duh!" moments.

I love watching them out, when they are basking. Those legs spread up and upward turned at the ends, bodies piled on each other. I only keep the female, as I don't want more babies to appear.


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Dec 31, 2011
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Jacqui said:
A while back, I had a trio of RES (red eared sliders) I was gifted with, come up with eggs. Trying to get them to lay any additional eggs, I gave them a tub with substrate rather then having them dropping them in their water. Well of course no eggs have happened and as a rule when I go by their tub I see something like this:


It's funny when all three have just their heads sticking out at me.

Sooo cute :)


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Jul 15, 2012
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I did some rearranging of the pet room. Rosie's pen stayed basically the same but I moved some plants around and trimmed dead leaves, aerated soil/mulch, and removed soiled dirt.

I also re-did the rabbit pen from being a kiddie swimming pool to this:

I also re-did the gerbil/hamster cages. The hamster was in a 10 gallon and felt it was too small for his high energy so this is a split 55 gallon and all their supplies are on the bottom shelf (gee, pet suppliers like the color green, huh?)

Gerbils are on left, dwarf hamster is on right.

And here's a new-ish Rosie pic just because she deserved some sun!


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Is rand feeling better yet?

What about Reagan? How's her leg?

Sibi why havent you posted pictures yet?

Cowboy have you had any more breakthroughs on the affordable cages?

How's everyone else doing?


5 Year Member
Oct 17, 2009
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RosieRedfoot said:
Sounds like you've had a busy day! Rosie is gorgeous.

Went to the OB this morning and found out that we're having a boy. :)
Here's a sonogram of his face:

and his little foot:


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
mctlong said:
Sounds like you've had a busy day! Rosie is gorgeous.

Went to the OB this morning and found out that we're having a boy. :)
Here's a sonogram of his face:

and his little foot:

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Are you excited?
Boys are so much less hassle then a girl! Well besides the potty training...


5 Year Member
Oct 17, 2009
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SF Valley, SoCal
Thalatte said:
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Are you excited?
Boys are so much less hassle then a girl! Well besides the potty training...

We're super excited!
I'd rather have difficulty potty training a boy than having to deal with a teenage girl. I remember being a teenage girl and you know what they say about karma. ;)

Thanks Kim and Kerryann. :)

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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It's nice to know the sex of your unborn baby. That way you can buy little boy onesies, etc. congrats!

Darned daylight savings time. It really puts me off schedule. I had just gotten used to watching Jeopardy - again - and now it doesn't start to get dark until Jeopardy is just starting. I like to do my evening chores right before dark so that I do my last check on the tortoises - make sure no one is upside down and they're all inside their houses, etc, and now I have to miss Jeopardy! I surprise myself by how much I know. I can usually answer quite a few of the questions.

This a.m. I allowed the Manouria to go outside because my back is back to normal, and I noticed a bit earlier that ALL of them are still outside. So that means I'm going to have to truck all of them back INSIDE. I hope my back can take it!

This is my last post of the evening...see you all tomorrow!


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
mctlong said:
We're super excited!
I'd rather have difficulty potty training a boy than having to deal with a teenage girl. I remember being a teenage girl and you know what they say about karma. ;)

Thanks Kim and Kerryann. :)

It's not the teenage girls that are such a hassle its the preteen! When the drama gets worse and they think they are teenagers...ugh that's bad. Atleast with boys you can keep the whole "girls are yucky" attitude til after puberty.

What happened kerryann?


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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Thalatte said:
It's not the teenage girls that are such a hassle its the preteen! When the drama gets worse and they think they are teenagers...ugh that's bad. Atleast with boys you can keep the whole "girls are yucky" attitude til after puberty.

What happened kerryann?

Work has been hard and a mess. :(
Some lower tier people at a client site were spreading negative things so we had to have an ugly conversation. It's so hard for me to have a job where everyday is a battle.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Yikes. Work politics are never easy.

So I just got off the phone with my sitter. Now another animal or two isn't doing to well and no clue what's wrong with them.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Teenage girls make you want to rip your uterus out and throw it at them.. At least that's how I felt. However I survived and am planning to do it again. It took me a long while to forget the drama.

Thalatte said:
Yikes. Work politics are never easy.

So I just got off the phone with my sitter. Now another animal or two isn't doing to well and no clue what's wrong with them.

Aww who's sick?


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
What a blessing! It's a Boy!!! My last child was a boy, and OMG, what a difference he was over the girls. You'll truly enjoy raising him. Here's a question. Was your hubby a good kid growing up? Because even though there's no guarantee that they'll be alike, there's a good chance that he'll be like his dad. Don't know if that's good or bad, but you can help him be the best he can be. Have a healthy baby!
mctlong said:
Thalatte said:
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Are you excited?
Boys are so much less hassle then a girl! Well besides the potty training...

We're super excited!
I'd rather have difficulty potty training a boy than having to deal with a teenage girl. I remember being a teenage girl and you know what they say about karma. ;)

Thanks Kim and Kerryann. :)

Yes Thalatte, who's sick? Btw sorry I haven't been posting much. I'm having a hard time with the death of my Sweet Pea and now TFO.

Yvonne, what you need is someone to help you with the animals. Your back is jacked up, and these are big animals to handle by yourself. What can you do for your back? Do you have a chiropractor new you? You know what really works is acupuncture. Have you ever tried it?
emysemys said:
It's nice to know the sex of your unborn baby. That way you can buy little boy onesies, etc. congrats!

Darned daylight savings time. It really puts me off schedule. I had just gotten used to watching Jeopardy - again - and now it doesn't start to get dark until Jeopardy is just starting. I like to do my evening chores right before dark so that I do my last check on the tortoises - make sure no one is upside down and they're all inside their houses, etc, and now I have to miss Jeopardy! I surprise myself by how much I know. I can usually answer quite a few of the questions.

This a.m. I allowed the Manouria to go outside because my back is back to normal, and I noticed a bit earlier that ALL of them are still outside. So that means I'm going to have to truck all of them back INSIDE. I hope my back can take it!

This is my last post of the evening...see you all tomorrow!


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5 Year Member
Jan 17, 2011
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Aww, congrats on the baby boy!!! Boy's are super easy to train to go potty it's getting them to do it in the bathroom that's the hard part!!!

I had a tough day! I could not get Rands fever below 104 for 4 straight hours!! He was fighting me and spitting out Motrin and I did not know how much he ingested so I could not give him more and had to wait 6 hours to try again. I was on the phone with his pediatrician and they were trying to get me to take him to the hospital because he is not strong enough to handle such a high temp for so long. Then they suggested i try a tylenol suppository, so my friend came over and sat with this limp noodle of a toddler while i literally flat out ran to the pharmacy. I got back & dosed him it worked in ten minutes and he had had two now and is responding great!! Meanwhile, the painters are finishing up and I am pointing out to them spots that need to be sanded and re-painted or drip marks & oh by the way you were supposed to paint the bathroom ceiling!!! (super awkward). Then the owner comes to do the final walk through and tries to say I owe him a hundred and fifty more than we discussed, so I stuck to my guns and said No and we went back and fourth and I finally told him that he already got all the money he was getting and he said ok and left.

Then the roofer showed up and gave me the estimates and I was pleasantly surprised by how low the roofs quote was and shocked at how expensive the siding was!! Rob and I drafted a nice letter to the Seller's asking them to take care of roof and siding and we would take care of everything else in the inspection and sent the roofing quote and inspection report to them via email. Now we wait to hear.... And that was my day:)


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Well when I was there I noticed that Moe my hatchling ornate box turtle hasn't gained any weight since I got him, in fact he has lost 2grams, which doesn't seem like a lot but he is just under 2in. Also he is kinda lethargic with puffy eyes. I got him some vitamin a eye drops and switched his diet from earthworms, meal worms, red wigglers, and various salad mixes to honworms, calciworms, and salad/fruit. He hardly ever eats though instead he sleeps and occasionally goes in the water.

But this phone call started off "hey...Joker (my adult bearded dragon) is dead. He is on the bottom of his cage (very rare as he prefers his basking rock, and doesnt move from it once on it) beard is completely black, mouth open, and not moving."
Then as I am talking to the sitter, he says "oh he just took a breathe but he still isnt moving even though I picked him up. And the beard is black but the rest is pale."

Neither one of these guys/ temps or humidity is off. Cages are clean as is water. I triple checked everything before I left yesterday.
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