Pretend chat 2

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Jun 1, 2012
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I just sliced my finger down to the bone trying to fix the tubing for Carl's humidifier... he better love me...

I don't know what's worse, cutting open one's finger, or subsequently vomiting and nearly fainting (while my finger is dripping blood into a puddle) from the panic attack that follows? I hate hate HATE my hemaphobia and have decided to talk to my doctor about some anti-anxiety medication.

That is all :p


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CourtneyAndCarl said:
I just sliced my finger down to the bone trying to fix the tubing for Carl's humidifier... he better love me...

I don't know what's worse, cutting open one's finger, or subsequently vomiting and nearly fainting (while my finger is dripping blood into a puddle) from the panic attack that follows? I hate hate HATE my hemaphobia and have decided to talk to my doctor about some anti-anxiety medication.

That is all :p

Wow. Not fun. “ Always use the right tool for the job, and always keep your body parts on the grip/handle"-Hank Hill

Yvonne G

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It's a good thing I'm not hemophobic. I'm always injuring myself and bleeding. Did you have to go to the hosp. and get stitches? Or were you using some poetic license?

Jacqui - love your flower pictures!


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I did not go to the hospital to get stitches but it was bleeding a WHOLE lot, dripping on to the floor, and it was right on the knuckle so the fact that it went to the bone isn't all too surprising...... what I did was grabbed a paper towel, wrapped it around my finger, and laid in my bed until I stopped shaking... haha... then I used some rubbing alcohol (OOOWW!) and slapped a bandaid on that sucker... the blood is already seeping through the band-aid after ten minutes.

Should I have gone to the hospital? o_O

I don't know what it is about me and blood... just talking about it in science class or imagining it moving around my arteries is enough to throw me around the bend... heck even typing this makes my hands tingle. It's always been that way, too, since I was 5 or 6.


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CourtneyAndCarl said:
I just sliced my finger down to the bone trying to fix the tubing for Carl's humidifier... he better love me...

I don't know what's worse, cutting open one's finger, or subsequently vomiting and nearly fainting (while my finger is dripping blood into a puddle) from the panic attack that follows? I hate hate HATE my hemaphobia and have decided to talk to my doctor about some anti-anxiety medication.

That is all :p

I didn't even know they had a term for that. I pass out if I see blood too. :D

Today has been better than yesterday so far. I think I said that yesterday and then it swiftly went downhill. I hope I am not cursing myself.

CourtneyAndCarl said:
I did not go to the hospital to get stitches but it was bleeding a WHOLE lot, dripping on to the floor, and it was right on the knuckle so the fact that it went to the bone isn't all too surprising...... what I did was grabbed a paper towel, wrapped it around my finger, and laid in my bed until I stopped shaking... haha... then I used some rubbing alcohol (OOOWW!) and slapped a bandaid on that sucker... the blood is already seeping through the band-aid after ten minutes.

Should I have gone to the hospital? o_O

I don't know what it is about me and blood... just talking about it in science class or imagining it moving around my arteries is enough to throw me around the bend... heck even typing this makes my hands tingle. It's always been that way, too, since I was 5 or 6.

If you can see bone you probably should get stitches. :p


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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I agree if you can see the bone, go see a Dr, too. Plus by being on a knuckle, it will keep reopening.


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It's not just the sight for me... it's the thought O.O My first ever full blown panic attack was in health class when I was 14... we had to run up and down some stairs and then measure our heart rate... I can't even touch my neck without getting panicky, so when I felt my pulse pounding on my fingers... eeesh... I couldn't breath.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Maybe you should go see your doctor to fix your finger and while there get some meds. 2 birds 1 stone!

Jacqui said:
I never have my camera with me when I see "neat" or interesting things. :(

Isn't that what phones are for?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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CourtneyAndCarl said:
I have never been to the doctor by myself and I'm home alone.... :(

You can do it! Your a brave college kid now! It will be pretty much like going with your Mom, perhaps you could imagine her there? This is one of those times when having friends or a partner can make it much more easy to do, but as I recall your not big into having those. Sooooo, just pretend your Mom is by yourside.


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Jacqui said:
CourtneyAndCarl said:
I have never been to the doctor by myself and I'm home alone.... :(

You can do it! Your a brave college kid now! It will be pretty much like going with your Mom, perhaps you could imagine her there? This is one of those times when having friends or a partner can make it much more easy to do, but as I recall your not big into having those. Sooooo, just pretend your Mom is by yourside.

You will get better at going to see them alone as you get older. I never went to the doctor when I was young and now I should probably be racking up frequent flier points.
I would call the doctors office first though, they may want you to go to an ER. I don't think a primary care doctor does stitches though it is something you learn in medical school so I could be wrong.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
So how is everyone feeling today?

Well besides Courtney chopping her finger off...

There is a new pope and apparently his ceremony made every channel as all my shows I had taping today were just his ceremony.


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Thalatte said:
So how is everyone feeling today?

Well besides Courtney chopping her finger off...

I am feeling good. Something is happening that I have been long awaiting and itssssss soooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooooooooddddddddddd!!!!! yay..


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Kerryann said:
I am feeling good. Something is happening that I have been long awaiting and itssssss soooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooooooooddddddddddd!!!!! yay..

This doesn't have anything to do with your "extra" work for the "client" does it?


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CourtneyAndCarl said:
I just sliced my finger down to the bone trying to fix the tubing for Carl's humidifier... he better love me...

I don't know what's worse, cutting open one's finger, or subsequently vomiting and nearly fainting (while my finger is dripping blood into a puddle) from the panic attack that follows? I hate hate HATE my hemaphobia and have decided to talk to my doctor about some anti-anxiety medication.

That is all :p

Oh no! Are you ok?! o_O

Thalatte said:
So how is everyone feeling today?

Well besides Courtney chopping her finger off...

There is a new pope and apparently his ceremony made every channel as all my shows I had taping today were just his ceremony.

I'm doing good, not home but still about 70 in Boise :)


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CourtneyAndCarl said:
Hahaha, I thought I chopped it off... I am such a big baby!

What are you so happy about, Kerryann? :p

I cannot talk about it on the public internets.. :D :p So much about my job can't be public info. :rolleyes: If this was a real chat room and wasn't recorded on the web until the end of days I could be more liberal with information. Just another pitch for real chat. :p

No.. I still might have to complete that task.. it's not client related. :(

Chainsawkitten said:
CourtneyAndCarl said:
I just sliced my finger down to the bone trying to fix the tubing for Carl's humidifier... he better love me...

I don't know what's worse, cutting open one's finger, or subsequently vomiting and nearly fainting (while my finger is dripping blood into a puddle) from the panic attack that follows? I hate hate HATE my hemaphobia and have decided to talk to my doctor about some anti-anxiety medication.

That is all :p

Oh no! Are you ok?! o_O

Thalatte said:
So how is everyone feeling today?

Well besides Courtney chopping her finger off...

There is a new pope and apparently his ceremony made every channel as all my shows I had taping today were just his ceremony.

I'm doing good, not home but still about 70 in Boise :)

We had a snowfall this morning.. I came out of the house to an albino grass invasion.

It has been so cold today. I ran out at lunch to pick up some food and I think I shivered enough to count as a work out on my walk. ;)
I also realized at lunch that I am really a one trick pony when it comes to the kind of men I find attractive. I rode down the elevator with this man who works in the building and I see often. I always think he is soooo handsome. Today I realized he looks like an older version of my husband. He has the same hair, same height, same blue eyes, same general look about him. :p


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
That's not such a bad thing to be attracted to your husband and men That generally look like him.


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I just spent close to 2 1/2 hours at the dentist. On a side note, it's way sunny today and all tortoises are out grazing.
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