Pretend chat 2

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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Thalatte said:
She told me "well once she is in daycare thats it, your out. You cant turn around and say nevermind."

Sorry forgot the quotations.

yeah she was kinda rude about it. Saying once I make the decision I cant get my job back. Why would I want it back?

Exactly :)
You may miss the little one but you will love being with your critters.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Not lately. Kimberly has made it completely impossible to discipline piper and due to this I dont like piiper most days. Its just one drama fit after another and throwing fits. I have no control over her and she gets everything handed to her and the only big person food she eats is chicken nuggets and fruit loops anything else she eats is baby food.


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Thalatte said:
Not lately. Kimberly has made it completely impossible to discipline piper and due to this I dont like piiper most days. Its just one drama fit after another and throwing fits. I have no control over her and she gets everything handed to her and the only big person food she eats is chicken nuggets and fruit loops anything else she eats is baby food.

Oh that's no good!!
I stayed under 1100 calories again yay


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Yay Kerryan! I try to stay under 1k calories but it is hard. Especially as I drink alot of tea with honey and coffee with creamer.


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Thalatte said:
Yay Kerryan! I try to stay under 1k calories but it is hard. Especially as I drink alot of tea with honey and coffee with creamer.

Tea with honey is a good idea. I need a replacement for my flavored water.


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Well that did explain things better. And she is right. I hope for you and the little one that you will be able to continue interactions with her. You know, the fun stuff like teaching valuing life no matter how alien it would seem, not the puking on you parts.


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Thalatte said:
She told me "well once she is in daycare thats it, your out. You cant turn around and say nevermind."

Sorry forgot the quotations.

yeah she was kinda rude about it. Saying once I make the decision I cant get my job back. Why would I want it back?
It sounds like she is trying to manipulate you into staying by saying that Piper would have inferior care when you leave.

Today, the two little ones and I are going to an Easter Egg Hunt and a magic show yay!!


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Well that did explain things better. And she is right. I hope for you and the little one that you will be able to continue interactions with her. You know, the fun stuff like teaching valuing life no matter how alien it would seem, not the puking on you parts.

I think on some cases it's hard to mentor if the parents work against you. I do a lot of mentoring and there are schools and advocacy groups I work through. It's very nice and a good environment because I get to mentor and the parents bring the kids there to be mentored which equals support. I am sure if she wants to mentor she can find a group local to her home. She would get more satisfaction from a real mentoring experience.

Yvonne G

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CtTortoiseMom said:
It says "Kiss my mustache".

I can't believe I was that dense!

Good morning, everyone.

Today I'm going to the nursery and getting some of those purple and white daisies. I don't know what they're called.

Yesterday I put up two sections of fence for the new box turtle pen. I'm taking pictures as I go. The area is so overgrown with weeds that its hard to see the pen. After I get the fence up and the turtles moved in I'll pull a few weeds. Yeah...right.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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A Land Far Away...
African Daisy?

sibi said:
All you who are suffering from allergies, did you ever try using tea tree oil? My hubby has psoriasis and it gets worst with stress. The tea tree oil really helps with that. Also, you may find relief with a product called Tecnu. It wad originally created to wash radioactive material off your skin. But now, they found that it helps people whose skin problems causes itching. I've used it for poison Ivy, strange itching,and it helped. It's worth a try.

I'll have to see if I can find some. My psoriasis is currently far worse then it has ever been or I even ever imagined it could be. None of the over the counter creams and lotions or the vinegar or bleach baths are making any kind of dent in it or making me feel less yucky. I am miserable. It hurts to sit or lay down, because thats where the solid huge patches are. Riding in a car is hard to get comfortable doing. Seems any movement either rubs or pulls the spts and makes it uncomfortable to do. If it's not the pain, it's the itching. Why does it feel so darn good to just sratch and sratch some more? Shouldn't your body make scratching feel like a bad thing? Sure would help. :D :rolleyes: Jeans really make it seem worse, so I have been wearing the sweat pants. When I take off my pants, it's like a blizzard with the dry skin that falls out and the socks have this big white line around the cuffs of skin pieces. I shouldn't whine too much, atleast at this point my palms, soles and face are free of spots/patches. I on one hand hope it stays cold, because I can't imagine facing going out in public with my bare arms showing. On the other, will be nice to not have that extra layer of clothing rubbing against me. I am so hoping that Monday morning the Dr has some magical cream, pill, or shot for me. Okay major whine and self pity party over,


5 Year Member
Oct 17, 2009
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Good morning everyone! Happy Saturday!!!!

Building the Stars a new enclosure today, very excited! :)

Thalatte said:
I watching tmnt!!! And yes I sang along to the theme song!

Awesome! jealous right now. :p

Thalatte said:
She told me "well once she is in daycare thats it, your out. You cant turn around and say nevermind."

Sorry forgot the quotations.

yeah she was kinda rude about it. Saying once I make the decision I cant get my job back. Why would I want it back?
CtTortoiseMom said:
It sounds like she is trying to manipulate you into staying by saying that Piper would have inferior care when you leave.

I agree, she's using your affection toward Piper to manipulate you. Not cool. Furthermore, she's bluffing. She relies on you way too much to cut you out completely.


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emysemys said:
CtTortoiseMom said:
It says "Kiss my mustache".

I can't believe I was that dense!

Good morning, everyone.

Today I'm going to the nursery and getting some of those purple and white daisies. I don't know what they're called.

Yesterday I put up two sections of fence for the new box turtle pen. I'm taking pictures as I go. The area is so overgrown with weeds that its hard to see the pen. After I get the fence up and the turtles moved in I'll pull a few weeds. Yeah...right.

Your tortoises are going to vote no to that proposal. :)


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No idea where that came from…thrilled.
A friend of Karen's is giving her a new bow front aquarium and they asked us to bring syko Ava over for a play date with their dog. Then, some buddies of mine are heading over to sit around the fire pit and consume adult beverages. Good times, good times.


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Dec 31, 2011
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Jacqui said:
African Daisy?

sibi said:
All you who are suffering from allergies, did you ever try using tea tree oil? My hubby has psoriasis and it gets worst with stress. The tea tree oil really helps with that. Also, you may find relief with a product called Tecnu. It wad originally created to wash radioactive material off your skin. But now, they found that it helps people whose skin problems causes itching. I've used it for poison Ivy, strange itching,and it helped. It's worth a try.

I'll have to see if I can find some. My psoriasis is currently far worse then it has ever been or I even ever imagined it could be. None of the over the counter creams and lotions or the vinegar or bleach baths are making any kind of dent in it or making me feel less yucky. I am miserable. It hurts to sit or lay down, because thats where the solid huge patches are. Riding in a car is hard to get comfortable doing. Seems any movement either rubs or pulls the spts and makes it uncomfortable to do. If it's not the pain, it's the itching. Why does it feel so darn good to just sratch and sratch some more? Shouldn't your body make scratching feel like a bad thing? Sure would help. :D :rolleyes: Jeans really make it seem worse, so I have been wearing the sweat pants. When I take off my pants, it's like a blizzard with the dry skin that falls out and the socks have this big white line around the cuffs of skin pieces. I shouldn't whine too much, atleast at this point my palms, soles and face are free of spots/patches. I on one hand hope it stays cold, because I can't imagine facing going out in public with my bare arms showing. On the other, will be nice to not have that extra layer of clothing rubbing against me. I am so hoping that Monday morning the Dr has some magical cream, pill, or shot for me. Okay major whine and self pity party over,

We are the itchers and scratchers huh. :p I have huge hive patches up both of my legs. I don't get dry skin really. i used to but I put gold bond medicated on every day twice a day and as long as I keep on it it keeps dry skin from forming. My husband gets dry cracking skin on his elbows.

My issue I had under control is now back out of control. My team responded to it well. Okay so they didn't respond like I would but they responded better than ever and my assistant's communication with the client has been superb. I am still a wreck over here. I hate when this happens but I also hate wearing down my team every weekend and nights for this. :( I love my clients and I love my peeps so I hate these situations..

Yvonne G

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I GOOGLED both products and it looks like you should be able to find them at Walgreens.


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Our Easter egg hunt had snow flurries and Lily was very upset that the Easter Bunny was wearing sneakers. She stage whispered that she knew he wasn't real. Real Easter Bunnies don't wear shoes!!! You cannot pull one over on her, then she asked the Easter Bunny where the "weal" Easter bunny was and said she wouldn't tell anyone. ImageUploadedByTortoiseForum1364058800.927924.jpg

Kerryann said:
Jacqui said:
African Daisy?

sibi said:
All you who are suffering from allergies, did you ever try using tea tree oil? My hubby has psoriasis and it gets worst with stress. The tea tree oil really helps with that. Also, you may find relief with a product called Tecnu. It wad originally created to wash radioactive material off your skin. But now, they found that it helps people whose skin problems causes itching. I've used it for poison Ivy, strange itching,and it helped. It's worth a try.

I'll have to see if I can find some. My psoriasis is currently far worse then it has ever been or I even ever imagined it could be. None of the over the counter creams and lotions or the vinegar or bleach baths are making any kind of dent in it or making me feel less yucky. I am miserable. It hurts to sit or lay down, because thats where the solid huge patches are. Riding in a car is hard to get comfortable doing. Seems any movement either rubs or pulls the spts and makes it uncomfortable to do. If it's not the pain, it's the itching. Why does it feel so darn good to just sratch and sratch some more? Shouldn't your body make scratching feel like a bad thing? Sure would help. :D :rolleyes: Jeans really make it seem worse, so I have been wearing the sweat pants. When I take off my pants, it's like a blizzard with the dry skin that falls out and the socks have this big white line around the cuffs of skin pieces. I shouldn't whine too much, atleast at this point my palms, soles and face are free of spots/patches. I on one hand hope it stays cold, because I can't imagine facing going out in public with my bare arms showing. On the other, will be nice to not have that extra layer of clothing rubbing against me. I am so hoping that Monday morning the Dr has some magical cream, pill, or shot for me. Okay major whine and self pity party over,

We are the itchers and scratchers huh. :p I have huge hive patches up both of my legs. I don't get dry skin really. i used to but I put gold bond medicated on every day twice a day and as long as I keep on it it keeps dry skin from forming. My husband gets dry cracking skin on his elbows.

My issue I had under control is now back out of control. My team responded to it well. Okay so they didn't respond like I would but they responded better than ever and my assistant's communication with the client has been superb. I am still a wreck over here. I hate when this happens but I also hate wearing down my team every weekend and nights for this. :( I love my clients and I love my peeps so I hate these situations..

I'm sorry that your Saturday is so stressful! I hope it gets better!!
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Nice hats. I think the “fake" Easter bunny is lucky it wasn't wearing goggles!

Yvonne, did you see the grant opportunity that I posted in personal promo section? I'm serious that I think you should go for it!!!!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Erin, you need to educate your daughter better, we all know it's really the Easter turtle NOT the rabbit. :p :D


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Jacqui said:
Erin, you need to educate your daughter better, we all know it's really the Easter turtle NOT the rabbit. :p :D
I will try and sell that one to her.

I am off to order new appliances for my new kitchen. It's fun if I pretend that I am not spending my own money :)
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