Lyn W

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5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
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I think "Lost" ended so stupidly. It was such a good show until they started inventing weird good vs evil mythology garbage....sigh. The show was so good until then. Now, I couldn't rewatch it, knowing it's going to take a nose dive.

Love LOVE the new Doctor Whos, but admit that I am struggling with the new Peter Capaldi seasons. I like Clara. I like Peter Capaldi. I like the idea of an older Doctor and dropping the love-interest companions, but I don't like the way his character is being directed. I'm not a fan of some of the ways they've changed the Doctor's character either. I used to be obsessed with the show and am sadly turning luke warm.

I'll watch some adipose to cheer myself up:)
The music for this one is great...
I have no idea what that was about!!

Gillian M

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 28, 2014
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@Gillian Moore
Minus a billion points, or thereabouts for November.
Or I could be kidding..............
Good evening Adam, Wifey, and Tidgy. :tort:

WHY the minus a billion points? :confused: What on earth have I done this time? (Joking).

Regards to Wifey, and kisses to Tidgy from :<3: Oli.:)

Prairie Mom

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2014
Do you know many of the scenes are filmed in and around where I live?
WHAT!?!? I'll be over in about 12 hrs:D

The closest I have come to any Doctor Who film locations is that I've hiked and camped around where they filmed The Impossible Astronaut:) I would have road tripped and stalked the film crew if I had known in advance.

In the episode, he's supposedly killed at "Lake Silencio," but it was actually shot at a more remote location of Lake Powell in Southern Utah.
doctor who lake powell astronaut.jpg

doctor who lake powell.jpg