
Well-Known Member
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Jul 31, 2012
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Good morning Roomies... and especially you, Noel! ( @AZtortMom ). Thinking of you and wishing you extra good luck!

Thank you love [emoji173]️[emoji847]
I have my boyfriend helping me with the shelled kids afterwards so I don’t have to do all the heavy lifting [emoji1]


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Jun 23, 2018
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East Texas
Thank you love [emoji173]️[emoji847]
I have my boyfriend helping me with the shelled kids afterwards so I don’t have to do all the heavy lifting [emoji1]

Good deal that you have some willing help... and the company may be good too? I always hate when they schedule you for a procedure later in the day.. it’s hard enough to get going with NO caffeine but to prolong the ordeal may be the worst part [emoji35] just let us know when your done please:)


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 31, 2012
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Sunny AZ
Good deal that you have some willing help... and the company may be good too? I always hate when they schedule you for a procedure later in the day.. it’s hard enough to get going with NO caffeine but to prolong the ordeal may be the worst part [emoji35] just let us know when your done please:)

Oh of course [emoji851]
I will definitely let my roommates know.
It will be very nice to have company for sure [emoji1].
I’m definitely looking forward to my coffee [emoji477]️ later


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
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South Africa - Cape Town
I see my pill bugs at night eating left over greens the torts didn’t eat. Sometimes the greens get scattered in the dirt and get all wilted and they love it.
LOL, My one cannot keep up. I really need to find more, but it is so difficult. I was very surprised to fond the one that I already did though. But I look in the garden everyday on the off chance that I might find another one or two.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
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South Africa - Cape Town
Yea...I know I do like it. I pretty much check out new members to see what the older members have to say so I can learn more. Or just try to offer some encouragement until a more experienced person answers them.
The same. i actually don't like giving advise as I have only looked after tortoises properly for about over a year now. So I really don't feel like I have enough experience. And I am so scared that I give the wrong advice.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
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South Africa - Cape Town
@Pastel Tortie @EllieMay @CarolM
Here is a pic of my old arm looking inside. See the 2 rectangle pads with 3 dark spots. Those are the sensors. One is positioned one my forearm muscles. One at the top right. When I flex that upper muscle by thinking of flexing my wrist up (which I don't have) the sensor activates the hand to open. When I flex my non=wrist down.The lower muscle located on the inner left of the forearm the other sensor activates the hand to close. There are 2 light touch buttons on the arm. By selecting each of those buttons with my other hand. In different sequences I get 10 different finger positions. The wrist turns 360 manually with my other hand. The wrist flexes up or down where you can lock in the position or let it free range. You plug it in like a cellphone. I have had the old one on for 8hrs and didn't run the battery low. It is suction fit with a pressure relief check valve towards the front. So when I put my forearm in. It forces the air out the valve. Push a button on the valve lets air in to release the suction.Ask any questions you want. For who doesn't know. In November of 2015 my wife and I were snowbirds. We left Michigan back to Florida. In Georgia the left rear axle shaft broke on my pickup truck. We rolled down I=75 going 70 and ended up in the median. No other vehicles involved. My wife had moderate head injuries and fractures in her neck and some bumps and bruises. I was helicoptered to another hospital in Macon Georgia and was there for 3 months in a coma. Broken ribs, fractured vertebrae in neck, fractured scapula, dislocated right clavicle ( still dislocated) damage to my right arm. Amputated right hand past the wrist and amputated right leg above the knee from medical complications.

View attachment 264790
Wow, That was quite a serious accident. Just glad that you are still alive though. And your arm is amazing. My son is studying mecatronics with the view of going into the medical field side of it at the end. So this would be the sort of thing he would ultimately be designing and engineering (I think). It is amazing how far technology has actually come. Now they just need to design prosthetics which can be controlled by your brain, then we will definitely be going into the realm of sci-fi.


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Oct 26, 2011
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Good afternoon all. Just checking in.

I have been back to the doctor as my antibiotics finish today. He is satisfied the bacterial infection is cleared, but there is still stuff to cough up. He reckons there should be steady improvement without the need for further antibiotics and will be at least a week to 10 days before I clear the cough completely. I am getting there, but it slooooow!


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good to see you back Linda, and pleased you are feeling a bit better but sorry it's such a slow recovery for you,
Hopefully the antibiotics will continue to work in your system after they have finished but maybe the doc has something stronger to try.
Carry on resting and taking it easy and I'm sending good wishes your way.

I'm OK thank you - just going a bit stir crazy!!!
Can't wait to go to the hospital on Friday just to have a change of scene - the highlight of my week!
This is the time where you catch up on all your programs that you always miss and would like to watch.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
That would be ideal at the moment but I am hoping that if all goes well it will only be another month before I can weight bear - it will probably take longer than that to get one fitted!
Oh such a pity. Oh well, you will just have to use the pully system and teach Lola to haul you up the stairs. Speaking of Lola has he gone to the care facility yet?


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Jun 23, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
East Texas
Good afternoon all. Just checking in.

I have been back to the doctor as my antibiotics finish today. He is satisfied the bacterial infection is cleared, but there is still stuff to cough up. He reckons there should be steady improvement without the need for further antibiotics and will be at least a week to 10 days before I clear the cough completely. I am getting there, but it slooooow!

Well this is good news though still frustrating for you I’m sure... I hope you can find a way to relax and enjoy your downtime.. I may be the worst about being too impatient and causing relapse so I don’t wish that for you at all!!! We miss your posts!

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