Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Glad to see that everyone is still fine.
Lola is still self isolating and refusing to stay out in the garden even though we've had some lovely sunny days. He has been venturing a little further from his hide each day though so maybe by September he'll want to spend more time outdoors!
We could do with some rain now as its been dry for a few weeks and a forest fire was started by some kids last week. Thankfully there was no wind so it didn't spread too far, but what low life to do that and they should have been at home!
I have been having a good sort out and have a heap of rubbish to get rid of but nowhere to take it as the dumps are all shut.
I can't see an end to all this for along time and I don't think anyone has worked out how we can get back to normal. Two of my nieces are working on covid wards and its a worry. Very upsetting for them that they can't save everyone, so decisions are having to be made about who gets a ventilator and lives. I have asthma so it's unlikely they'll save me, so as bad as it is I'm staying home!!!
Stay safe everyone!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
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burton michigan
It was so crazy when I did that for my brother so he would have something to do. The 2 poor girls at the JoAnn's Fabric I ordered from are being run ragged. The manager is my niece so I got to hear all of it. I don't think this will settle down soon. Even when the crisis ends people will think differently and start using curbside pickup more. The stores will accommodate or close some brick and morter stores maybe. I think that would be a really bad thing and even worse then this virus.
I agree, I hope not because this will lead to some job loss, and it will be the team members, who needs the job the worst, I don't know but I believe humen contact is so important, nothing wrong with taking extra care about personal space and being mindful when sick and cleaning our hand, etc, bit this scares me, because I don't want to live in a world where we are scared of our community, and don't go out, communication with others and face to face , is important for our soul, most of us or hard wired to be with others, in something way or another,


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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
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Palm Bay Fl
If only it was that simple!!!
I don't know if you've seen the warnings yet but this has proved to be a myth put out by a fake scientist. While all fruit and veg are essential for good health and could help your immune system, they will not protect from Covid 19. So stay safe !
I hope the hospital that put that out meant it to be a suggestion and not a cure. Rose's friend is a nurse there. She works in the dialysis department so she isn't in the war zone.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
burton michigan
The other torts grass is always greener!! yes sight barriers should help!
If it's outdoors , then you will , a linner, of some kind, you can get a kiddy pool or a tarp, or a plastic premade pond, depends on the size you need, but no matter what size you go with make sure they can get in and out on there own, dig a hole, the size you need, and put the linner in, and double check before adding water that the torts and in fact get out, then add water, I would recommend gettttg a water fall that pumps water back though helps keep bugs down, , if you get freezing weather you need to be able to dumb the water before it freezes, and pulling the linner so it doesn't freeze and be damaged


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
Hi everyone

Sorry I have been absent for a while. No excuses apart from trying not to be on the internet too much.

We are all fit and well. Our pond has its first critters... two pond skaters (insects). It isn’t planted yet as advice is to do it in May for a better chance of the plants establishing properly.

Today’s fascinating chore has been sanding the outdoor furniture so it can be re-oiled.

Hope all is well in the CDR :)

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
That's great! I may try it. ( buy online pick up at the store) for certain items I buy. Like cat litter, cat food, etc. And heavy stuff I always buy. Other things like fresh produce, meat, I want to choose myself. But having the heavier items delivered to my car would help so much.
Well, you need to shop online at Before the virus thing chewy does free two day delivery if you spend more than $49. And they have everything you need for your dogs and cats. They deliver right to your door. It's taking a little longer now, with the pandemic, but it's still better than going to the store for it.

I felt the same as you about wanting to pick out my own groceries, but I was completely satisfied with the way "Christopher" shopped for me. And the substitutions he made were the same as what I would have made.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL MORNING!!! I left the house at 7a to go to the post office to pick up my mail. There was little to no traffic, and there was no one at the P.O. I got my mail, then stopped by the store for eggs and butter (I want to make some brownies). There were only about 5 people at the store, and all the clerks were wearing masks. They even had a clerk outside wiping down the shopping carts with germ killer.

When I got back home, and after I fed and watered the tortoises, I took my generic weedeater out to the horse paddocks and knocked down some weeds until the battery lost its power. Then I chopped them with the shovel until my back lost its power. I'm all out of generic Round-up, or I would be out there spraying weed killer on those pesky weeds!

(I wonder if my generic Round-up will give me generic cancer. . .)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Glad to see that everyone is still fine.
Lola is still self isolating and refusing to stay out in the garden even though we've had some lovely sunny days. He has been venturing a little further from his hide each day though so maybe by September he'll want to spend more time outdoors!
We could do with some rain now as its been dry for a few weeks and a forest fire was started by some kids last week. Thankfully there was no wind so it didn't spread too far, but what low life to do that and they should have been at home!
I have been having a good sort out and have a heap of rubbish to get rid of but nowhere to take it as the dumps are all shut.
I can't see an end to all this for along time and I don't think anyone has worked out how we can get back to normal. Two of my nieces are working on covid wards and its a worry. Very upsetting for them that they can't save everyone, so decisions are having to be made about who gets a ventilator and lives. I have asthma so it's unlikely they'll save me, so as bad as it is I'm staying home!!!
Stay safe everyone!!!
You too Lyn. Please stay safe.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Hi everyone

Sorry I have been absent for a while. No excuses apart from trying not to be on the internet too much.

We are all fit and well. Our pond has its first critters... two pond skaters (insects). It isn’t planted yet as advice is to do it in May for a better chance of the plants establishing properly.

Today’s fascinating chore has been sanding the outdoor furniture so it can be re-oiled.

Hope all is well in the CDR :)
We have missed you Linda. Where are our pictures of the pond?


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Kent, South East England
We have missed you Linda. Where are our pictures of the pond?

I cooked a slow roast lamb shoulder for dinner this evening. It was amazing! It was in the oven 5 hours, but it was worth it.

And we had homemade Christmas Pudding pulled from the freezer for dessert


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
View attachment 290658

I cooked a slow roast lamb shoulder for dinner this evening. It was amazing! It was in the oven 5 hours, but it was worth it.

View attachment 290659
And we had homemade Christmas Pudding pulled from the freezer for dessert
View attachment 290661
I love the pond. And thanks for lunch and pudding. It was really yummy.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
May 29, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
View attachment 290658

I cooked a slow roast lamb shoulder for dinner this evening. It was amazing! It was in the oven 5 hours, but it was worth it.

View attachment 290659
And we had homemade Christmas Pudding pulled from the freezer for dessert
View attachment 290661

Now bring us some figgy pudding, now Bring us some figgy BRING us some figgy pudding, niw bring some over here!

what did u use, ever clear?