Jacky And Daisy


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

I'm a bit later than usual as it's been a busy day. Zola those robins look gorgeous and they are obviously still very young. How are your swallows? Edward how are you? The temperatures sound okay.

It has been 27 degrees Celsius here and Jacky has been enjoying herself. She has certainly been enjoying the strawberries and the bathroom scales.

I woke up to some sad news in that an old family friend from Malaysia has passed away from cancer. She was a lovely lady and I am in touch with her daughters. She passed away peacefully at home surrounded by family.

Angie I often think of Richard's brother who you told me about and I hope Richard is okay. My nephew has been sending messages and I am very pleased about this. He will be going to university in September and I shall be able to have even more contact with him.

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy

PS: Besha if you scroll back you be able to see Jacky using the food bowl as a basking table!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Natrah - I'm so pleased about your nephew, as I remember saying you liked him. I doubt if I shall see any of my family again - it is just possible my brother and his wife will come over from France one day, but probably not. Richard has no plans to go to Canada again to visit his family -he and I did go once, a long time ago, and his dad lent us his car and we went around to see a lot of the places Richard knew as a child, and also to see some of the famous sights - that was really interesting. But we now have Zola, and wouldn't be prepared to leave him with anyone else.
Anyway, it was quite cold and windy today, so Zola just had a brief look at the sea,but he is eating very well and full of energy.
Love to you, Jacky and Angel Daisy and all our forum friends from Angie and Zola xxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

My day didn't quite turn out as I planned because I thought I was going to do some shopping and then go and teach in Rayleigh but the pupils had to cancel so I did the shopping and then I did administrative work before looking at old letters. As you all know an old family friend from Malaysia passed so I read through some old letters sent from mum to nana (here in the UK with Jacky and Daisy) I found the two letters concerned but reading through other letters was very interesting. When one of them mentions meeting a Dutch couple who lived near the beach and they spoke about seeing anteaters and Cobras in their garden! It's so interesting reading these old letters!

Anyway Jacky went to bed early after a day spent basking and eating strawberries, greens, lettuce and dandelions. I hope to take Jacky out to see the Red Arrows flying past on their way to Southend Airport on Sunday but otherwise I don't really like leaving her if I go away. How are you Sue, Dickie and Sherman @MoggyMad?

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Angel DaisyIMG20240628152519.jpg
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Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Good evening everyone!

My day didn't quite turn out as I planned because I thought I was going to do some shopping and then go and teach in Rayleigh but the pupils had to cancel so I did the shopping and then I did administrative work before looking at old letters. As you all know an old family friend from Malaysia passed so I read through some old letters sent from mum to nana (here in the UK with Jacky and Daisy) I found the two letters concerned but reading through other letters was very interesting. When one of them mentions meeting a Dutch couple who lived near the beach and they spoke about seeing anteaters and Cobras in their garden! It's so interesting reading these old letters!

Anyway Jacky went to bed early after a day spent basking and eating strawberries, greens, lettuce and dandelions. I hope to take Jacky out to see the Red Arrows flying past on their way to Southend Airport on Sunday but otherwise I don't really like leaving her if I go away. How are you Sue, Dickie and Sherman @MoggyMad?

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Angel DaisyView attachment 373056
Good evening everyone!

My day didn't quite turn out as I planned because I thought I was going to do some shopping and then go and teach in Rayleigh but the pupils had to cancel so I did the shopping and then I did administrative work before looking at old letters. As you all know an old family friend from Malaysia passed so I read through some old letters sent from mum to nana (here in the UK with Jacky and Daisy) I found the two letters concerned but reading through other letters was very interesting. When one of them mentions meeting a Dutch couple who lived near the beach and they spoke about seeing anteaters and Cobras in their garden! It's so interesting reading these old letters!

Anyway Jacky went to bed early after a day spent basking and eating strawberries, greens, lettuce and dandelions. I hope to take Jacky out to see the Red Arrows flying past on their way to Southend Airport on Sunday but otherwise I don't really like leaving her if I go away. How are you Sue, Dickie and Sherman @MoggyMad?

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Angel DaisyView attachment 373056
Dear Natrah - Jacky looks very happy - I hope you can manage to take her to see the Red Arrows tomorrow - I wish I could see them too. Ihave had a fairly quiet day, as my dad said it was too cold to go for our walk on the breakwater,so I stayed in with my mum while he did some work in the garden. He has done a lot of clearing up, as lots of plants have got very large.
My mum has been on her new pills since Monday, and is feeling a bit dizzy a lot of the time, but hasn't had any really bad side effects so far. She isn't likely to notice much improvement for some weeks at least. We had our daily stroke earlier, and both nearly went to sleep. !
I hope you have a good day tomorrow.
Love to you, Jacky and Angel Daisy, and to all my forum friends from Zola xxxxxxx and Angiexxxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

Zola how does your mum feel now that she's had the pills for a few days. I hope she's starting to adjust to them and isn't quite so dizzy. She might have to look up the side-effects of these pills and other medication. Edward how are you feeling now? Have you passed anymore stones and do you still have discharge? I am pleased to see @Chefdenoel10 here although @MenagerieGrl and @MoggyMad have been quiet. I'm sad to see that @AmandaF has probably left.

We've had quite a busy day starting with the drowning session before I went into the garden. After lunch Natrah took me to the cliffs to see the Red Arrows but they didn't turn maybe because it was cloudy but the cliffs were still allowed to get wild and so we both saw two Marbled White butterflies this time. We also saw a Red Admiral and some Meadow Browns.

After some foraging we went home where I had something to eat before leaving several presents for Natrah. Natrah says she may go back to the cliffs later.

Goodnight everyone

Jacky, Angel Daisy and Natrah

PS: Jacky forgot to include the photos of herself on the cliffs. Unfortunately I can't bring her all the time because she's quite heavy in the pet carrier but I can take her out occasionally.IMG20240630144710.jpgIMG20240630144654.jpg
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Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Jacky - my mum is still feeling very tired and rather strange, but she has talked to a nurse who says this is quite normal -it will improve within a few weeks. The swallows are still around in the carport, but not as much now - they still sleep there in the nest,as we can tell from all their presents. Here they are, squashed into the nest, and here are a couple of them posing for my dad. They are not at all afraid of us - they seem to see us as friends.Which we are, of course.
Love to you all from Zola xxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

Zola how does your mum feel now that she's had the pills for a few days. I hope she's starting to adjust to them and isn't quite so dizzy. She might have to look up the side-effects of these pills and other medication. Edward how are you feeling now? Have you passed anymore stones and do you still have discharge? I am pleased to see @Chefdenoel10 here although @MenagerieGrl and @MoggyMad have been quiet. I'm sad to see that @AmandaF has probably left.

We've had quite a busy day starting with the drowning session before I went into the garden. After lunch Natrah took me to the cliffs to see the Red Arrows but they didn't turn maybe because it was cloudy but the cliffs were still allowed to get wild and so we both saw two Marbled White butterflies this time. We also saw a Red Admiral and some Meadow Browns.

After some foraging we went home where I had something to eat before leaving several presents for Natrah. Natrah says she may go back to the cliffs later.

Goodnight everyone

Jacky, Angel Daisy and Natrah

PS: Jacky forgot to include the photos of herself on the cliffs. Unfortunately I can't bring her all the time because she's quite heavy in the pet carrier but I can take her out occasionally.View attachment 373139View attachment 373140
Just got back from my second visit to the cliffs where I got to see the Red Arrows. Jacky is fast asleep but as you can see she had a busy day. It's good see Alex and Besha on here and those swallows are growing Zola!


Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Just got back from my second visit to the cliffs where I got to see the Red Arrows. Jacky is fast asleep but as you can see she had a busy day. It's good see Alex and Besha on here and those swallows are growing Zola!

Besha was very excited about Jacky's adventure on the cliffs! She sends her best regards to everyone.


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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Hello Natrah
I’m sorry to read about your family friend passing away. Sounds like she had a wonderful supportive family looking after her.
I‘m not getting alerts again & it was only because I looked in just in case that I saw these messages.
All is ok here. Dickie hasn’t done much today as it’s not been sunny & was a bit windy. I don’t think she’s eaten today but up to now she’s been eating very well.
@Alex and the Redfoot I loved the photo of Besha about to tuck into that huge plate of food 😆
Dickie has discovered that she likes apple & goes at it quite fiercely. I know she mustn’t have much though.
I‘ll keep checking in regularily …

Goodnight all


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

It's good to know you're all okay Sue but how's Sherman. Has he dug anymore holes? Jacky has eaten a little bit today and she has had a stroll but otherwise she's found it rather cool. We did have some sun but otherwise it was a bit dull. At least we haven't got Hurricane Beryl.

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Natrah-the weather hasn't been too bad today - a bit warmer - and my dad took me for a walk on the breakwater. I am getting very strong with all this walking and climbing ! It will be my birthday on Monday next week, and I shall be 24 ! My mum and dad got me when I was very little, and I'm glad they found me, as I must admit they try to give me a good and interesting life. Of course they are most appreciative of all the many presents with which I reward them !
Goodnight and love to all my friends from Zola xxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Dear Natrah-the weather hasn't been too bad today - a bit warmer - and my dad took me for a walk on the breakwater. I am getting very strong with all this walking and climbing ! It will be my birthday on Monday next week, and I shall be 24 ! My mum and dad got me when I was very little, and I'm glad they found me, as I must admit they try to give me a good and interesting life. Of course they are most appreciative of all the many presents with which I reward them !
Goodnight and love to all my friends from Zola xxxx
Good evening Zola,

Did you see the message from Jacky yesterday where she said she left a few presents🤣🐢?



Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

It's good to know you're all okay Sue but how's Sherman. Has he dug anymore holes? Jacky has eaten a little bit today and she has had a stroll but otherwise she's found it rather cool. We did have some sun but otherwise it was a bit dull. At least we haven't got Hurricane Beryl.

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy
No news on Sherman. Pete hasn’t seen him as he’s been working elsewhere on site last few Saturdays.
If there are any more holes to repair they will appear on his job list!


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

I haven't passed any more stones, nor do I have discharge from my nose anymore. Experts on the forum advised my servant to give me more cucumber and lessen the fiber content of my diet by putting my pellets on hold. I have been really liking the cucumber, but I get hungry quicker without my pellets!

Edward :tort: